Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label Subconscious Mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subconscious Mind. Show all posts

The Possibilities!

If you can think it ~ You can create it. But, what about all of those things you haven't thought of or about? Or, what if you're a negative thinker or lean to the worried side of life, then what? Well, that's what these Possibility Exercises are for. You're going to train yourself to think bigger, better and eventually (if you keep up with it) unlimited. 
You'll need a journal for these exercises. If you don't have one already, get one. And, yes, you need to write it out. As convenient as our technology has made note-taking, I don't recommend it for any of the exercises I teach. Pencil or pen and some lovely paper is much, much better. 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Get a Journal!   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  
Back to journals and journaling, if you're manifesting, get one that is specific for your exercises. You want one that's separate than all the daily stuff or how you're feeling for that day or week.  Take your manifesting seriously, your subconscious mind does. 

At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun. We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world...our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

* Document all of your visualizing and imaging exercises. Be sure to include the date and time. Write them out in enough detail that if you went back to your journal entry in five years you'd know exactly what you were doing. *

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Possibility Thinking Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Change your thinking into what you want or wish your life could be. Over the next few weeks try to start thinking of the absolute best case scenarios. Pick something easy at first, like great parking or the perfect gift for someone and begin imagining everything going perfectly. And, I mean perfect, from start to finish. The easiest parking or shopping experience you've ever had, every person that comes across your path being nice and helpful. Imagine every detail... the entire experience. Yes, the whole thing. And, do it in great detail. The clearer the picture in your mind, the better. Do not move onto the next exercise until you've 'mastered' this part. Each step is important and very, very, worth the effort. 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Unleash Yourself Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Now, that you've gotten the hang of it with some simpler things, try the bigger things in your life. You can use this exercise for anything that you'd like. Remember, you're training yourself to 'see' things differently and to open to possibilities. Why? Because by changing your thinking, you're giving yourself opportunities that you may have missed before or shut out of your life before they ever had a chance to blossom. This exercise is not about avoiding your life or living in a fantasy world. Yes, you want to be realistic but you always want to be optimistic. Think balance between possibility and 'reality' or what you expect to happen and best case scenario. (This is also a great exercise to train yourself out of worry.)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Possibility Lists Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Yay! It's idea time! This is where you get creative. Make lists in your journal (on a separate page, next to your goals and exercises) of all of the magnificent ways things can turn out, come to you or fix 'themselves. This works for anything and everything. The more you can think of, the better. As you think of new things, add it to your list. Be sure to date each entry, you'll be amazed to find how your lists begin to grow and grow the more you do them.  These lists are for you to give yourself ideas for your visualizations and to shift your consciousness and put you into a positive frame of mind. Expect to start thinking opportunity and possibility in every aspect of your life! 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I'm Possible Lists Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
You're making the Impossible Possible with these Lists! 

These are definitely the most fun! Ok... let your imagination go crazy. This is where you write anything and everything that 'seems' too good to be true. The bigger the better here. Title them [each one] something wonderful, exciting and inspiring.

* If you have a difficult time with any of these, put your journal away and come back to it later. It'll get easier over time. Keep it in the back of your mind that you're training yourself, so, the more you do it, the better you'll get at it and the easier it will become. *

You may do these exercises as often as you wish, with as many things as you'd like to. 

Make a note to yourself to read over your lists at least once a week. Fitting it into your daily routine is optimal. Work up to that, though. You want this to become who you are, in a natural easy way. Possibilities are about stretching your mind in a positive direction for you and creating the life that you want to have. So, enjoy them! Let this be fun and easy. And, above all, let them bring peace and joy to you! They should comfort and inspire you. Congratulate yourself regularly, you're opening doors of opportunity in every aspect of your life! 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Happy Possibility
 Journaling!  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 

Happy Upcoming 2018!

Wishing you a wonderful upcoming year!
  It's that time (again) that we say goodbye to one year and welcome a new one in. Welcome in this coming January by spending some time journaling, reflecting and meditating over last year, all you've learned and done and what you'd like to see for the upcoming year. Be sure you set goals because you want to ~ not because you have to.

Have a Fun & Safe New Year's Eve!
Most Cities offer Free Taxis on New Year's Eve!
Have a great time celebrating! Most cities have free taxis on New Year's Eve. Call around or look it up before you go out. A lot of places will give free non-alcoholic beverages if you let them know that you are the designated driver. And, remember ~ everywhere is busy! Get there early to avoid lines and traffic. Set your mind for the night out and plan on having a fabulous, fun filled evening! 

~ Welcoming in January ~
As you know, we have a News Special that starts around the beginning of each month. Click Here to See the KMIR Viewers Special.  All of the monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness. This month it's about your New Year Resolutions and creating the life that you want! Happy January!
We have a plethora of downloads and eBooks that may help support your goals. Visit our different stores:
Set your Goals!!! It's a New Year!
The rest of this blog entry is about your mind and body and setting goals for Next Year. Take your time. Do it when you're ready. Enjoy it! This is about you and your life!

What does your body need? 
Are you unsure of what vitamins, supplements and herbs you need? Not sure where to start? There's a lot of options and choices. Start simple and easy. Start slow and 'small' make a healthy lifestyle a habit.~ Take the HEALTH ASSESSMENT TEST Today ~ It's the new brilliant body health analysis compares your health concerns with each of your ten body systems. It's great to do this test once a month and every time you change your diet or supplements. Click on the link below the picture on the left hand side to take the test now ~ it's free, fast and easy. It calculates everything for you.

Download the Free Instructions & Exercises eBook 

Happy 2018!
Click Here to get the eBook that helps you with creating your New Year Goals and Resolutions for 2018. It's cute note paper! (If you have trouble downloading it, or would like the instructions that go with the worksheets, you can get a generic [any year] version in our shop.) 
Below is the link to the Journaling to _____ Class Sections. We have affirmations, downloads and classes to help you with your New Year Resolutions and to help make this Your Best Year Ever! Enjoy! Peruse the Various Selections Here
The New Year Resolutions Set

Make this your Best Year!
This is a great set to keep you focused on all of your New Year Resolutions. The downloads reinforce what you want to create [this] year and fill you with motivation and confidence. They, just simply, make achieving your goals a whole lot easier.
The set comes with two downloads: One is short for anytime that you can fit it in and need a little pick me up and the other puts you to sleep! This way, you'll always be able to get that self encouragement and motivation that make crossing those resolutions off of your list simple and easy. Enjoy!  

What does your body need? 
Are you unsure of what vitamins, supplements and herbs you need? Not sure where to start? There's a lot of options and choices. Start simple and easy. Start slow and 'small' make a healthy lifestyle a habit.~ Take the HEALTH ASSESSMENT TEST Today ~ It's the new brilliant body health analysis compares your health concerns with each of your ten body systems.
It's great to do this test once a month and every time you change your diet or supplements. Click on the link below the picture on the left hand side to take the test now ~ it's free, fast and easy. It calculates everything for you.

 Hypnosis & The Mind
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is a natural state where your conscious attention is focused within your mind. It is any time your conscious mind is relaxed. Hypnosis is the process where by using different techniques you are able to bypass or relax the conscious mind, the critical factor, to achieve certain goals. In hypnosis (listening to a tape or in session) you will be fully aware, if you choose to be, and are able at all times, in any state of hypnosis and relaxation, to accept or deny anything that you hear. You are the one who chooses to enter a hypnotic state and have the choice to come up or wake up any time you wish or need to. The person speaking is a guide...

Questions & Answers about Hypnosis
What is hypnosis?
It is an altered state of consciousness. It is when your conscious attention is focused within your mind. It is also a state where your inner mind is more open to suggestion.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
Yes... if you trust the process, trust the hypnotist, trust the situation and trust yourself. And you must want to be hypnotized.
What if I can't be hypnotized?

Click Here to Visit the DIY Downloads Shop

Have a Stress-Free Year!
Teas, Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements 
can Help Relax your Mind and Body
Everyone is different. All of our stresses, schedules, bodies and commitments, accomplishments are different. We need different things that compliment our lifestyles and work with our natural cycles. 
Maybe you're the type of person who could benefit from a nice, soothing cup of tea before bed or maybe an increase of vitamins midday would help you keep a pep in your step. If your mornings are really busy and hectic, a quick protein shake maybe just what you need to get you focused and ready to conquer the day. Knowing yourself and your body is so very important. If you don't know what you need, take this simple online test that evaluates your ten body systems [from weakest to strongest] ~ it's a good place to start. You do know when you're up, when you're down and when you'd like to be 'something else'. Focus on the simple things you can do... Vitamins and herbs that accentuate what you want, tea to help you relax, shakes and supplements that pick you up and a full body cleanse to detoxify your body. 
~ Keep in mind that all of these tips are important but always check with your personal care provider and/or prenatal physician before starting any new diet or dietary supplementation. Your doctors know your body and dietary needs so keep on top of what you think you need and what your doctors tell you that you need.
~ Always check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen to make sure you are medically able to participate. Only your doctor can determine how much exercise is safe for you. Starting an exercise program that is more strenuous than you are ready for can result in injury and serious medical problems.
~ Before Starting A Vitamin Regimen Check With Your Doctor To See If It Is Compatible With Your Prescribed Medications

Happy Upcoming 2017!

Wishing you a wonderful upcoming year!
  It's that time (again) that we say goodbye to one year and welcome a new one in. Welcome in this coming January by spending some time journaling, reflecting and meditating over last year, all you've learned and done and what you'd like to see for the upcoming year. Be sure you set goals because you want to ~ not because you have to.
Have a Fun & Safe New Year's Eve!
Most Cities offer Free Taxis on New Year's Eve!
Have a great time celebrating! Most cities have free taxis on New Year's Eve. Call around or look it up before you go out. A lot of places will give free non-alcoholic beverages if you let them know that you are the designated driver. And, remember ~ everywhere is busy! Get there early to avoid lines and traffic. Set your mind for the night out and plan on having a fabulous, fun filled evening! 

~ Welcoming in January ~ 
As you know, we have a News Special that starts around the beginning of each month. Click Here to See the KMIR Viewers Special.  All of the monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness. This month it's about your New Year Resolutions and creating the life that you want! Happy January!

We have a plethora of downloads and eBooks that may help support your goals. Visit our different stores:
Set your Goals!!! It's a New Year!
The rest of this blog entry is about your mind and body and setting goals for Next Year. Take your time. Do it when you're ready. Enjoy it! This is about you and your life!

What does your body need? 
Are you unsure of what vitamins, supplements and herbs you need? Not sure where to start? There's a lot of options and choices. Start simple and easy. Start slow and 'small' make a healthy lifestyle a habit.~ Take the HEALTH ASSESSMENT TEST Today ~ It's the new brilliant body health analysis compares your health concerns with each of your ten body systems. It's great to do this test once a month and every time you change your diet or supplements. Click on the link below the picture on the left hand side to take the test now ~ it's free, fast and easy. It calculates everything for you.

Download the Free Instructions & Exercises eBook 

Happy 2017!
Click Here to get the eBook that helps you with creating your New Year Goals and Resolutions for 2017. It's cute note paper! (If you have trouble downloading it, or would like the instructions that go with the worksheets, you can get a generic [any year] version in our shop.) 
Below is the link to the Journaling to _____ Class Sections. We have affirmations, downloads and classes to help you with your New Year Resolutions and to help make this Your Best Year Ever! Enjoy! Peruse the Various Selections Here

The New Year Resolution Set
Make this your Best Year!
This is a great set to keep you focused on all of your New Year Resolutions. The downloads reinforce what you want to create [this] year and fill you with motivation and confidence. They, just simply, make achieving your goals a whole lot easier.
The set comes with two downloads: One is short for anytime that you can fit it in and need a little pick me up and the other puts you to sleep! This way, you'll always be able to get that self encouragement and motivation that make crossing those resolutions off of your list simple and easy. Enjoy!  

What does your body need? 
Are you unsure of what vitamins, supplements and herbs you need? Not sure where to start? There's a lot of options and choices. Start simple and easy. Start slow and 'small' make a healthy lifestyle a habit.~ Take the HEALTH ASSESSMENT TEST Today ~ It's the new brilliant body health analysis compares your health concerns with each of your ten body systems.
It's great to do this test once a month and every time you change your diet or supplements. Click on the link below the picture on the left hand side to take the test now ~ it's free, fast and easy. It calculates everything for you.

 Hypnosis & The Mind
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is a natural state where your conscious attention is focused within your mind. It is any time your conscious mind is relaxed. Hypnosis is the process where by using different techniques you are able to bypass or relax the conscious mind, the critical factor, to achieve certain goals. In hypnosis (listening to a tape or in session) you will be fully aware, if you choose to be, and are able at all times, in any state of hypnosis and relaxation, to accept or deny anything that you hear. You are the one who chooses to enter a hypnotic state and have the choice to come up or wake up any time you wish or need to. The person speaking is a guide...

Questions & Answers about Hypnosis
What is hypnosis?
It is an altered state of consciousness. It is when your conscious attention is focused within your mind. It is also a state where your inner mind is more open to suggestion.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
Yes... if you trust the process, trust the hypnotist, trust the situation and trust yourself. And you must want to be hypnotized.
What if I can't be hypnotized?

Click Here to Visit the DIY Downloads Shop

Have a Stress-Free Year!
Teas, Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements 
can Help Relax your Mind and Body
Everyone is different. All of our stresses, schedules, bodies and commitments, accomplishments are different. We need different things that compliment our lifestyles and work with our natural cycles. 
Maybe you're the type of person who could benefit from a nice, soothing cup of tea before bed or maybe an increase of vitamins midday would help you keep a pep in your step. If your mornings are really busy and hectic, a quick protein shake maybe just what you need to get you focused and ready to conquer the day. Knowing yourself and your body is so very important. If you don't know what you need, take this simple online test that evaluates your ten body systems [from weakest to strongest] ~ it's a good place to start. You do know when you're up, when you're down and when you'd like to be 'something else'. Focus on the simple things you can do... Vitamins and herbs that accentuate what you want, tea to help you relax, shakes and supplements that pick you up and a full body cleanse to detoxify your body. 
~ Keep in mind that all of these tips are important but always check with your personal care provider and/or prenatal physician before starting any new diet or dietary supplementation. Your doctors know your body and dietary needs so keep on top of what you think you need and what your doctors tell you that you need.
~ Always check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen to make sure you are medically able to participate. Only your doctor can determine how much exercise is safe for you. Starting an exercise program that is more strenuous than you are ready for can result in injury and serious medical problems.
~ Before Starting A Vitamin Regimen Check With Your Doctor To See If It Is Compatible With Your Prescribed Medications

Happy Upcoming 2016!

Wishing you a wonderful upcoming year!
  It's that time (again) that we say goodbye to one year and welcome a new one in. Welcome in this coming January by spending some time journaling, reflecting and meditating over last year, all you've learned and done and what you'd like to see for the upcoming year. Be sure you set goals because you want to ~ not because you have to.
Have a Fun & Safe New Year's Eve!
Most Cities offer Free Taxis on New Year's Eve!
Have a great time celebrating! Most cities have free taxis on New Year's Eve. Call around or look it up before you go out. A lot of places will give free non-alcoholic beverages if you let them know that you are the designated driver. And, remember ~ everywhere is busy! Get there early to avoid lines and traffic. Set your mind for the night out and plan on having a fabulous, fun filled evening! 

~ Welcoming in January ~ 
As you know, we have a News Special that starts around the beginning of each month. Click Here to See the KMIR Viewers Special.  All of the monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness. This month it's about your New Year Resolutions and creating the life that you want! Happy January!

We have a plethora of downloads and eBooks that may help support your goals. Visit our different stores:
Set your Goals!!! It's a New Year!
The rest of this blog entry is about your mind and body and setting goals for Next Year. Take your time. Do it when you're ready. Enjoy it! This is about you and your life!

What does your body need? 
Are you unsure of what vitamins, supplements and herbs you need? Not sure where to start? There's a lot of options and choices. Start simple and easy. Start slow and 'small' make a healthy lifestyle a habit.~ Take the HEALTH ASSESSMENT TEST Today ~ It's the new brilliant body health analysis compares your health concerns with each of your ten body systems. It's great to do this test once a month and every time you change your diet or supplements. Click on the link below the picture on the left hand side to take the test now ~ it's free, fast and easy. It calculates everything for you.

Download the Free Instructions & Exercises eBook 
Happy 2016!
Attached is an image (.jpeg) eBooks that help you with creating your New Year Goals and Resolutions for 2016. It's cute note paper! (If you have trouble downloading it, or would like the instructions that go with the worksheets, you can get a generic [any year] version in our shop.) 
Below is the link to the Journaling to _____ Class Sections. We have affirmations, downloads and classes to help you with your New Year Resolutions and to help make this Your Best Year Ever! Enjoy! Peruse the Various Selections Here

The New Year Resolutions Set

Make this your Best Year!
This is a great set to keep you focused on all of your New Year Resolutions. The downloads reinforce what you want to create [this] year and fill you with motivation and confidence. They, just simply, make achieving your goals a whole lot easier.
The set comes with two downloads: One is short for anytime that you can fit it in and need a little pick me up and the other puts you to sleep! This way, you'll always be able to get that self encouragement and motivation that make crossing those resolutions off of your list simple and easy. Enjoy!  

What does your body need? 
Are you unsure of what vitamins, supplements and herbs you need? Not sure where to start? There's a lot of options and choices. Start simple and easy. Start slow and 'small' make a healthy lifestyle a habit.~ Take the HEALTH ASSESSMENT TEST Today ~ It's the new brilliant body health analysis compares your health concerns with each of your ten body systems.
It's great to do this test once a month and every time you change your diet or supplements. Click on the link below the picture on the left hand side to take the test now ~ it's free, fast and easy. It calculates everything for you.

 Hypnosis & The Mind
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is a natural state where your conscious attention is focused within your mind. It is any time your conscious mind is relaxed. Hypnosis is the process where by using different techniques you are able to bypass or relax the conscious mind, the critical factor, to achieve certain goals. In hypnosis (listening to a tape or in session) you will be fully aware, if you choose to be, and are able at all times, in any state of hypnosis and relaxation, to accept or deny anything that you hear. You are the one who chooses to enter a hypnotic state and have the choice to come up or wake up any time you wish or need to. The person speaking is a guide...

Questions & Answers about Hypnosis
What is hypnosis?
It is an altered state of consciousness. It is when your conscious attention is focused within your mind. It is also a state where your inner mind is more open to suggestion.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
Yes... if you trust the process, trust the hypnotist, trust the situation and trust yourself. And you must want to be hypnotized.
What if I can't be hypnotized?

Click Here to Visit the DIY Downloads Shop

Have a Stress-Free Year!
Teas, Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements 
can Help Relax your Mind and Body
Everyone is different. All of our stresses, schedules, bodies and commitments, accomplishments are different. We need different things that compliment our lifestyles and work with our natural cycles. 
Maybe you're the type of person who could benefit from a nice, soothing cup of tea before bed or maybe an increase of vitamins midday would help you keep a pep in your step. If your mornings are really busy and hectic, a quick protein shake maybe just what you need to get you focused and ready to conquer the day. Knowing yourself and your body is so very important. If you don't know what you need, take this simple online test that evaluates your ten body systems [from weakest to strongest] ~ it's a good place to start. You do know when you're up, when you're down and when you'd like to be 'something else'. Focus on the simple things you can do... Vitamins and herbs that accentuate what you want, tea to help you relax, shakes and supplements that pick you up and a full body cleanse to detoxify your body. 
~ Keep in mind that all of these tips are important but always check with your personal care provider and/or prenatal physician before starting any new diet or dietary supplementation. Your doctors know your body and dietary needs so keep on top of what you think you need and what your doctors tell you that you need.
~ Always check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen to make sure you are medically able to participate. Only your doctor can determine how much exercise is safe for you. Starting an exercise program that is more strenuous than you are ready for can result in injury and serious medical problems.
~ Before Starting A Vitamin Regimen Check With Your Doctor To See If It Is Compatible With Your Prescribed Medications
Healthinomics | Beautiful Ready-Made Social Media Images for Health & Wellness Business Owners

Healthinomics | Beautiful Ready-Made Social Media Images for Health & Wellness Business Owners