Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts

Psychic Tips & Hints

Remember, the more you do it, 
the better you'll get. 
Practice. Practice. Practice. 
Consistency is Key. 

 Choose your inner circle wisely. We are all doing the best that we can. Many times we are able to talk ourselves in and out of things that go against our gut feeling. We all want to protect our families, our children and our pets. You would never leave your child with someone you don't know. Don't leave your animals or home in the care of someone until you've thoroughly researched them. So, just to be on 'the safe side' CHECK on the people you let into your life ~ all aspects of your life. Not everyone has ill intentions or plan to cause havoc in your life; they may just have a different moral scale than you do or have a history of getting into some kind of trouble. There are many sites that range from $9.99-19.99 to get a thorough background check. Is that ten dollars' worth it? ~ Absolutely. A few dollars now could save you thousands of dollars in the future and eliminate stress, trauma and heartache. Listening to yourself is mandatory ~ just as checking on people  that get near you, your home, business, family and pets should be.

 Meditate! Being told to meditate is nothing new; everyone has heard this before. Why? Because it works. Whether you want to eliminate stress and anxiety, increase your psychic abilities, improve your connection with your Higher Self or get answers from within ~ meditation is the key. There are so many ways to meditate, so many disciplines to choose from and so many books to read~ try a download and enter it into your practice every day. If you 'don't have time' get one that puts you to sleep, wakes you up in the morning (you can use it as your alarm!) or a 5 minute break session. It's about shifting your consciousness and that is what these downloads are meant to do. (Read about how these downloads are different, click here.)  Try them. You'll be glad you did. Click here to visit our hypnosis and meditation selections.

Visit our Psychic Store for New Downloads and free Affirmation eBooks 

We're always adding new downloads. Be sure to check back regularly to see what's new!

Develop your Psychic Abilities Now! Click here for that specific Download.

 Take care of your body! A balanced body is a healthy body. How well do you know your body? Do you listen to it? I mean really listen to it? Your body will tell you the best diet and exercise program, how many hours of sleep you [it] need(s), and even how to heal itself. You body knows what it needs. Take this free health analyzer test. It will take about ten minutes. You can do it every couple of weeks to 'see' how you are doing. Bringing your body into balance and thinking/saying nice things to it is the kindest most supportive thing you can do for it. Eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, getting deep restful sleep, exercising and taking vitamins, minerals and herbs shows that you care about it. A loved body is a happy body.

 Journal! Keeping a record of your experiences and thoughts is priceless. Sometimes we forget why we made the choices we did or how we came to the conclusions. Those amazing Ah-ha moments may slip from our minds or our dreams may fade throughout the day~ journaling keeps them alive and accessible [to our conscious minds/selves]. You can start simple, once a week is great. You can write only when you get the inspiration or when you wake up from a vivid dream. Journaling is a very simple commitment you make to yourself saying, "I want to know what the inner levels of me are saying, thinking, feeling..." A journal can be anything from a spiral bound notebook to an application you have on your phone. You want to use whatever you feel comfortable with. Make it something convenient, personal and special. If you worry about other people reading it, get a small one that you keep on you at all times or have a lock on your phone or on that file in your computer. Check out our Journals at Changes Made Easy .com

At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about

consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!

We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. 

 Self Awareness is invaluable. Pay attention to what you think and what you say. You are always listening to you. Take note of your thinking: Do your thoughts match your goals or how you want to live? Is what you are saying in alignment with what you are feeling and thinking? Do you believe (or want to believe) what you are saying or thinking? Are your actions consistent with who and what you want to be? Your life is a work in progress... Make sure you are heading in a direction that you want to be going.

We love Karma!!! This is a great way to remind the world how much you appreciate Karma  and all that she does for us! 

We have a plethora of Karma products... for every occasion ... for every person ... and for every reason. lol

Are Horoscopes Real?

I get asked all of the time and I was trying to decide if this was a subject I wanted to write about, so, I googled it. OMGosh. I don't recommend it! lol I couldn't believe how many negative and spiteful links there were. Here's your tip for the day: Take anyone (about any subject) that is spewing rage and hate lightly. They are obviously having some challenges keeping themselves in check. Even if what they are writing or saying is true, it's incredibly discrediting when you're screaming; in voice or print. Oh, the second word of advice... Don't be one of those people. For one, it's ugly and I doubt anyone reading this wakes up in the morning saying to themselves, "I want to be the ugliest, meanest person I can be today! Yay!" and for two, it leaves part of you vulnerable. Letting your emotions speak for you is not strength nor is it taking care of yourself. Protect your thoughts, feelings and your Emotional Self. You're important.

Back to Horoscopes. Whether you're reading your daily horoscope, a fiction book or listening to the radio, your Spirit is going to give you messages. Always. And, you're going to use whatever means that it can. The options you give yourself [to speak to you] the more messages that you are going to receive. It's pretty simple. Your subconscious mind 'knows' what's in that book, going to be on the radio and when you should change the channel and what you need. So, it's going to direct you [there] and your Higher Self will prompt you, or alert you, to what is important now. Have you ever noticed a particular line or a scene in a movie stands out for you or a phone conversation or part of a song? That's you alerting you. You'll be drawn to a particular book or application that gives you an affirmation or your reading for the day. 

"Why do they seem to fit me so perfectly?" Or even better, "Why do all the horoscopes for the day seem to fit me?" Because your mind is gathering the information it needs for you. We're talking about you ~ so everything is going to be in relation to you or to whom ever you're thinking about. If you're one of those grumpy people I was talking about earlier, nothing is ever going to fit you, so save yourself some time and throw away that chart. You'll find reasons why it doesn't work for you just like someone who wants the messages will find reasons that it fits them.

So... Are they real? Well, after just reading what I wrote, it makes it sound like a huge crock, lol. I, however, swear by mine and absolutely LOVE my sign. As, with everyone (it's that ethnocentrism thing I have going on) I think mine is the best sign. ;)  But, with everything in the the world, there are no absolutes for everyone; we're all different. Take what you need from it and enjoy it.  

If you find there's particular things about your sign that stick out for you, contemplate them. Do you like that about yourself? Is it something you'd like to enhance or change? Use the knowledge about your sign and your chart to enhance your quality of life. The more you know abut yourself, the easier your world will be to navigate.

Here are a couple GREAT books to get you started. You can probably even find them at the library. 

~ Linda Goodman's Love Signs 
~ The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk
A great company to find books and get a printed chart from is Llewellyn. Here is the link to their horoscope blog, Guided By The Stars.
You may already have your favorites. Go with what you like.

If you find a good astrologer, hang onto their number! (And pass it around!) Having your chart read by someone who is a Master at it... It's indescribably delicious and exciting. I have been lucky enough to have one of those in my life (Yay) and her weekly and monthly newsletters are posted as notes on the Diary Entries of a Psychic Facebook fan page. Check her out. She's great! You can find her here: Ren Rasa Yogamaya 

(I'm not sure if she does charts for people, you'll have to ask her.)

Last note for any naysayers still reading this... Isn't it just a tiny bit interesting that your soul knows you so well, who you are here to be, what you are here to do that 'it' picked the perfect time and day for you to be born?  And, for those of you that had induced births, find out when you were expected. How interesting~ would your sign have changed? Then, a great question for you to ask yourself would be, "Did I know that was going to happen so I planned on it at conception?" 

Happy Self Discovering!

Oh, One last thought...
Find a good application for your phone. there's tons of them to choose from. They are so fun!

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