Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label Destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Destiny. Show all posts

Psychic Development: Habits Matter

Yay! You've made it to week two! Congratulations. Now, we begin making all of this studying, journal exercises and downloads part of your regular routine. Practice makes perfect, consistency trains quickly and sets it in your mind like concrete.  

This week is a continuation of last weeks assignments. It was a lot to start all in one week. The assignments should have given you enough data to begin to make different decisions. Everyone's schedules and goals are different. The time that you spend with yourself and in your mind is precious. It's irreplaceable. It's YOU. Parts of you at different times, more than likely, but none the less, it's still you; all the dimensions and levels of you. 

That's really what this course is about... you and how you feel about you, how you take care of you and how you manage yourself when interacting and thinking about yourself in relation to the world and those around you. It's about consciousness. Really, everything, is simply about consciousness. And, consciousness can explain: why some people understand certain things and others understand other things, or why some people are emotionally stunted or choose the future or past over the present, or why sometimes we just don't get it. It is all about consciousness, frequency, vibration... If you are unfamiliar with these terms, no worries you learn all about them during this course. And, yes, you will be raising your vibration, tuning into the subtle frequencies in your subconscious mind and (if all goes as planned lol) shifting in consciousness. Soon, you should be able to document in your journal multiple ah-ha moments every week, so, welcome your epiphanies and expect to be showered with synchronicities. 

You can't master your emotions, fine tune your psychic abilities or accurately be able to hear your Higher Guidance if you have no idea who you are, what you want or don't, what you like or not or which part of you is thinking or feeling whatever it is that you are experiencing. In other words, if you don't know you, how could you possibly know anything else about anyone, what a good choice is for your career or the best place to live, start a family or get into a relationship? How could you trust that you are making the best choices for your body if you don't know what its saying to you? How can anyone act on their inner guidance if they are unfamiliar with their inner world, how it communicates and what all the messages mean? The better you know yourself (on all levels) the better able you are to maneuver fluidly through life and maintain your course (whatever that course or destiny may be).

How do you do all of those things that I just listed? By steady practice and being consistent. Rome was not built in a day and you did not just acquire a 20 year smoking habit or an extra 30 lbs in the last week. The first class may have seemed a bit overwhelming (everything all at once) but, just so that you are aware, the hard part is finding, committing and following through with your schedule (getting all of the work done in a relaxed and calm state with plenty of time). Here's the best part ~ If you do it now, it will make everything a lot easier later. If you want to change your life, you have to make different choices and you have to turn those [types] of choices into habits. Why all the harping on habits? Your habits are automatic and that is the result of training your subconscious mind. (I'll remind you again, your subconscious mind runs at least 80% of your life. What could you do, accomplish or how could you feel everyday if you just tapped into a tiny part of that massive 'machine' that keeps you going and doing the same thing everyday?)

When does the Magic happen?!!
This is why you must push through and get into a good routine for you. Being psychic is not magic. Some people are born to do it or have something psychic to do with their destinies and why they are here but the majority of the world can use them to improve their quality of life or to raise their standards of living. Not everyone is made to be a reader but everyone is made to use their minds. It's up to you how much you want it and what you want to do with it. There is a direct correlation with how much effort you put in to the results you receive. And yes, the exercises and downloads are what are causing changes in your thinking, your body and your life.  Take a deep breath and go back over your journal. You've had a week of listening to Developing your Psychic Abilities and A Gentle Conscience:
By now you should be able to see a definite difference in your psychic abilities. If your not getting psychic hits yet, think about how you're 'just' more intuitive or how you knew that was going to happen before it did. You should also be getting comfortable with which part of you is communicating with you, what it feels like and how to recognize its message. 
Your Hypnosis & Meditation Workbook trains you, your body and your mind to listen to you, the suggestions, pay attention to what you want to know, get or have fixed and to bring you anything that holds you back, the answers to questions you have and any help you need.

Training Yourself to Ask Yourself Everything!
Why? Simple. Because you know. You. You know. You know you. You know everything about you, your body, your mind, habits, emotions... everything. Any question (ever) you have access to the answer. And, if your Higher Self can't get the information, your Higher Self has quite a store of resources to draw from to get you what you need. 
Note* You only get the answers to what you ask. (If you're in the habit of asking everyone else, it's OK. You can train yourself to think of you first. Why is this important? If you do not ask you, you will not bring you the answers. Why does this matter? Because you are the only one that has your [whole] answer. Ever. 

  Broad Thoughts to Ponder:
Who are you?
Why are you here?
What's your purpose?
What's your 'gift'?
What's your 'curse' or 'cross to bear'?
What's the meaning of life?
What's the meaning of your life?

  'Your' Thoughts to Ponder:
Why did _________ happen?
Which (choice) is to my Highest Good?
What's the message with ________?
What's the best way develop my psychic abilities?
When's the best time for me to meditate, rest, exercise and/or go to bed?
(These are questions that you want to ask yourself. And, you ALWAYS want to ask yourself before you ask anyone else anything~ever. Ask yourself first. Then, and only then, should you ask anyone else their opinion.)

You'll be making your own list of things to ponder in your journal. It can be anything that you want to know or know about. Anything. You can list the questions themselves or write out clear, simple statements [of intent]:
Learn about ____________
What's the Message in my broken toe or sinus infection?
What classes should I take?
How do I fix _______?
What's the best way to approach _____?
You can title your ponder lists anyway you like. Be sure that you know that it is you that you are asking the questions to. Pick a few things to start with. It can be anything you're curious about. And, be prepared to get all of your questions answered. It may come in a book, movie, a thought, your dreams or even through a conversation. The possibilities are endless. And, your mind is already figuring out how to answer you, right now, as you're reading this. (Pretty, amazing, isn't it?)
Do your homework. You'll be referring to these lists through out the course. 

Do you need last week's homework? No problem! Click here for the Class Psychic Development: Foundation and Click here for the Homework. Happy Studying! 

Homework Assignments: Changes Made Easy Blog always has a clean outline/list of your homework for the week. Click here to see your current assignments

Writing Assignments:
Start getting into the habit of revisiting your homework, journal entries and goals. It's a great thing to start doing now and an easy way to check yourself and make sure that you are on track. The downloads should be seeping into your waking hours now, so, rethink your goals. If you're used to [my] downloads, there's some minor changes you may find; if you're new to them... Are you totally freaking out with how well they work, how good you feel and/or how much more energy you have and how well you sleep now?!! If you're not beside yourself with excitement, try to listen to them at a different time or place and increase the amount you're listening to them. Do you think you have a block? And, blocks are not bad, at all. It's your mind helping you by bringing you whats thwarting you. "Yay! Thank You, Wonderful, Powerful Subconscious Mind!" Click here to read about and check if you have a block. Remember: A block is not something that is meant to stop you, necessarily, it's a message. Ask yourself all about it! And, of course, the best way to 'fix' it.
  1. Review and fine tune your Goals.
  2. Review and fine tune your Psychic Goals.
  3. Review and fine tune your eCourse Goals. 
  4. Review and fine tune your Tentative Schedule.
  5.  Write out your Tentative Schedule (again).  
Those 5 should be relatively easy, you're just incorporating what you've learned about yourself, your life and schedule into them. You can scribble things out or start a whole new list or page. It's completely up to you. Just be sure you can tell the differences between the first assignment and date and the current one. Remember, once you get this 'right' for you, you'll have a recipe that will last you the rest of your life. Awesome. 

Meditation & Hypnosis Downloads: 

Downloads to Listen to 3-5x this week:
Develop your Psychic Abilities
Start thinking about how you could incorporate one download a day into your routine. One a day. This would be different than the download and workbook homework assignment. This is specifically download time you're figuring out. Talk to yourself about it, start looking forward to it, start reinforcing all of your good habits/choices immediately. 

Workbook Entries: 

Use your Hypnosis & Meditation Workbook (at least one time for each download)
1.-A Delicate Conscience (Meditation Section)
2.-Developing your Psychic Abilities (Hypnosis Section)
Same. Same. Just do them. You should be figuring out how many times a week that you'd like to do the downloads and workbook entries. Enjoy doing one hypnosis and one meditation exercise again this week.
Journal Entries: 

1. Write out (as much or as little detail as you like, see Writing Instructions for help) how you felt after the first exercise or after the first class.
2. Write out your plan for this coming week. 
3.  Make a List of Thoughts to Ponder

The Power of Numbers

Numerology ...  Oh. How I love it. Really, I just love it. There's a few different systems and a couple that are more common than others. It's your choice what you'd like to learn or, more appropriately which system you'd like to use. I'm not a numerologist. I'm not an expert... I am however enamored by the numbers and their symbolism. I love the charts, the paths, the letters. 

With much thought and consideration (and some great advice) I've decided to do [these] entries on the 11th and the 22nd of every month. (If we had 33 days, I would have loved to use that Master Number!) The Newsletter (Living Lightly Newsletter) goes out every 27 days [automatically] from the the date you signed up. Why? Because each newsletter is complete unto itself (the number 9). You'll get 13 newsletters a year and the goal is to help you manifest your goals (the number 4). And, of course... We must get ALL the moons in! lol So, yes, the newsletters were created to 'include' the Moon cycles. (It is every 28 days, actually, and it turns into a 13 month calendar year.) Curious about the newsletters? You can see the special send outs online, these are the holidays and extras. (Click here to view the Specials.) The 9s only come in your email when you sign up for them and verify the address.  (Click here to sign up for it.)

So... Back to this blog. 
The entries will come out on the 11th and 22nd of each month. If there are holidays in the mix, the blog entry before the holiday will celebrate it. Yes, I love holidays and yes, most of the time I'll do an entry that focuses on it. The holiday postings will be different every year, every posting and most newsletters. I can't do all the holidays every year (There's SO many!) but I can do a lot and change them up between blogs and newsletters. The Living Lightly Newsletters have holiday specials [in] them and they are not part of the every 27 day cycle. 
I chose the 11th and the 22nd because they are Master Numbers [or much simplified]  'power' numbers (you don't break them down and think of their potential as magnified) plus, it will make it very easy for everyone to follow this blog. Consistency (to most anything) is key. 
It's perfect: Consistency, Power and Magnified Potential. I love it.

Would you like to learn more about Numerology? (It's wonderful! I highly recommend reading about it and trying it.) Most numerology books will have the charts included in them and instructions (how and what to do and add) and what each number stands for ~ or what it means. Some of them will actually teach you how to do readings! (So fun!) ... If you're unsure where to start, I recommend going to the library and browsing through a few books so that you get a feel for what fits you and what you like. Some online bookstores have check out programs, where you can try it before you buy it. It's a very personal thing... decide which ones work best for you; the style of the author, the wording and language, and all of the directions.

One of my very favorite books (ever) on Numerology is Life Cycles, your emotional journey to freedom and happiness by Christine DeLorey.

 She does a great job of explaining everything and the best part... You can read about yourself (your number and cycle) every month. Here's the Amazon.com link... (Click here.) But, you can get it from anywhere. (I've included the picture of the book and the description from Amazon.com at the very bottom of this newsletter.)

And, I love numerology so much... I had to make a puzzle book to help [you] practice and learn all the traits [and things] associated with each number. Enjoy!

So, if you'd like to practice and learn more about what the numbers mean, try this Word Search Puzzle book! The Kindle edition is only $1.99. (Click here to Visit Amazon.com.) If you'd rather print the pages, you can find it in the Magick Download Store. (Click here to visit the store.)

(The book I love so much...) I've included all the information and picture [here] just in case it gets moved around online. I hope you check it out from the library or invest in a copy for yourself. It really is wonderful!

Excerpt from Amazon.com:

The book that’s all about YOU, your emotions, and this turbulent world in which you must now find your way
Since our world changed so suddenly on September 11th, and with subsequent events still unfolding, Christine DeLorey’s LIFE CYCLES Your Emotional Journey To Freedom And Happiness, has taken on a new and illuminating relevance. Through her profound knowledge of numerology, Christine speaks of the new millennium as a cycle of time in which real and lasting peace can only come from understanding and healing our emotions. This, she explains, holds the same importance as understanding and healing the mind, body, and spirit. With an emphasis on finding our way to peace, her 22 years of research have resulted in this unique and groundbreaking book which addresses the chaotic and emotional times in which we are now living - and the part we are all playing in determining the direction humanity is about to take. (See Part 3 - LIFE, LOVE & LIBERTY IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM)
She also describes, explicitly, how your personal numerology cycles influence your emotions, relationships, career, money, health, security and your awareness of today’s realities. This extraordinary book is your personal month-by month, year-by-year roadmap to whatever the future brings. (See Part 1 - DESTINY NUMBERS and PART 2 - YOUR JOURNEY)

Are Horoscopes Real?

I get asked all of the time and I was trying to decide if this was a subject I wanted to write about, so, I googled it. OMGosh. I don't recommend it! lol I couldn't believe how many negative and spiteful links there were. Here's your tip for the day: Take anyone (about any subject) that is spewing rage and hate lightly. They are obviously having some challenges keeping themselves in check. Even if what they are writing or saying is true, it's incredibly discrediting when you're screaming; in voice or print. Oh, the second word of advice... Don't be one of those people. For one, it's ugly and I doubt anyone reading this wakes up in the morning saying to themselves, "I want to be the ugliest, meanest person I can be today! Yay!" and for two, it leaves part of you vulnerable. Letting your emotions speak for you is not strength nor is it taking care of yourself. Protect your thoughts, feelings and your Emotional Self. You're important.

Back to Horoscopes. Whether you're reading your daily horoscope, a fiction book or listening to the radio, your Spirit is going to give you messages. Always. And, you're going to use whatever means that it can. The options you give yourself [to speak to you] the more messages that you are going to receive. It's pretty simple. Your subconscious mind 'knows' what's in that book, going to be on the radio and when you should change the channel and what you need. So, it's going to direct you [there] and your Higher Self will prompt you, or alert you, to what is important now. Have you ever noticed a particular line or a scene in a movie stands out for you or a phone conversation or part of a song? That's you alerting you. You'll be drawn to a particular book or application that gives you an affirmation or your reading for the day. 

"Why do they seem to fit me so perfectly?" Or even better, "Why do all the horoscopes for the day seem to fit me?" Because your mind is gathering the information it needs for you. We're talking about you ~ so everything is going to be in relation to you or to whom ever you're thinking about. If you're one of those grumpy people I was talking about earlier, nothing is ever going to fit you, so save yourself some time and throw away that chart. You'll find reasons why it doesn't work for you just like someone who wants the messages will find reasons that it fits them.

So... Are they real? Well, after just reading what I wrote, it makes it sound like a huge crock, lol. I, however, swear by mine and absolutely LOVE my sign. As, with everyone (it's that ethnocentrism thing I have going on) I think mine is the best sign. ;)  But, with everything in the the world, there are no absolutes for everyone; we're all different. Take what you need from it and enjoy it.  

If you find there's particular things about your sign that stick out for you, contemplate them. Do you like that about yourself? Is it something you'd like to enhance or change? Use the knowledge about your sign and your chart to enhance your quality of life. The more you know abut yourself, the easier your world will be to navigate.

Here are a couple GREAT books to get you started. You can probably even find them at the library. 

~ Linda Goodman's Love Signs 
~ The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk
A great company to find books and get a printed chart from is Llewellyn. Here is the link to their horoscope blog, Guided By The Stars.
You may already have your favorites. Go with what you like.

If you find a good astrologer, hang onto their number! (And pass it around!) Having your chart read by someone who is a Master at it... It's indescribably delicious and exciting. I have been lucky enough to have one of those in my life (Yay) and her weekly and monthly newsletters are posted as notes on the Diary Entries of a Psychic Facebook fan page. Check her out. She's great! You can find her here: Ren Rasa Yogamaya 

(I'm not sure if she does charts for people, you'll have to ask her.)

Last note for any naysayers still reading this... Isn't it just a tiny bit interesting that your soul knows you so well, who you are here to be, what you are here to do that 'it' picked the perfect time and day for you to be born?  And, for those of you that had induced births, find out when you were expected. How interesting~ would your sign have changed? Then, a great question for you to ask yourself would be, "Did I know that was going to happen so I planned on it at conception?" 

Happy Self Discovering!

Oh, One last thought...
Find a good application for your phone. there's tons of them to choose from. They are so fun!

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