Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

The Grace of Gratitude

This is the time of year that we are reminded to be thankful. 
A wonderful way to stay in the grace of gratitude all year long is with a gratitude journal. 
You can write as often as you like about anything and everything that you appreciate in your life.
It's a great way to 'naturally' stay focused on what's important to you. And, you can start at anytime, at any phase of life and, of course, any age!

[This [blog] entry focuses on using one journal specifically for gratitude entries only.]  What a lovely time of year to focus on your Gratitude Journal. If you don't have one, no problem! Get one when you can. And, if you're already doing gratitude entries in your journal, good job! All of the suggestions are for you to decide what works best for you. Gratitude is about appreciation and it is extremely personal and precious. For when we deeply appreciate someone or something, it clicks something inside of us, that only we can experience/understand. Your Gratitude Journal is where you express your emotions, memories and moments of deep appreciation, love and feelings of blessings. 

If you don't have one already, 
get a Gratitude Journal and Start Today! 
Get a Journal! At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about
consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum
Gratitude Writing
You can write about anything that moves you. You may find that each time you sit that you have different feelings and levels of appreciation for people or things in your life. You may find that what you are grateful for varies drastically from day to day or you may discover that it is the same thoughts that linger in your mind. And, it's A Gratitude Journal. You're writing about things that you are grateful for... you can't do it wrong. So, enjoy! Have fun! Revel in the joys of living a life immersed in gratitude! 

Here's just a few ideas:
  • Personal Entries
  • Meditation Notes
  • Reflections
  • Experiences
  • Understandings
  • Poems
  • Quotes
  • Lists 
  • Letters 

Get Creative!
It's time to bring out your inner artist! Express yourself anyway that you like! Every few pages, try something creative. And, yes, doodling in the corners counts!

  • Sketches
  • Drawings
  • Collages
  • Stickers
  • Pictures
  • Decorate the Pages
  • Number all the Pages
  • Scrapbook the Pages
  • Write in Fun Letters
  • Use Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils

Have Fun With It!
If you're the type of person that works best in groups here's some ideas for you. The more the merrier! And, kids love it!
  • Gratitude Parties
  • At Celebrations
  • Gratitude Evenings
  • Regular Get-Togethers 
  • Monthly Meetings 
  • Kids Only
  • Family Gratitude Night 
  • Theme Night (health, family, friends, etc.) 
  • Honor One Person for that Meeting

[Free] Gratitude Journal for Kids! 
~ Why the eBooks are free and how We got Started ~ Due to rising costs and educational cut backs, Changes Made Easy .com and Full of Love Pet Supplies .com has created a series of eBooks for parents and educators to help make their jobs a little bit easier, save you some time and add some fun.
The eBooks re set up so that you are able to print the whole book or just the pages you'd like to use that day.
Our eBooks contain exercises that focus on improving communication, vocabulary, spelling patters, keeping the innocent and imaginative part of childhood alive, story writing and enhancing creative and critical thinking skills. 
We hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoy making and giving them to you. Click here to go to Free Educational Activity eBooks for Kids. 

Easy Access to the Sites

A quick and Easy Blog Entry to help you find your way around! Save this email, link or posting. It has all the links you'll ever need to find, access and log into all of the download stores, websites, newsletters and blog entries. 
(All of the Light Blue Titles are Live links!)

♥  Helping you connect to your Higher Self. Making conscious choices you wield the power within to become your Best Self and transform every aspect of your life.  ♥
 Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com
Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com

Should answer any and all of the questions you have about the website, downloads and services offered. It's cute, simple and clean. 

The newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that... to remind us to live in a Light state of mind; to enjoy our lives and take things lightly.  Let us brighten your day and prompt those enlightened moments. You'll get a new newsletter every 27 days and on some holidays. We want you to take your time and enjoy reading the articles and doing the exercises.
 The Archive/Blog: Living Lightly Newsletter Specials is all of the Broadcasts sent out for Holidays and Special Occasions. The individual newsletters are not listed in the archive. You have to be signed up to receive those. 

The link above takes you to Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com and lists all of the stores, their descriptions and has the links to each of them.
Here's the Simple Links to all of them: 

Once you purchase a download, class or eBook, you have access to that download from any device, anywhere you have internet access. You also have the option of downloading it to as many devices as you'd like. Please keep your email and password you have set up to retrieve your products. We do not keep a record of that, nor do we have any access or ability to retrieve it for you. If you're concerned about forgetting it, download your product to your tablet, phone and/or computer.
If you're having trouble checking out, make sure your name and zip code matches your billing statement and that all of the numbers you entered are correct. If it's still not working, try using the PayPal option.
If you'd like to LogIn to your account, Click Here.
Happy Listening!

Love Completely, Make a Difference, Choose Peace and Kindness Matters

 It's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun! We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. 

Why? Because your body and your physical matter. A lot. Take care of your body. it's the only one you get and it hears you, counts on you and needs you to take care of it. 
Click below the first picture on the left hand side (of this link) and it will take you to the free test. It's great. You can do the test as often as you like. It's a great way to gauge the balance of your body systems and for you to be able to tell how the herbs, vitamins and your diet is working for you. It makes it simple and easy to adjust your choices, diet and lifestyle. And, the best part, it only takes a few minutes. Try it! You'll be really surprised with your results! 

Due to rising costs and educational cut backs, Changes Made Easy .com and Full of Love Pet Supplies .com has created a series of eBooks for parents and educators to help make their jobs a little bit easier, save you some time and add some fun.
The eBooks are set up so that you are able to print the whole book or just the pages you'd like to use that day.
Our eBooks contain exercises that focus on improving communication, vocabulary, spelling patters, keeping the innocent and imaginative part of childhood alive, story writing and enhancing creative and critical thinking skills.
 We hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoy making and giving them to you.

The company JenCraft makes jewelry, bookmarks and a variety of beaded items to give to children to brighten their worlds. We also make a variety of items to donate for auction for Charities and Fund Raisers.
All of our Jewelry is Handmade and Full of Love, Hope and Blessings. Nothing our company makes is for sale. All of our creations are for donation purposes only.  Please visit us here to browse through our selections.
Please let us know if you have a recommendation or if there is a special place you would like us to send out gifts or would like to become one of our gifting centers. Go to our Blog

As a Pet Psychic, I am particularly tuned into the challenges and hardships of animals. If you're going to shop online for any of your pet products, please shop on Full of Love Pet Supplies .comALL of the proceeds are donated to animal in need.

Has just a little bit of everything... Check it out. it's simple and easy and a great way to find what you're looking for. 

Awww... The Joys of Social Media! 

Curious About Social Media?
This is a great site that shows you posting from multiple social media platforms. It's a continuous feed and is always being updated. Check it out. It's super cute! 
Click here to Visit RebelMouse/ChangesMadeEasy
If you have a couple social media accounts, look into getting a RebelMouse site. It's free and easy to set up! 

Would you like to see a lot of the postings without the Hassle?

Sign up for the weekly paper ChangesMadeEasy. It's all of the major postings of the week. The paper also features downloads, products and articles. It's a clean conglomeration of social postings, pictures, website links
and a bunch of fun stuff. A new paper comes out every Wednesday. 

Let It Snow!

Manifesting Ideas:
Wish Lists for the Whole Family to Enjoy

We're used to making holiday and birthday list. Actually we list things we are going to buy and do all of the time from phone calls we need to make to our groceries for the week. 
This season, use some of the list paper for what you'd like to 'see' for your family and relationships. Not the simple goal of what to accomplish but who you'd like to become and how you'd like to respond to those around you.
Holiday Wish Lists eBook here
Doing this as a family exercise can and will set a different tone for the holiday season. It will help all of your family members get to know you better and you'll get new insight into them and what their internal priorities are. 
You can also do this at a get together and with friends. 
Be as creative as you like. There's many different list pages, so that you can pick the best page for the list you're going to make in this particular sitting. 
~ The key to this exercise... think worldly, broadly and innerly. You can do it! And, as with anything, the more you do it, the better you'll get at it. And, before you know it, you and everyone you did the exercise with will be living it!

Enjoy this eBook with 35 different Holiday Wish List designs. It's fun for the whole family!  You can use them for everything from lists of stocking stuffers, gifts they want to give their friends and for wishes to help change the world. They are super cute. Enjoy!  (Click here to get the eBook now)

Gratitude Stories
These stories can compliment the lists you made beautifully or you can take a completely different route. Again, this exercise and how you'd like to spin it for you and yours is completely up to you.
Holiday Heart Paper here
You can write about things, people, emotions, memories... anything and everything you can think of. If it's in you life (in any way, shape or form) you can be grateful for it.
The pictures are so cute! There's a bunch for you to choose from and they are all lined so it will make writing a certain amount easy. (If you'd like to use the same paper for a longer exercise than just one page, you can do that , too.) 
If you need some ideas, read this blog entry. It will help. 
Being grateful is a state of being. It's a frame of mind, a deep appreciation for all that is in your life and all that will be. You're training yourself, your friends and family to connect to that inherent feeling of Being Blessed. 

Super cute holiday heart lined paper. There's 24 different designs. You can use them for a variety of writing exercises. Print the one you want at the time or print the whole eBook. It's up to you and it's fun for the whole family! (Click here to get your eBook now)

Cute Holiday Ideas

Visit our Happy Holidays Board on Pinterest
The greatest thing about living during this time is the internet. It's an amazing source of information! 
With social media booming, you can find just about everything! A great place to look for all types holiday ideas is Pinterest. Why Pinterest? It's the pictures! The toms and tons and tons of pictures. You have unlimited room to pin as many things as you like! You can separate your boards and label/title them anything that you want to. And, you can share them with the world, keep them completely to yourself or only add people that you want. You can even create boards that your family and friends can pin to. Not sure what someone wants for a gift? Go check out their Pinterst account. I guarantee you'll be surprised! lol And, it will make all your holiday shopping easier! And, Pinterest is totally free. Enjoy! (Click here to Check it out!)

Free Holiday Activity Books for Kids
There's a plethora of holiday activity books for kids of all ages. Many of the books and activities are created for the whole family to enjoy together.

Visit our Everything Holiday! Section  
Notes about the Free Activity Books
Why the eBooks are free and how We got Started ~

Due to rising costs and educational cut backs, Changes Made Easy .com and Full of Love Pet Supplies .com has created a series of eBooks for parents and educators to help make their jobs a little bit easier, save you some time and add some fun.
The eBooks re set up so that you are able to print the whole book or just the pages you'd like to use that day.
Our eBooks contain exercises that focus on improving communication, vocabulary, spelling patters, keeping the innocent and imaginative part of childhood alive, story writing and enhancing creative and critical thinking skills.

We hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoy making and giving them to you.

Happy Early Halloween!

I know it's SO early to be posting about Halloween! But I just love it. I absolutely love Halloween. It's steeped in history, mysticism and fun. (You get to pretend to be anything you want and collect candy! Yes, definitely fun!)

You already know all about Halloween and have had things and traditions that you've been doing your whole life. This entry to to help you to put a new spin on it or give you some new ideas.  You can use some of these ideas, all of them or toss the whole thing aside; the point of this blog is to show you how each and every day you can make a difference by the choices you make. And, that it's easy and simple. This is how you change the world; tiny actions that carry a huge weight. 

Make this a conscious holiday; use it to teach, not just [for] your family but for every child that comes to your door.
Broaden your Knowledge Base: Pick a culture or tradition that you don't know anything about. Make it a family affair and have everyone chime in with what they are interested in. You could get ideas from stories they've read or heard, movies you've seen or even the style furniture or clothes you like. You can also think about food and the different places your dishes come from. If all else fails, look on your calendar or online and find other holidays celebrated right around the end of October. 

Fun for the whole family: There's still time! Find some fun and educational activities that you can all do together. There's tons of craft projects and ideas out there.  Pick something that you've never done before. Preferably something that you've never heard of or 'that thing' you've always wanted to try. It's healthy for everyone to learn something together. It will help you strengthen your bond and teach your children that everyone is always learning. You may be surprised by how the relationship dynamic changes, stays the same or simply how everyone interacts with each other. If you're unsure... Scroll down and do the manifesting exercise as a family or group. You may be very surprised what the children or even partner! would like to see over the next year!
Visit Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com for free Halloween educational activity eBooks for kids. Click here to enter the store to peruse the different sections.

Costumes: The pure joy of dressing up! You can be anything! And, seriously, kids look cute in just about anything. And a teenage can look sexy and risque in most of the costumes out there today. Step in and use this time to instill confidence and security in your children. They are very impressionable. Watch what they are wearing. 
Now, onto the adults. You can use this time to be anything you'd like.  ANYTHING. What if you dressed up as someone you look up to or want to be like? Or a person or a figure that has some quality that you admire?  You could walk around all night thinking about that and draw the energy to you! 

Manifesting Exercise: Sit down (when you have uninterrupted time) and make a list of what you'd like to see for yourself in the next year. You can make it simple or very detailed. It's completely up to you. Include the physical things, of course, but really think about the qualities you'd like to develop in yourself. Who you would like to be and how you would like the world to see you. This is all about you and what you want for yourself. 
(If you're doing it with a group ~ you can have everyone do their own individual lists and chat about them after. Be sure everyone gets equal floor time and no one gets teased or chastised. And, no, everyone does not have to share. If  it's with your family, have everyone do their list for the family. About the family dynamic and how they want to see it improved. Be sure everyone knows to include their own behavior. This is not a pointing finger, get in a fight time, this is a building relationships exercise.)
Now if you're really ready to take that leap: Pick a costume that matches or accentuates what you want to manifest for the upcoming year. And go out there (that night and/or to all your parties) and BE that person! 
If you've done the family exercise, be sure everyone remembers their list for all your holiday festivities together! And all the little everyday interactions. 

Oh! And all of the Yummies!:
It's so much fun to go out and collect goodies all night! You can use these wonderful little treats to teach and lift consciousness. 
Candy from another culture [other than your own], country or place: How fun! What a great way to teach and expose every child to something unique and different. And, if you have kids, what a great way to explore different cultures, countries or places... through shopping for treats!
Local Candy Shops: Shop within your community and support those small businesses! You're spreading the word about them. If they are local you're helping bring money into your town/city and reminding every family that comes to your door that you support local businesses and that they are here. You may pass out their candy to a family that had no idea that that store even existed! how nice of you to drum up some business for them!
Buy Candy from a Company that you Support: Where you spend your money and what you hand out does matter. It matters a lot. Make your choices wisely and be sure they are in alignment with who you are, who you want to be and that they are spreading the message you want to give to the world. In that one moment, you are representing them, promoting them and letting everyone (including the company themselves) that you believe and support them.
Vegan Candy: Believe in it or not, know what the philosophy is or not, there are people that do. There are a lot of companies that do not use animal byproducts and do not do animal testing. If you buy vegan, you're making a kind and considerate choice to include every child and family that comes to your door. 
Order Specialty Wrappers: What a great way to spread a positive and uplifting message! You can put anything on it you like! And there all different shapes and sizes. You buy the candy and put your own wrappers on them. That can also be a fun family project! If you have a business, it's a great way to get your name out there. Get creative and make them cute! come up with something catchy and happy (make it simple) for all the kids to read!
Trinkets Instead of Candy: You can get all kinds of cute little presents that you can hand out instead of candy. Try to find something cute and fun that the kids will want to keep, carry around and or use. You'll be surprised of all the different things that you can hand out when you start thinking about it. And, the searching for it, could be just as much fun for the whole family. 

Love the Animals! 
Keep your Animals Safe: Know your critters! some pets love company and others get nervous or scared. There's an awful lot of commotion that night and a whole lot of different looking 'things' coming to the door and walking by their yard and your house. The increased foot and car traffic could be enough to unnerve your pets. Plus, there are a lot of children and families that are scared of or don't 'like' certain animals; keep them all separated, safe and happy. It's only one night and everyone will thank you for it, even if they can't say it!
No black cats outside: I know, I know everyone has heard this before but I'm going to say it again. If you have black kitties watch them this time of year. Just to be on the safe side. If it makes you feel weird, chalk it up to some people are superstitious and you just gave them a gift of luck! 

Watch what your're Watching and What you're letting your kids see! This time of year is known for scary movie month. It can be fun to get spooked but be aware of what you're letting your children see; especially when they are little! Their brains are not developed and when they are mini they cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy. And, by the way, telling them it is not real or not to be scared or to get over it, does not make it better, solve the problem or make it less real to them. There are a lot of cute and happy movies and shows that can bring you and your children closer and make your relationships stronger. 
If you're an adult ~ check out Modern Family, the Halloween episode from season one. It was the first one I had seen and I really did LOL a lot. It's a cute spin on family and holiday craziness. (It's for adults only.)

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