Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.

Manifesting Monday


What is Manifesting Monday?

It’s creating what you want- kind-of. It’s the aligning yourself with Your Higher Self, knowing and following the rules of the mind, [ man, God, and Nature], accepting and opening to a Spiritual life, and learning the techniques to consciously create what you want. You’ll be finding and honoring the balance of Nature and God and all that is Divine- within and around you. We’ll be weeding out your resistance or negativity so that you can learn or change what you need to, so that you can become your best self and live the life you were made for. It becomes a seamless, joyful transition onto your Golden Path and a deeper connection to yourself.

Join Manifesting Monday

Classes, Coaching and/or Tutoring, and the sessions are held in person, via phone, and on Zoom. It’s by appointment only and registration is required for all classes and seminars. 1-760-333-9993

There are Special Two Class Monday Night Manifesting Sessions offered once a month. 

These Monday Night Manifesting Classes are held on Zoom, (760-333-9993) the last Monday of each month at 7:30 EST and 7:30 PST. Each class adapts to the needs of the group. 

No Experience Necessary for the classes but you must have a Journal [specifically] for this class. If you're a seasoned manifestor, have your manifesting journal with you. You can use your phone or a computer but notebook/journal and pen/pencil is preferred. 

$20 for one class or take both for $30. Couples $30 for one class or take both for $50. 

Join the Zoom meeting 760-333-9993 You may text your questions there, too.

Remember: Just start where you are. Now is better (and more reliable) than tomorrow. You'll be caught up in no time! If you're unsure of what's going on, go bak to the class before. Listen to the Question and Answer sessions. Watch the mini-manifesting videos, interviews, and testimonials. One day, when you least expect it, you'll look back over all of this and without any doubt, be able to say, "I'm so glad I did it." And, in that moment, you'll realize why it was all worth it. 

If You Can Think It,
You Can Create It.
This is just to get it in your mind. We're reviewing so that all parts of you recognize how incredibly important this is and how much power that you have

 Why Manifest?

You are a Powerful Creator Spirit. It's your Divine Right and personal responsibility to create what and who you want in your life. You'll focus on your goals and what you want to be creating. You'll learn different techniques, get your questions answered, and enjoy some focused time with like-minded people. This is a great way to get yourself into the habit of manifesting regularly, hold yourself accountable, and give yourself something to look forward to.

Plus, it's a great way to reinforce that it does work, that you can do it, and have the encouragement and support that makes everything easier. You'll get some new ideas, hear success stories, and get the attention you need to be able to improve your manifesting. Stick with it and you'll be amazed at what you can do. 

Subscribe to the Manifesting Class Newsletter [here].

If you join the Manifesting Classes email list, you'll get an email to remind you the day before the class, and email the day of with a link to login, and an email after the class with your homework, links,  notes, and anything else you may need. That means you'll get three emails a week. 

Did You Miss A Class?

Monthly Manifesting Classes for Sale $25 each Includes: the Link to class video, any notes that were taken, recommended reading and audios, homework assignments, worksheets, and some audios

Materials Required: manifesting journal, notebook or journal, 2-3 different colored pens, subscription to the Unlimited Potential Program (hypnosis audio streaming .com)

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