Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~
When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
We'll be focusing on manifesting all year long. Yay! We've started some new boards on Pinterest for manifesting exercises and worksheets. You can download, save and print the instructions, memes and worksheets. To help you fast track your creating, we're introducing new (and complimentary) matching hypnosis and guided meditation videos and downloads. The audios will match the 21 Day Challenges and the Holiday Manifesting. It's a great way to get yourself used to using all parts of your mind to create what you want in your life.
Ready to Get a Jump on Your Day? Pick one affirmation a day and use it. I mean use it all day long. We have a board dedicated to them: Daily Affirmations Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou'll be shocked to watch your life transform as you train your conscious mind to stay focused on what you want.
Psychic Tip: Making a habit of using affirmations (any positive phrase that you repeat to yourself) will improve every aspect of your life. Download the memes and post them everywhere, use them as screen savers, print them and put them up where you can see the or even use them as scratch paper. The more you 'see' them, the faster they will work.
Don't have an account? It's super easy. Click here and create an account. You just need an email and password. You don't have to do anything else. After you have a sign in, you can access all that Pinterest has to offer. Why Pinterest? It's the best way to get you all of the memes, worksheets and downloads. You can share, save and download from Pinterest. And, there's no charge! Plus, it's a great way to stay digitally organized. Have fun!
Psychic Tip: Use a Journal. Seriously. Write in something. Yes, you can type it or voice memo it but, it does not work as well. If you want the desired results, you need to put in the effort. And, when it comes to manifesting~that means a good old fashioned pen and paper. If you really want to fast track it, get a nice journal, different colored pens and scratch paper to take with you (to add to your journal later).
we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought.Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.
Psychic Tip: One of the very best ways to fine-tune your manifesting is to review it. It may seem like a lot of work but the pay offs are tremendous!
Homework: Review all of 2020's manifesting. Now, if you're a regular manifesting person, you may have already checked most of it. If this is the case, go through and see if you can find any patterns. If you're new to this, do the best you can. You're looking for what works and what doesn't. If you pay close attention to what you're creating, you'll be able to pin point exactly how long manifesting takes you, what wording to use and what to expect when you sit down to create something. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. By knowing yourself and the formula [that fits you] you can create anything that you want. Plus, it works every single time. Now, that is amazing!
Psychic Tip: Use some of the worksheets we provide on Pinterest. They'll help keep you on target and organized! (All of the Wrapping Up The Year and New Year Goals are included in the Holiday Manifesting Board.)
There's a fabulous complimentary guided meditation to help you get this year off to great start! The catch? Do the manifesting exercises first!
You can watch the video via YouTube or download it from one of our shops. (DIY Soothing Sounds or Unlimited Streaming) It's up to you! Plus, it doesn't have any dates included in it, so... You can use it every year! Yay! Enjoy!
To help you make this your Best Year yet~
We're continuing with our $10 a Month Streaming Special. We started it in 2016 and had such a great response, we're keeping it going! Now, this is the News Clip from the first year but it'll give you an idea of what the download subscription is for.
Psychic Tip: Match your manifesting and affirmations with the downloads you are using at the time. It's a fabulous way to get all parts of your mind in sync!
All of the monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness. This month it's about the Holidays and everything that comes and goes with them. Have a Wonderful 2025!
We'll be focusing on manifesting all year long. Yay! We've started some new boards on Pinterest for manifesting exercises and worksheets. You can download, save and print the instructions, memes and worksheets. To help you fast track your creating, we're introducing new (and complimentary) matching hypnosis and guided meditation videos and downloads. The audios will match the 21 Day Challenges and the Holiday Manifesting. It's a great way to get yourself used to using all parts of your mind to create what you want in your life.
Ready to Get a Jump on Your Day? Pick one affirmation a day and use it. I mean use it all day long. We have a board dedicated to them: Daily Affirmations Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou'll be shocked to watch your life transform as you train your conscious mind to stay focused on what you want.
Psychic Tip: Making a habit of using affirmations (any positive phrase that you repeat to yourself) will improve every aspect of your life. Download the memes and post them everywhere, use them as screen savers, print them and put them up where you can see the or even use them as scratch paper. The more you 'see' them, the faster they will work.
Don't have an account? It's super easy. Click here and create an account. You just need an email and password. You don't have to do anything else. After you have a sign in, you can access all that Pinterest has to offer. Why Pinterest? It's the best way to get you all of the memes, worksheets and downloads. You can share, save and download from Pinterest. And, there's no charge! Plus, it's a great way to stay digitally organized. Have fun!
Psychic Tip: Use a Journal. Seriously. Write in something. Yes, you can type it or voice memo it but, it does not work as well. If you want the desired results, you need to put in the effort. And, when it comes to manifesting~that means a good old fashioned pen and paper. If you really want to fast track it, get a nice journal, different colored pens and scratch paper to take with you (to add to your journal later).
we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought.Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.
Psychic Tip: One of the very best ways to fine-tune your manifesting is to review it. It may seem like a lot of work but the pay offs are tremendous!
Homework: Review all of 2020's manifesting. Now, if you're a regular manifesting person, you may have already checked most of it. If this is the case, go through and see if you can find any patterns. If you're new to this, do the best you can. You're looking for what works and what doesn't. If you pay close attention to what you're creating, you'll be able to pin point exactly how long manifesting takes you, what wording to use and what to expect when you sit down to create something. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. By knowing yourself and the formula [that fits you] you can create anything that you want. Plus, it works every single time. Now, that is amazing!
Psychic Tip: Use some of the worksheets we provide on Pinterest. They'll help keep you on target and organized! (All of the Wrapping Up The Year and New Year Goals are included in the Holiday Manifesting Board.)
There's a fabulous complimentary guided meditation to help you get this year off to great start! The catch? Do the manifesting exercises first!
You can watch the video via YouTube or download it from one of our shops. (DIY Soothing Sounds or Unlimited Streaming) It's up to you! Plus, it doesn't have any dates included in it, so... You can use it every year! Yay! Enjoy!
To help you make this your Best Year yet~
We're continuing with our $10 a Month Streaming Special. We started it in 2016 and had such a great response, we're keeping it going! Now, this is the News Clip from the first year but it'll give you an idea of what the download subscription is for.
Psychic Tip: Match your manifesting and affirmations with the downloads you are using at the time. It's a fabulous way to get all parts of your mind in sync!
All of the monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness. This month it's about the Holidays and everything that comes and goes with them. Have a Wonderful 2024!
We'll be focusing on manifesting all year long. Yay! We've started some new boards on Pinterest for manifesting exercises and worksheets. You can download, save and print the instructions, memes and worksheets. To help you fast track your creating, we're introducing new (and complimentary) matching hypnosis and guided meditation videos and downloads. The audios will match the 21 Day Challenges and the Holiday Manifesting. It's a great way to get yourself used to using all parts of your mind to create what you want in your life.
Ready to Get a Jump on Your Day? Pick one affirmation a day and use it. I mean use it all day long. We have a board dedicated to them: Daily Affirmations Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou'll be shocked to watch your life transform as you train your conscious mind to stay focused on what you want.
Psychic Tip: Making a habit of using affirmations (any positive phrase that you repeat to yourself) will improve every aspect of your life. Download the memes and post them everywhere, use them as screen savers, print them and put them up where you can see the or even use them as scratch paper. The more you 'see' them, the faster they will work.
Don't have an account? It's super easy. Click here and create an account. You just need an email and password. You don't have to do anything else. After you have a sign in, you can access all that Pinterest has to offer. Why Pinterest? It's the best way to get you all of the memes, worksheets and downloads. You can share, save and download from Pinterest. And, there's no charge! Plus, it's a great way to stay digitally organized. Have fun!
Psychic Tip: Use a Journal. Seriously. Write in something. Yes, you can type it or voice memo it but, it does not work as well. If you want the desired results, you need to put in the effort. And, when it comes to manifesting~that means a good old fashioned pen and paper. If you really want to fast track it, get a nice journal, different colored pens and scratch paper to take with you (to add to your journal later).
we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought.Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.
Psychic Tip: One of the very best ways to fine-tune your manifesting is to review it. It may seem like a lot of work but the pay offs are tremendous!
Homework: Review all of 2020's manifesting. Now, if you're a regular manifesting person, you may have already checked most of it. If this is the case, go through and see if you can find any patterns. If you're new to this, do the best you can. You're looking for what works and what doesn't. If you pay close attention to what you're creating, you'll be able to pin point exactly how long manifesting takes you, what wording to use and what to expect when you sit down to create something. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. By knowing yourself and the formula [that fits you] you can create anything that you want. Plus, it works every single time. Now, that is amazing!
Psychic Tip: Use some of the worksheets we provide on Pinterest. They'll help keep you on target and organized! (All of the Wrapping Up The Year and New Year Goals are included in the Holiday Manifesting Board.)
There's a fabulous complimentary guided meditation to help you get this year off to great start! The catch? Do the manifesting exercises first!
You can watch the video via YouTube or download it from one of our shops. (DIY Soothing Sounds or Unlimited Streaming) It's up to you! Plus, it doesn't have any dates included in it, so... You can use it every year! Yay! Enjoy!
To help you make this your Best Year yet~
We're continuing with our $10 a Month Streaming Special. We started it in 2016 and had such a great response, we're keeping it going! Now, this is the News Clip from the first year but it'll give you an idea of what the download subscription is for.
Psychic Tip: Match your manifesting and affirmations with the downloads you are using at the time. It's a fabulous way to get all parts of your mind in sync!
All of the monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness. This month it's about the Holidays and everything that comes and goes with them. Have a Wonderful 2023!
This is youryear. It's made by you, for you. Think about that for a minute. How Amazing. How Exciting. How empowering!
And true... each and every day is created by you, for you. Your job: Choose what you want it to be like. It's much easier to think of each day as up to you... but what about the whole year? Imagine, what your world could transform into if you focused on exactly what you wanted for 365 days in a row. That's just one year. It, you, your life would be amazing! Try it this year. If you can't imagine doing the entire year, pick and start with one day. Let that one day turn into two and then three and so on and so on. Before you know it, you've done it for a year and your life has miraculously changed. Plus, doing it day by day, it will change at a speed and pace that is comfortable and acceptable for you!
The last few sessions have been about getting your head where you want it to be, manifesting and goal setting. Now, it's time to think yourself into your best year ever! Have fun! You can do it!
This is something super cute to try! I'm not
sure where on social media I found it or how long it's been sitting in my ideas photo album. I came across it as I was getting ready to do this entry (how fortuitous!) and decided I had to share it! Please excuse the misspelling. This is an idea for you~ transform it into whatever you want it to be. And, you can start it on any day for any time period you like. Yay! So fun! Happy Crafting!
these downloads (this class) all year ~ every year. Just re-do your goals and your journaling. The downloads will work (be applicable) for each and every year.
Have fun with this! you can make every year better than the year before! Can you just imagine what you could create or where you could be in one, two or even five years from now?! How exciting!
Be sure to get the free Journaling to _____ Set. It will explain [any] of the journal pages you are unsure of.
Back to: My Best Year Ever! This set comes with two audio downloads (one to program you to have the best year ever and the other is to change anything that you need to and visualize your ideal life) and a 125 page eBook. The eBook has three sections: instructions, guided meditation journaling and your goal/list/class journaling. Click here to get My Best Year Ever Set today.
This 39 page eBook is full of images to remind you that you are powerful, in control and that you can make this your best year ever! You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slideshow or print them and put them everywhere! You can use them all or just the ones you need at the time. Enjoy!
Please enjoy all of the Affirmation Image eBooks. We have created videos and slideshows for your enjoyment, entertainment and to help you program your mind.
All of the Affirmation and Diary Sets comes with: 2 Sets of Affirmation Image eBooks (different colors) and an affirmation diary.
If you're interested in the affirmation diary sets but need a bit more information or help, we have a complimentary Positive Affirmation and Diary Set of Instructions. Click here to download it now. The 28 page eBook walks you through how to best use all of your positive affirmations and your diary pages. Happy Thinking!
For your convenience, we have put the instructions in video form. It's great for any device. They are all set to different nature sounds. Pick the speed that is best for you. Enjoy!
This positive affirmation diary set accompanies and complements the My Best Year Ever Class Set.
This 123 page set is a great way to get yourself into the habit of using your affirmations and journaling daily. These are the same [wording] as the other My Best Year Ever! Positive Affirmations. Click here to download the complimentary set now. Enjoy!
All of the affirmations in the My Best Year Ever! Sets are all the same. The sets and the number of pages vary with each design. All of the Affirmation and Diary Sets comes with: 2 Sets of Affirmation Image eBooks (different colors) and an affirmation diary.
All of the monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness.This month it's about the Holidays and everything that comes and goes with them. Have a Wonderful 2022!
We'll be focusing on manifesting all year long. Yay! We've started some new boards on Pinterest for manifesting exercises and worksheets. You can download, save and print the instructions, memes and worksheets. To help you fast track your creating, we're introducing new (and complimentary) matching hypnosis and guided meditation videos and downloads. The audios will match the 21 Day Challenges and the Holiday Manifesting. It's a great way to get yourself used to using all parts of your mind to create what you want in your life.
Ready to Get a Jump on Your Day? Pick one affirmation a day and use it. I mean use it all day long. We have a board dedicated to them: Daily Affirmations Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou'll be shocked to watch your life transform as you train your conscious mind to stay focused on what you want.
Psychic Tip: Making a habit of using affirmations (any positive phrase that you repeat to yourself) will improve every aspect of your life. Download the memes and post them everywhere, use them as screen savers, print them and put them up where you can see the or even use them as scratch paper. The more you 'see' them, the faster they will work.
Don't have an account? It's super easy. Click here and create an account. You just need an email and password. You don't have to do anything else. After you have a sign in, you can access all that Pinterest has to offer. Why Pinterest? It's the best way to get you all of the memes, worksheets and downloads. You can share, save and download from Pinterest. And, there's no charge! Plus, it's a great way to stay digitally organized. Have fun!
Psychic Tip: Use a Journal. Seriously. Write in something. Yes, you can type it or voice memo it but, it does not work as well. If you want the desired results, you need to put in the effort. And, when it comes to manifesting~that means a good old fashioned pen and paper. If you really want to fast track it, get a nice journal, different colored pens and scratch paper to take with you (to add to your journal later).
we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought.Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.
Psychic Tip: One of the very best ways to fine-tune your manifesting is to review it. It may seem like a lot of work but the pay offs are tremendous!
Homework: Review all of 2020's manifesting. Now, if you're a regular manifesting person, you may have already checked most of it. If this is the case, go through and see if you can find any patterns. If you're new to this, do the best you can. You're looking for what works and what doesn't. If you pay close attention to what you're creating, you'll be able to pin point exactly how long manifesting takes you, what wording to use and what to expect when you sit down to create something. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. By knowing yourself and the formula [that fits you] you can create anything that you want. Plus, it works every single time. Now, that is amazing!
Psychic Tip: Use some of the worksheets we provide on Pinterest. They'll help keep you on target and organized! (All of the Wrapping Up The Year and New Year Goals are included in the Holiday Manifesting Board.)
There's a fabulous complimentary guided meditation to help you get this year off to great start! The catch? Do the manifesting exercises first!
You can watch the video via YouTube or download it from one of our shops. (DIY Soothing Sounds or Unlimited Streaming) It's up to you! Plus, it doesn't have any dates included in it, so... You can use it every year! Yay! Enjoy!
To help you make this your Best Year yet~
We're continuing with our $10 a Month Streaming Special. We started it in 2016 and had such a great response, we're keeping it going! Now, this is the News Clip from the first year but it'll give you an idea of what the download subscription is for.
Psychic Tip: Match your manifesting and affirmations with the downloads you are using at the time. It's a fabulous way to get all parts of your mind in sync!
All of the monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness. This month it's about the Holidays and everything that comes and goes with them. Have a Wonderful 2021!
We'll be focusing on manifesting all year long. Yay! We've started some new boards on Pinterest for manifesting exercises and worksheets. You can download, save and print the instructions, memes and worksheets. To help you fast track your creating, we're introducing new (and complimentary) matching hypnosis and guided meditation videos and downloads. The audios will match the 21 Day Challenges and the Holiday Manifesting. It's a great way to get yourself used to using all parts of your mind to create what you want in your life.
Ready to Get a Jump on Your Day? Pick one affirmation a day and use it. I mean use it all day long. We have a board dedicated to them: Daily Affirmations Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷYou'll be shocked to watch your life transform as you train your conscious mind to stay focused on what you want.
Psychic Tip: Making a habit of using affirmations (any positive phrase that you repeat to yourself) will improve every aspect of your life. Download the memes and post them everywhere, use them as screen savers, print them and put them up where you can see the or even use them as scratch paper. The more you 'see' them, the faster they will work.
Don't have an account? It's super easy. Click here and create an account. You just need an email and password. You don't have to do anything else. After you have a sign in, you can access all that Pinterest has to offer. Why Pinterest? It's the best way to get you all of the memes, worksheets and downloads. You can share, save and download from Pinterest. And, there's no charge! Plus, it's a great way to stay digitally organized. Have fun!
Psychic Tip: Use a Journal. Seriously. Write in something. Yes, you can type it or voice memo it but, it does not work as well. If you want the desired results, you need to put in the effort. And, when it comes to manifesting~that means a good old fashioned pen and paper. If you really want to fast track it, get a nice journal, different colored pens and scratch paper to take with you (to add to your journal later).
we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought.Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.
Psychic Tip: One of the very best ways to fine-tune your manifesting is to review it. It may seem like a lot of work but the pay offs are tremendous!
Homework: Review all of 2019's manifesting. Now, if you're a regular manifesting person, you may have already checked most of it. If this is the case, go through and see if you can find any patterns. If you're new to this, do the best you can. You're looking for what works and what doesn't. If you pay close attention to what you're creating, you'll be able to pin point exactly how long manifesting takes you, what wording to use and what to expect when you sit down to create something. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. By knowing yourself and the formula [that fits you] you can create anything that you want. Plus, it works every single time. Now, that is amazing!
Psychic Tip: Use some of the worksheets we provide on Pinterest. They'll help keep you on target and organized! (All of the Wrapping Up The Year and New Year Goals are included in the Holiday Manifesting Board.)
There's a fabulous guided meditation to help you get this year off to great start! The catch? Do the manifesting exercises first!
You can watch the video via YouTube or download it from our Etsy Shop. It's up to you! Plus, it doesn't have any dates included in it, so... You can use it every year! Yay!
ChangesMadeEasy on Etsy: We're excited about our new shop and want to share it with you! We have hypnosis and guided meditation audios and bullet journal and planner inserts. We hope you'll love all of our tracker and sticker sets. Everything in our shop is full of instant downloads and is priced under $5.00! We're always putting something on sale that help make life a little bit easier and brighter. Check back regularly! There's a plethora of audio sessions that help you enjoy and make the best of each holiday and they'll be 50% off during their season! Happy Celebrating!
To help you make this your Best Year yet~
We're continuing with our $10 a Month Streaming Special. We started it in 2016 and had such a great response, we're keeping it going! Now, this is the News Clip from the first year but it'll give you an idea of what the download subscription is for.
Psychic Tip: Match your manifesting and affirmations with the downloads you are using at the time. It's a fabulous way to get all parts of your mind in sync!
All of the monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness.This month it's about the Holidays and everything that comes and goes with them. Have a Wonderful 2020!