Congratulations on all your work! Being positive and focusing on the positive in every situation is no easy feat. Good Job! If you're [still] feeling challenged, no worries. Keep at it. If you've found that there are certain things you can't seem to 'get over', try the Manifesting Set: What's the message? It'll help you figure out what's going on (inside of you and in your life), why it's happening and what you can do about it. If you're the type of person that over-thinks everything, try the downloads Change the Continuous Thoughts and/or Stop Worrying. If you need a bit more help with this part, try the packages in Manifesting Help & Support. There's some great sets that'll help you eliminate that type of mental behavior and get you on track.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Keep at all of your affirmation habits and journaling. We have well over 50 [different] free affirmation image eBooks in our various stores (Click here to see the list Scroll down, they're all there.) and we're adding new ones all of the time. We have a plethora of affirmation image videos [on YouTube] in our Affirmation Images playlist and now we've added affirmation images to the Psychic Tidbits and the Manifesting, Course Content & Instructions/Examples. All of the videos have different types of sounds and music. Each affirmation eBook has at least 4 different options for you to choose from. Pick the length (how slow or fast you want to read the affirmations) and the music or nature sounds that you like. They are made for your convince and enjoyment. All good, healthy thoughts count; whether you're reading, writing, saying them to yourself or hearing them. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Plus, there are a ton of free affirmation stuff all over the internet. Have fun thinking happy thoughts!~Here's the key when you're shopping for affirmations~
They should all be:
1. Clear, Simple and Positive
2. Easy to Remember
3. Appealing to All Parts of You
You should like the way they look, how they sound and have a good feeling after reading them to yourself. One exception to this rule is if you are trying to change the way you think about certain things. You'll meet resistance here. Be sure what you are saying is believable (start small) and worded correctly. Use the affirmation diary sets for this part. You'll find journaling about these helps tremendously. They are created to help you dialog with yourself in a way that convinces and inspires you. Plus, it's fun to start everyday with a positive goal. :) Here's a link to just a few of our affirmation and diary sets. Peruse the shop, there's much more than just Positivity Sets. If you get them from us, they're always free and complement all of the downloads and exercises in the/that section.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ OK, by now, you should have a very good handle on how your mind works and what you need to focus on. The Mind to Mind Communication classes start next Monday (we're getting into a Monday habit, starting today) and positive thinking for this course is imperative. Why? Well, if you have negative blocks or programs that are weighing down
your mind, you'll never be able to get 'The Truth'. It's like having a big cloud of dark smoke around you all of the time. Are all positive thoughts true? No, of course not. That's ridiculous. ;) But you'll never be able to make up your own mind on what you want to believe and what the truth is if you're a negative thinker. Those negative thought will simply just muck up everything. Oh, if you're not interested in this course, check back [here] in September for a post on the 11th or the 22nd. That's how you'll know this course is over; when we're back to the regularly scheduled posts. You'll get/have two [free] downloads that come with the mind to mind communication eCourse and some recommended downloads to purchase. They'll be specific to communicating mind to mind. Before any of that... Get your mind ready and your programming 'fixed'. Unsure of what programming and blocks are? Read the post Help! It's not working! and Hypnosis and The Mind article. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The/Your Recommendation: Manifesting: Positive Thinking Set. Plus, it will help you in every aspect of your life. Yay!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Your Homework Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Start doing what's on Your Positive Lists and make a new one just for communicating mind to mind. Unsure what that is? Read Communicate Mind to Mind. Scroll down to the bottom and there's a link if you'd like a printer friendly version. This is not a lay-out for the upcoming course, it's a simple explanation that should get your creative juices flowing and engage that imaginative part of you. What If...
Have Fun!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Get a Journal! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun.
We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world...our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ When you're setting your mind for the day, pick affirmations that are easy for you to remember. It's best to pick just one or two for the day. It'll be easier for you to evaluate later if you're clear about what you were focusing on.The affirmation videos are an easy way to pick out your affirmations for the day. You can use the positivity affirmation examples anytime you feel like being a bit more positive.
Happy Affirming!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ This is invaluable information. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Warning: If you're a negative thinker, try to avoid all the 'proof' that nothing works until you build up your own thoughts and feelings in a direction that you want to go. (Avoid reading and studying when you are in a passive negative state or if you are feeling particularly pessimistic.) If you are a pessimistic person, fix that first. Who you are and how you think IS what manifests in your life.
- If you find you're having a hard time with any of this, or find that you are frustrated, mad or overwhelmed or if you simply do not want to put in the effort, Click Here, this may explain why and what you can do about it. remember, if you can think it, you can create it. Don't quit (on anything you want). You're worth it.
- Do you have questions or need feedback or instructor
contact? Click Here to find out all the contact information and how to 'use' it.