Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label Spiritual Solutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual Solutions. Show all posts

Make This Year ~ Your Very Best Year!


This is your year. It's made by you, for you. Think about that for a minute. How Amazing. How Exciting. How empowering
And true... each and every day is created by you, for you. Your job: Choose what you want it to be like. It's much easier to think of each day as up to you... but what about the whole year? Imagine, what your world could transform into if you focused on exactly what you wanted for 365 days in a row. That's just one year. It, you, your life would be amazing! Try it this year. If you can't imagine doing the entire year, pick and start with one day. Let that one day turn into two and then three and so on and so on. Before you know it, you've done it for a year and your life has miraculously changed. Plus, doing it day by day, it will change at a speed and pace that is comfortable and acceptable for you! 

The last few sessions have been about getting your head where you want it to be, manifesting and goal setting. Now, it's time to think yourself into your best year ever! Have fun! You can do it! 

This is something super cute to try! I'm not 
sure where on social media I found it or how long it's been sitting in my ideas photo album. I came across it as I was getting ready to do this entry (how fortuitous!) and decided I had to share it! Please excuse the misspelling. This is an idea for you~ transform it into whatever you want it to be. And, you can start it  on any day for any time period you like. Yay! So fun! Happy Crafting!

Make this your best year ever! You can use
these downloads (this class) all year ~ every year. Just re-do your goals and your journaling. The downloads will work (be applicable) for each and every year.
Have fun with this! you can make every year better than the year before! Can you just imagine what you could create or where you could be in one, two or even five years from now?! How exciting!
Be sure to get the free Journaling to _____ Set. It will explain [any] of the journal pages you are unsure of.

Complimentary Journaling to____ Class (Instructions, eBook & Audios) 

Plus, We have put many of our Class instruction Sets on YouTube~
Video form. Some even have the eBooks as backgrounds! Enjoy!

Back to: My Best Year Ever! This set comes with two audio downloads (one to program you to have the best year ever and the other is to change anything that you need to and visualize your ideal life) and a 125 page eBook. The eBook has three sections: instructions, guided meditation journaling and your goal/list/class journaling. Click here to get My Best Year Ever Set today
Enjoy! And, Happy Creating! 

This positive affirmation set accompanies and complements the My Best Year Ever Class Set. Click here to get the complimentary positive affirmation images now
This 39 page eBook is full of images to remind you that you are powerful, in control and that you can make this your best year ever! You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slideshow or print them and put them everywhere! You can use them all or just the ones you need at the time. Enjoy!

Please enjoy all of the Affirmation Image eBooks. We have created videos and slideshows for your enjoyment, entertainment and to help you program your mind. 

Join us on YouTube at user/ChangesMadeEasy ♥ We have an Affirmation Image Playlist that has all the Affirmation Image eBooks (throughout the various download stores) and we have added a Playlist Just for Kids!

All of the Affirmation and Diary Sets comes with: 2 Sets of Affirmation Image eBooks (different colors) and an affirmation diary.

If you're interested in the affirmation diary sets but need a bit more information or help, we have a complimentary Positive Affirmation and Diary Set of Instructions. Click here to download it now. The 28 page eBook walks you through how to best use all of your positive affirmations and  your diary pages. Happy Thinking!

For your convenience, we have put the instructions in video form. It's great for any device. They are all set to different nature sounds. Pick the speed that is best for you. Enjoy!

❥ ❥ ❥ YouTube Videos:

This positive affirmation diary set accompanies and complements the My Best Year Ever Class Set. 
This 123 page set is a great way to get yourself into the habit of using your affirmations and journaling daily. These are the same [wording] as the other My Best Year Ever! Positive Affirmations. Click here to download the complimentary set now. Enjoy!

All of the affirmations in the My Best Year Ever! Sets are all the same. The sets and the number of pages vary with each design. All of the Affirmation and Diary Sets comes with: 2 Sets of Affirmation Image eBooks (different colors) and an affirmation diary.  

The Grace of Gratitude


This is the time of year that we are reminded to be thankful. 
A wonderful way to stay in the grace of gratitude all year long is with a gratitude journal. 
You can write as often as you like about anything and everything that you appreciate in your life.
It's a great way to 'naturally' stay focused on what's important to you. And, you can start at anytime, at any phase of life and, of course, any age!

[This [blog] entry focuses on using one journal specifically for gratitude entries only.] What a lovely time of year to focus on your Gratitude Journal. If you don't have one, no problem! Get one when you can. And, if you're already doing gratitude entries in your journal, good job! All of the suggestions are for you to decide what works best for you. Gratitude is about appreciation and it is extremely personal and precious. For when we deeply appreciate someone or something, it clicks something inside of us, that only we can experience/understand. Your Gratitude Journal is where you express your emotions, memories and moments of deep appreciation, love and feelings of blessings. 
(At the bottom of this entry, there's a video Feeling Grateful Guided Meditation for you to relax into. It compliments the exercises wonderfully. Watch it when it's convenient for you. Enjoy!)

If you don't have one already, 
get a Gratitude Journal and Start Today! 

Get a Journal! At Changes Made Easy .com 
we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.

Gratitude Writing
You can write about anything that moves you. You may find that each time you sit that you have different feelings and levels of appreciation for people or things in your life. You may find that what you are grateful for varies drastically from day to day or you may discover that it is the same thoughts that linger in your mind. And, it's A Gratitude Journal. You're writing about things that you are grateful for... you can't do it wrong. So, enjoy! Have fun! Revel in the joys of living a life immersed in gratitude! 

Here's just a few ideas:
  • Personal Entries
  • Meditation Notes
  • Reflections
  • Experiences
  • Understandings
  • Poems
  • Quotes
  • Lists 
  • Letters 
Get Creative!
It's time to bring out your inner artist! Express yourself anyway that you like! Every few pages, try something creative. And, yes, doodling in the corners counts!
  • Sketches
  • Drawings
  • Collages
  • Stickers
  • Pictures
  • Decorate the Pages
  • Number all the Pages
  • Scrapbook the Pages
  • Write in Fun Letters
  • Use Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils

Have Fun With It!
If you're the type of person that works best in groups here's some ideas for you. The more the merrier! And, kids love it!
  • Gratitude Parties
  • At Celebrations
  • Gratitude Evenings
  • Regular Get-Togethers 
  • Monthly Meetings 
  • Kids Only
  • Family Gratitude Night 
  • Theme Night (health, family, friends, etc.) 
  • Honor One Person for that Meeting

Please enjoy our Holiday Manifesting Board on Pinterest. Feel free to Pin them, save them and share them! 

Here's some of the Gratitude Manifesting Worksheets and Exercises. (You can find them all on Pinterest.)
Press Pause if you need more time to read them. Enjoy!

[Free] Gratitude Journal for Kids! 

~ Why the eBooks are free and how We got Started ~ Due to rising costs and educational cut backs, Changes Made Easy .com and Full of Love Pet Supplies .com has created a series of eBooks for parents and educators to help make their jobs a little bit easier, save you some time and add some fun.
The eBooks re set up so that you are able to print the whole book or just the pages you'd like to use that day.
Our eBooks contain exercises that focus on improving communication, vocabulary, spelling patters, keeping the innocent and imaginative part of childhood alive, story writing and enhancing creative and critical thinking skills.

We hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoy making and giving them to you. Click here to go to Free Educational Activity eBooks for Kids. 

Do not do anything while playing this Guided Meditation. Lie back, close your eyes and relax into the sounds. Enjoy! 

Please enjoy this Feeling Grateful Guided Meditation. And, in appreciation, Enjoy 10% off some of our Downloads!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just enter discount10 at check-out. 
(Good in the DIY Downloads shop only) 
Click on the Store Name to Peruse all of our Selections. Happy Shopping!


Follow Your Light


The very end of October and very beginning of November is my favorite holiday time. So full of mystery, magic and hope. This time of year is steeped full of traditions, history, honoring our Ancestors and all of those that have come before us and of course, focusing on our own personal responsibility and Spirituality. How could anyone not be enamored with this week of the year?!!

In just 5 days you have Halloween, New Years, Samhain, Dia de Muertos, All Saints' Day, All Souls' Day, Diwali, and New Years [again]! And, those are just the ones I listed off the top of my head. (If you have anything that you celebrate that I've missed, please contact me here so that I can include them next year.)

Here's your homework:

Find a new holiday to learn about. Pick something between October 31st-November 4th. And, with the Internet, this should be a snap. Make sure you choose something that resonates with you, your current belief system and that can fit nicely into your already planned celebrations.

1. Read about the history of the holiday you picked. Be sure to search more than one website and/or go to the library and check out a few books, stories and even craft and cookbooks.

2. Experiment with some of the rituals [on that holiday's date]. This can be anything from setting up an alter, letting candles burn throughout the night or even meditating, singing and dancing ~ it's whatever tickles your fancy. 

3. Craft something; you can make a wreath, mask or a doll, light a row of candles, make a dish from/for that holiday, or even make your own New Year's list. You must CRAFT it. The crafting is important because it's you getting physically involved in what you've just learned about. (You may already have something planned for the ritual of that day.) This section of your homework is about you letting your creativity flow! Enjoy the Holidays!!!

4. Document and journal your effort, experience and rituals. Take pictures of what you did and write about it in your journal. Don't have a journal? No problem! Go get one. Journals and notebooks are everywhere. Find one that fits who you are or, more appropriately, who you want to be. (Still not sure where you should look? Try this online store In the Section Products that Inspire.)

So, why don't I just explain and teach you about all of the holidays mentioned above [here]? Well, for one thing I just listed at least 8 different religious celebrations, and to be quite honest, there are bound to be multitude of people who are offended and complain about what I'd write. How do I know? Because I get that all the time. 
(If you'd like more information, Living Lightly Newsletter is sending out a variety of holiday emails that explain a few of the holidays and give you ideas and exercises to do at home. You can sign up for those here.)

But more importantly... I want you to listen to your intuition and find what resonates with you. That's what makes learning about yourself and Spirit fun. That's what makes it exciting. It's not the force feeding that teaches and inspires you, it's the inner promptings. It's the learning to pay attention to yourself and the training to notice your inner thoughts and feelings. It's the amazing ways that Spirit works through you and brings you the guidance and messages that you crave. It's all the synchronicities and the coincidences that happen so frequently that a coincidence just doesn't mean the same thing anymore. It simply, means much, much more than it ever has before.

Yes, I write this blog to teach you. Yes, I give you 'real' information. But nothing, no thing and no person can ever replace that Ah-Ha moment when you get something yourself or when your whole world makes sense or when you sit back and watch everything in your life fall into place. That is magic. That is Divine. That is what I strive to help you uncover in your life. It's already happening all of the time within and around you... My job, well, my job is to help you tune into the subtleties so that you see it, feel it, know it and move with it, every moment of everyday. 


Free Psychic Summer Courses!



All of the free summer on-going courses have been discontinued. We have a plethora of introductory classes that are complimentary (you'll find them listed at the end of this post) that you can download and do at your leisure. The classes posted on this blog weekly have been put-on-hold indefinitely. The regular exercises and manifesting is on-going. Yay! We're back to Simple and Easy! 
So, Why all of the stormy pictures? Well, we have to get through the storms to see the Light! 
There was a lot of questions that came up over the last few years. So, what are we going to do instead of the summer classes? Answer your questions! Yay! And here's our New Blog! Lots of Fun. Click here to see it now :) Here's what the image says:

☀️ Psychic [Spiritual] Tips & Hints☀️ 
Have you ever read or heard what it feels like to channel a
stream of Higher Consciousness? Well, Sit Back, Relax & Enjoy these Psychic Channeling Questions & Answer Sessions! Okay. Seriously? What am I talking about?!, "Have you ever read or heard what it feels like to channel a stream of Higher Consciousness?"... The best way that I can describe it, would be, an 'Ah-Ha' Moment held for a prolonged period of time. That 'Ah-Ha' meaning: When everything in the [your] world 'just' makes sense and everything falls into place with the feeling of complete peace and knowing. It's about consciousness, or, as I'm sure you've heard, vibration and frequency; stick around, I'll explain it piece by piece, bit by bit with blog posts, videos and illustrations. How fun!
New Blog! Yay! Lots of Fun. Click here to see it now :)

And, what [else] is going in the blog? These fabulous little Chatty Illustration Videos. So Fun! 
So, the answers to questions will be illustrated! Well, they're done while being recorded so it;s a lot of stick figures and stars ;) but it makes everything much more relatable. If there's a blog post to accompany the video, there'll be a link in the description. Enjoy!

Our Help Page works for all of the manifesting, exercises and classes. 
If you've had or have challenges with any of this, please visit:
It may explain what's going on and/or why things aren't working. The post is apply-able to anything that's going on in any aspect of your life that has to do with The Mind. :) And, it's a great read to get any of those, "Why is_____ happening?!!" questions answered and explained. Happy Reading! 
Below, you'll find lists and links to many of our complimentary classes and class sets. Have Fun! 
With all of the classes, downloads and exercises posted here, you have to check them out of a store. Even if they are all free (like all of our affirmation image eBooks).  Now, we don't do anything with your information. You enter an email address so that you are able to access your content that you just checked out. It's not a spammy thing, it's a very nice digital shopping cart and storage. You are able to find the things that we do not upload in our shops in a few of our Pinterest Boards. Those are the individual pages you may need for an exercise or recipes and some manifesting .jpegs with instructions or examples.  Many of the Pinterest ones go hand in hand with the exercises and blog posts [here]. We try to make creating the life you have always wanted as easy (and simple!) as possible. Happy Perusing! 

All of our Classes, Seminars and Lectures have a variety of individual downloads and eBooks associated with one or two main eCourses. You'll find many classes that use your Spiritual Light, Mind to Mind Communication, Chakra Balancing and a variety of classes that tune you into your Spirit and Spiritual Journey. 

All of our Classes & Seminar Stuff have introductory eCourses that are Complimentary: 

The great thing about our eCourses and Training is that all of the sets are complete unto themselves. Look into each category to manifest and create just about anything or everything you can imagine. This shop is chalked full of affirmation eBooks and diary sets. Happy Downloading!  

All the Manifesting Stuff with Free Classes: 

All of these are found in eCourses & Training 

Complimentary Adult Coloring Books! 
This is a great way to get yourself into the habit of manifesting. They'll also help you get comfortable being crafty and using that time to focus your mind on what you want. Try them. They're free. Yay!

Intricate Design Series

The complimentary Intricate Design Series is created to inspire contemplation and creation. There's a plethora of subjects within the line: activity sheets and exercises, coloring pages, creativity sheets and manifesting papers and sets. Enjoy! 

Happy Earth Day!


Light the Earth
Using your Spiritual Light to bring balance to the planet, your body and your life.

Happy Earth Day! Yay! This entry is going to give you a bunch of different options (guided meditations, classes, affirmations) of how you can help the planet using your Spiritual Light. You can download some of them, stream others and watch some on YouTube. Enjoy!

Get a Light the Earth Journal!
At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun! We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.
We also have a section that you can make your own products! Ack! So Fun! Just think of all the neat stuff you can make! And, a really cool bonus... there's no minim so you can make just one or two items!

Happy Creating!

Using your Spiritual Light to bring balance to the planet, your body and your life. 

This is short and sweet. This is your homework assignment for the next few weeks.

Try to do it everyday. You can start slowly to get yourself into the habit. pick a time and a place where you won't be interrupted and that you feel comfortable and relaxed. Start with just a few minutes a day (this is the slowly part) and work your way up until you can sit for at least twenty minutes.

This is a quick and easy visualization that you can do everyday or even a few times a day. Try it. You'll be amazed how much of a difference it makes in your life.

Print the Meditation

Here's all the instructions that you need. You can print the whole page or just the part that you want.

Listen to a [short] Guided Meditation

Bookmark this page. You can't download it but you can play it as often as you wish.

Light the Earth Affirmation Image eBook

Light the Earth Affirmation Image eBook: This [free] 34 page eBook is full of images to remind you to use your Spiritual Light all of the time for everyone and everything!. You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere! You can use them all or just the ones you need at the time. Enjoy!

Light the Earth Downloads & Classes

These have specifics in mind, peruse our selection. There's even one for kids! (You don't have to take the Light the Earth course to listen to these downloads. It is recommended that you get the workbook to go with them if you opt out of the course.)

Visit Living Lightly Newsletter and Enjoy our Happy Earth Day! Specials

Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ· Click Here Æ¸̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·

Take the Light the Earth Course

Use your Spiritual Light to bring balance to the planet, your body and your life.

If you are only going to try one thing here...Get this Course; Listening to the Light the Earth download(s) and/or doing the visualization works best if done every day. You'll be amazed by the difference in your life and in those around you.

The Light the Earth Course comes with a 177 page manual and workbook and 3 downloads. Choose the download that fits you that day.

Each download is different. There's a 13, 25 and a 49 minute download guiding you through the process of Lighting the Earth, healing your body (and keeping it healthy and balanced), achieving your goals, protecting your things and everyone you care about. You cannot get the 25 minute and the 49 minute Light the Earth Downloads anywhere else ~ they go with the manual and the 13 minute download is found on my website (it's free and is included here because it's nice to have a short one). The worksheets (included in the manual) should be used every time you do the long download. You can use them with all of the downloads but it is recommended that you use it every time you listen to the 49 minute recording. Your life changes. By taking the time to go over what you did last time, you'll be better able to create what you want this time.

All of the Light the Earth downloads work with this manual. (See them here.)

We have a plethora of products that accompany and enhance your Light the Earth course. See them here. All of the Light the Earth products remind us how important we are to the planet. You can help spread the word that Spiritual Light can restore balance... to our planet, our bodies and throughout our lives. This is Creation Light. You are using God's Light. *If you are uncomfortable with the 'word' God ~ Do NOT buy this set. 

Light the Earth Products

All of the Light the Earth products remind us how important we are to the planet. You can help spread the word that Spiritual Light can restore balance... to our planet, our bodies and throughout our lives.

[Free] Holiday Activity Books for Kids!

~ Why the eBooks are free and how we got Started: Due to rising costs and educational cut backs, Changes Made Easy .com and Full of Love Pet Supplies .com has

created a series of eBooks for parents and educators to help make their jobs a little bit easier, save you some time and add some fun. The eBooks re set up so that you are able to print the whole book or just the pages you'd like to use that day. Our eBooks contain exercises that focus on improving communication, vocabulary, spelling patters, keeping the innocent and imaginative part of childhood alive, story writing and enhancing creative and critical thinking skills. We hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoy making and giving them to you. Click here to go to Free Educational Activity eBooks for Kids.

* Ready for something a bit more advanced? *

Use your Light to Create what you Want in Your Life teaches you how to use your Spiritual Light, set goals and manifest what you want. Print the page and keep it in your journal. It makes writing everything out easier.  

Healthinomics | Beautiful Ready-Made Social Media Images for Health & Wellness Business Owners

Healthinomics | Beautiful Ready-Made Social Media Images for Health & Wellness Business Owners