I love the Holidays! I just love them!

This blog entry will be to link you to all of the Holiday Newsletters and postings that have already been done. (Yes. I love the Holidays!) And the Newsletters that come out monthly do a fabulous job of celebrating each and every holiday. I don't want to start repeating myself and there are only so many ways that you can say the same thing!

When there's a free download in your newsletter, you must go to the download store, add it into your cart, check out and enter the coupon code the newsletter gave you to get it for free. the affirmation eBooks will always come up for $0.00.
The exception to this rule is on Customer Appreciation Day. That download comes in your newsletter and needs to be
downloaded right from the newsletter. And if your newsletter includes worksheets or handouts.
all the newsletter explain what the download is. you don't have to worry about getting some weird thing on your computer.

These are different from the regular newsletters that have classes, exercises,
discounts, coupons and free downloads. Sign up for that here: Living Lightly Newsletter If you're not sure what this is or unclear about the newsletter has to offer, this blog entry explains it. Living Lightly Newsletter Blog Entry and Explanation.

Thank you so much for understanding. I will miss writing the cute holiday entries. I'm planning on putting more energy into the upcoming Holiday Newsletters. So, check back to the Holiday Newsletter Archive/Blog each month.
Visit Us Every Month to see What's New!
Happy Holiday Reading!