Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mind. Show all posts

Goals. Goals. Goals.

You Can Do It! 
You can do anything you set your mind to. If you can think it, you can create it. 
~ a new place to live, the perfect vacation, friends, ideal job, happiness, inner peace, healthy body, 
The questions is... Are you willing to do what it takes to get what you want?

Pick Your Goals Wisely
When you're setting your goals, be sure that they are something you can 'see' yourself accomplishing. You want to be sure they are believable to all parts of you. 
They should be something that you desire greatly but are not motivated by fear or terror. If you have negative emotions associated with where you are now, work on those emotions. Clear them out [of the way] so that you can focus on the joy that achieving your goals will bring you.

Visit the Emotion Section
Emotions Section
This section has a variety of downloads that will help with specific feeling and emotions that you have. Read through each one to see what fits you the best. You can use these anytime you need them. There also a few that help you change the mood you are in and program you to stay calm and focused.

Visit the Emotion Section 

Be Aware of Your Thoughts
While you're writing out your goals, pay attention to your thoughts. If you catch some negative

thoughts coming up or if you have any doubts, listen to a black board to get rid of those thoughts. You want to be sure that you eliminate any and all negative stuff that's in your head.
All your self talk needs to be encouraging and positive. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, fill your life with positive actions and fill your social circles with positive people. 

Visit the Black Board
Black Boards
~ Erase the Negative or Old thought 
~ Imprint the Positive or New thought ~
The black board downloads erase and replace the old programming in your mind. They are called black boards because you are taking out the negative thoughts and replacing them with positive thoughts.They [these downloads]  won't leave you vulnerable, they will clear the way for you to make clear and concise decisions without any old thinking or negative attitudes to hold you back or influence you.It's just like that old saying... 'Out with the Old and In with the New'.

New Daily Habits
When you're creating new habits, you want them to be simple and easy. (You can add and build

on them later.) 
Start small and get into a routine...a habit. Do it everyday (or that specific day of the week) until you don't think about it anymore. It should be as normal as brushing your teeth at night. 
You can do anything you set your mind to. 
By setting smaller habits and goals that lead you to your larger ones, you are working with you body and your mind. You are also better able to find and catch any blocks you may have. 

Mind, Body & Soul Store
Mind, Body & Soul Store
In this personalized download section you will discover there are hypnosis downloads, meditations and classes that are created with one goal in mind...to be specific.
These downloads are recorded to focus on various topics, that may not fit the general population. Scroll through these and you may find some fit you or someone you know perfectly and may be exactly what you are looking for!

Hypnosis and Meditation Download Store
Hypnosis & Meditation Downloads

What makes these downloads different from other downloads everywhere else? They focus on your Light, making life is fun and easy. You have the ability to manifest anything that you can think of. These downloads give you the tools you need to bring your desires into fruition. What's the catch? All of these downloads make you happy, make your life simpler and more enjoyable... the underlying message in every download you will buy here... You are a Creator Spirit and you have the power and ability to create what you want... in every aspect of your life.
Visit the Hypnosis & Meditation Store

Have a Good Support Network
When you're starting your goals be sure that who you share it with is supportive of you and what

you are trying to create. 
You also want to be sure that your lifestyle supports the changes that you're making. 
You may want to set up something so that you remind yourself to congratulate yourself every week (everyday would be be better) to keep yourself motivated and excited. 
You're dedicated. 
You're going to achieve what you want!

Magick Download Store 

Miracles happen with the mind all of the time and
Making Magick Happen is all about the mind.

What's the big deal about Meditating?

Why does everyone tell me to Meditate?!!! 

What does that have to do with anything?!!!

How can your hear [your] Spirit if you cannot calm your mind or your body?

How could you possible tell the difference from your body's thoughts, wants and needs or your emotional self trying to get you to notice it from what your Higher Self is trying to guide you to? How would you be able to filter your inner child thoughts from old programming or the voice of a parent? How would you be able to tell the difference between a past life thought and a thought a spirit attachment is giving you? Simple... You can't. Period. Many people will [try] to argue this point with me. They'll say they know... My response, "How, exactly, do you know?" ~ If you cannot describe the different vibrations of each one of these parts of you, the you simply do not know. And, by the way, it always feels like a knowing thought... Why? Because that part of you does know that it is saying it or prompting you to do. It is the one doing it! ~ You just don't know which part that is. 

Don't worry, if what you just read was overwhelming or confusing, or if you thinks it's a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, keep following this blog. I'll get to all of it eventually. I'll teach you how to discern all of the thoughts that bubble up in your head and the emotions you feel in your body. We'll even get around to how all those parts of you are always communicating with you and how to interpret their messages. It may seem like a lot or a long haul, but if you stick with it, it will be the most exciting journey you've ever embarked on.

If you haven't already, sign up for the Newsletter Living Lightly ~ it comes out once every 27 days and on some holidays. Read it and Do the exercises, each newsletter is designed with a month's worth of homework and practice in mind. (Click here for more information) Oh, and save them! Each newsletter builds on the one before ~ so, you may want to refer to them. Very, very few things will be repeated here and in the newsletter. ~I'm the one who does all of it, so I know what I've covered, lol, and just by personality, am not a fan of repeating myself in words or type.  

Back to Meditation... There are SO many styles and ways to do it. And, so many wonderful paths to follow. Start researching, reading and trying as many different techniques as you can. (You want to find what fits you best ~ if you are already a master~ try something new.) Ask around, you may be pleasantly surprised with how many people enjoy a regular meditative practice and how many classes and groups there are locally. Everyone is different and everyone needs something different, try all types. You may find you adore a Chinese Walking Meditation even though you don't like to walk or that a mantra fits you perfectly when you didn't think you could stay focused or don't even know that language! They [meditations practices] all take training and disciple but when you find what suits you, it won't feel like work or a challenge, it will feel like... well, bliss. 

O.K. You need to learn how to relax your mind and your body. Period. You can't expect to be a clear channel for Spirit if your mind is going a mile a minute. How could you possibly let anything in? And how can you calm your mind if your body is uncomfortable, rigid or all balled up with stress and tension?

The goal~ you should be able to close your eyes, whisper one or two words to yourself and slip into that state of bliss, 'deep' state of meditation. If you can't, you haven't mastered it yet (or you could be having an off day, it's life. It happens. lol) ... keep trying. And, if you can, (yay!) keep doing it. 

Relax your Body 
Learn How to Relax (focuses on your body)This download teaches you how to relax. This is perfect for anyone who has a hard time relaxing their body, quieting their mind or feeling calm inside. You'll lean how to release stress and tension from your muscles, clear your mind and count yourself down into a relaxed state or into sleep. This download has you flex and release your muscles and focus on your breathing. You decide what you would like to do at the end of the session~ wake up full of energy, stay in a meditative state or go to sleep. It's your choice, all you have to do is tell yourself what you want to do [at the end] when you start your download. (Click here for more information)

Relax your Mind
The Relax Your Mind download teaches you how to relax your mind and let all of your thought, worries and memories fade from the 'front' of your mind. You'll be able to clear your mind any time, any place and melt into silence... into that place of mental peace. (Click here for more information)

They are inexpensive (and they are awesome) ~ if you listen to them, you'll just 'do' it. They work for the advanced practitioner and for someone who has never been able to sit still for more that 5 minutes. And, if you're a daily meditator, you can slip it in anywhere. you do not have to subscribe to a specific school of thought or religion and the downloads will not step on anyone's toes. They are a compliment to any practice  any person in any situation or circumstance in their life. (The majority of the downloads are between 25-40 minutes, if they are shorter or longer, it will list it in the description.)

Nervous (or skeptical) about listening to something with your eyes closed?

Oh... Are you worried about what someone is going to put in your head or that it won't work or that you can't do it? ... I made this download for just such an occasion! It gets the negative thoughts out of your head, teaches you about your different states of consciousness and programs you to stay in control of your mind, your body and your life. It's one of my favorites and I've been doing this for... ummm... ever. lol And, I still love this one. 
(Hypnosis =Altered State of Consciousness/Relaxation)
How Hypnosis Works The Hypnosis Works Black Board download is great if you've never done hypnosis before (and fabulous if you're a seasoned participant) because it takes out anything negative you have ever heard about hypnosis and reminds you that you are the one in control of your mind, body and life. It also helps your hypnosis sessions to work faster and better by removing any blocks you may have about the magic and simplicity of the state its self and the power of your mind.  (Click here for more information)

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