Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Taking Care of Your Body

Whew! Good job! That's a lot of new 'stuff' in one week! We'll take the next couple weeks slower. It is imperative that you set the habit of the two meditation techniques you just learned into your life. You're programming (and training) yourself to go to yourself first. You're teaching yourself to ask you [anything and everything].

Taking Care of Your Body is so very important. Remember, Spirit can only work through you, as healthy as your brain is. In other words, Spirit [your channeling and connecting abilities] are limited to the health of your brain.  (Start thinking about a healthy lifestyle and what that means to you.)

Your body has its own consciousness and its own personality. Your [animal] body thinks, feels, makes decisions and judgments. Your body is bound to [we all are] Nature's Laws and is very aware of them all of the time. Your body is also bound to you. It 'has' to listen to you. It's your subconscious mind's job to carry out the decisions you [your conscious mind] makes. So, even if your body does not like the instructions you are giving it, it still has to do it. (We'll talk more about this as we go.) Read more about the Mind here. Challenges can arise from conflicting feelings, beliefs and programs. (Indecision [from your earlier classes] would fit in here.)  This would be a great time to think about (and change) any conflicting programs and/or wants/desires. Look through the Blackboard Section for anything that fits you. You can never erase too many negative anythings. Since we're working on your body, now would be a superb time to focus on staying young. There's three downloads that go with the Staying Young Set (1 blackboard, 1 guided meditation, 1 short hypnosis download to program you everyday) and are all sold separately. They are listed 'with' each other so, be sure, to read the description of each one. Remember to get the one(s) to erase any negative programming, self defeating thoughts and any doubts that have to do with your body and anything you're working on.)

This week is easy ;) It's about you and your body. That's it. Listen to the download I Take Care of My Body at least once this week. 1/2 of your download time should be dedicate to something about your body. You can do anything from sleeping better to loosing weight or quitting smoking. It's completely up to you; just do it.  The goal: Enjoy it!

Meditation Assignment:
All of your Meditation Assignments are for you to get to know you. It's your responsibility to keep up with what you asked yourself last week. You can continue to ask the same types of questions, build on the last session or start something completely new. It's up to you. If you're still working on ______, then keep at it! And, just add body stuff this week. 

~*~Tune into your Higher Self:
Try this technique 3 times this week and document it in your meditation journal. 

~*~The Ask Yourself/Meditate on That Technique:
1. It's all about your body!  Make your body your focus this week. 
2. Meditate on 3 different occasions with Your Body being the focus.
a. Meditate on (ask about) one or two of the items on your list of ideas from last week
b. Ask your Body for a message~What does your body want to tell you?
c. Ask (request) that you get to know your body better. This will be different for everyone. This is your body, you have your own unique relationship with your body (even if you just found out about you animal having their own thoughts and feelings!), you've always had it and you'll continue to work with or against body (or any variation of this) for the rest of your time here. 
3. Write about your experiences in your Meditation Journal. 
(This would be the time that you can add a new journal for all of your Body, Health, fitness, nutrition, exercise, sleep schedule, answers about your biorhythms and genes would go in here. you could use this journal when you ask about illness, disease, aging and even your environment. This journal should be for your Body.) 
Do you need another one? 
At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about
consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!
We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum

~*~ Sign Up for Living Lightly Newsletter.~*~  (If you haven't done it yet.) There's a [FREE] Customer Appreciation download that came out on 8-8. (It should have come in your email.) You'll need the download (I Take Care of My Body) for this next class. If you'll use them, get the [free] I Take Care of My Body Positive Affirmation Image eBook that compliments the download. If you're interested,  here's a link to our Positive Affirmation Playlist on Youtube.com/users/ChangesMadeEasy.

~*~If you missed it, here's the link to the Living Lightly Newsletter archive page and you can get your gift certificate here.~*~ It's OK if you're getting here late or missed the date to sign up, click the link above to go to the archive from 8-8 (look in August) and get the certificate so that you can get the download for free for the next class. 

Notes & More Notes!
Start documenting everything BODY! This does not have to be perfect (It is recommended that you get a separate journal for all of your body stuff. Click here to peruse our selections.)
The more detailed that you can be, the better. Here are some ideas. Pick at least 5 things and keep track of all those unconscious things you do. (You'll use all the data next class, so, think of this as just gathering information for yourself. The more information that you have, the better able you are going to be to make good choices for yourself that you'll be able to smoothly integrate them into every aspect of your life. The easier we make this, the more chance that everything will stick.) 

With Every Entry: (You're documenting what you're doing on that day. Do not try to do anything special for this exercise. All you need to do is keep track of 5 things on the list. You can come up with your own list, too. Document and observe 5 different habits, behaviors, etc. Include the Date and Time with each entry. 
diet- regular
diet- eating out
sleeping schedule
ups (energy and mood)
downs (energy and mood)
lethargy, too tired, drained/exhausted
outside time
want more time with people/company
want less time with people/company
stress/things that trigger you
meditation time (label the different types)
hypnosis/meditation downloads

Writing Assignments: 
This is going to start looking the same. Stop yourself from the temptation of skimming over what you think you already know or what you think you have already read or done the homework. If something is repeated, rest assured, it is done purposely. 
Every week, the same thing. Yes. You're training your mind. You are creating habits. You're making yourself responsible for your thoughts, feelings, your well-being and your health; in all aspects of your life. If you stick to it now, you'll never have to do this again. (Note: Unless you train yourself out of the routines that you are creating now.) 
Plan on checking, reading over, making notes and/or fine tuning your goals every week. 
Once you're done with this eCourse, you can continue to revise and revisit your goals and turn them into anything that you like! 

  1. Review your Goals.
  2. Review your Psychic Goals.
  3. Review your eCourse Goals. 
  4. Follow your Schedule this week.
  5. At the end of the week: Review your schedule and if it needs it: Write out your (new) Schedule.  (The meditations should be added in, now. Both Meditation techniques: 3x each.)
  6. Make notes next to each Goal: Now it's important to keep checking and to be sure everything is still supporting and complimenting each other. 

Meditation & Hypnosis Downloads: 
Downloads to Listen to 5-7x this week
Add ANY Body Download to your routine
Yay! Keep doing whatever you want. Just do it. You pick the downloads that you want and listen to them. You can continue to work on relationships and people or start on some type of take a break, relax yourself or whatever else you are working on in your life. (Check your goals... Is there a download that fits what you're struggling with now or one that reinforces what you're creating? Is there anything that you're craving or that you 'want' to hear? If you haven't tried any new ones, now is a good time. This week is completely up to you.) 
If you need some new ones: 
Body, Mind & Soul Download Store: Has the Healthy Body Section in it. 
You can never have enough Black Boards. Seriously. These are the best things ever. Try one, you'll be glad you did. It's amazing. Please read the very short description of these. Out with the old and In with the New. Woo-Hoo! Search downloads now Here Remember to look for anything that you're indecisive about or have conflicting thought. Happy Erasing! (If you want to change patterns, this is a great place to start!) Suggestion & Visualization: These are very specific, in other words, read through the descriptions to be sure it fits you. This store has the Emotion Section in it. If there's an emotion that's keeping you from being still, get a download that fixes it. You'll also find downloads to help you calm your mind, like Stop the Continuous Thoughts. If you're still working on relationships, here's some great ones: Relationship Closure (it's long but it works!), Changing your Relationship Patterns (Be sure you get the correct set: Pick the gender that you date. In other words, choose the gender that you want to change your relationship patterns with.) And, if you already have some of the downloads in the set, no problem. There's no price difference or download specials, all of the downloads in the set can be found in the Body, Mind and Soul Store. 
Main Hypnosis & Meditation Store: This download store has a variety of downloads that help you sleep, start and end your day [the way you want to feel] and downloads to take a time-out or just to get away. A great download for your body: If you have dogs, get the Walk Your Dog! download. It gets you outside, tunes you into your pet and your body and keeps you present. Another recommended download is Healing Waters. You can use this guided meditation anytime you want (or need) and healing, soothing energy in/for your mind, body and emotions. You can pick which 'thing' you want to work on that day. Every time you listen to the download, you can get in touch with the part of you that needs the attention.

Workbook Entries: 
Now, you've gotten into the hang of doing this every week. Good Job! This week you can do any two downloads [in your workbook] that you like. Pick one hypnosis download and one meditation download. 
1. One Hypnosis Entry
2. One Meditation Entry 

Journal Entries: 
1. Write out (as much or as little detail as you like, see Writing Instructions for help) how you felt after looking over your list exercise or after the last class.
2. Write out your plan for this coming week. 
3.  Jot down the things you've discovered about the relationship patters and/or the people that are 'reoccurring' in your life. And, what you're going to do about it. 
4.  Write out the answers that you received from last week's Meditating Ideas List and analyze them.
5. Write out a list of Meditation questions for this week. (They can be about anything you're curious about or would like more information on or something as simple as a yes or no question about your life.)
6. Journal about your answers: what they are, how you received them, how you felt, how long it took you to get the answers, etc. 

You have it every week! Yay! Here's a quick link to your homework for this week. come back to this page if you have any questions. It's a list of your assignments without all of the explanation and directions. Assignment 6 Homework Outlined. Enjoy!

If you're having any challenges:
  • Get a hold of someone for help if you have questions. Contacting the Instructor & Course Questions  Click here for contact information and questions about the downloads, homework and the classes. All class questions will all be answered on Twitter at @PsychicTidbits
  • And Check with yourself to figure out what's going on, or more appropriately, what the message is.
  • Do you think you have a block? And, blocks are not bad, at all. It's your mind helping you by bringing you whats thwarting you. "Yay! Thank You, Wonderful, Powerful Subconscious Mind!" Click here to read about and check if you have a block. Remember: A block is not something that is meant to stop you, necessarily, it's a message. Ask yourself all about it! And, of course, the best way to 'fix' it.
  • Trouble with the Meditating Techniques?  Try listening to Learn How to Relax (this teaches you how to relax your body) and/or Relax Your Mind. If what you've been doing is not working, try If the meditation instructions [you have] aren't doing the trick, you can always try All-In-One 5-10-15-20 (there's 5 different downloads, ranging from 5-20 minutes) or any of the downloads that relax you, help you have a time out (Hypnosis Escape) or give you a break. The section I Love Hypnosis Downloads will have all of the mini-breaks and get-a-ways that you can ever imagine needing! And, there's a variety of times for each (you'll always be able to fit a session in your day). If you're not sure what you want but are ready to integrate another download into this class, try Increase Hypnosis Effectiveness. It's on sale and it will give you the mental break you're craving while it makes all of your other download work better. 
 Take care of your body! A balanced body is a healthy body. How well do you know your body? Do you listen to it? I mean really listen to it? Your body will tell you the best diet and exercise program, how many hours of sleep you [it] need(s), and even how to heal itself. You body knows what it needs. Take this free health analyzer test. It will take about ten minutes. You can do it every couple of weeks to 'see' how you are doing. Bringing your body into balance and thinking/saying nice things to it is the kindest most supportive thing you can do for it. Eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, getting deep restful sleep, exercising and taking vitamins, minerals and herbs shows that you care about it. A loved body is a happy body. Read the full article here. 

Easy Access to the Sites

A quick and Easy Blog Entry to help you find your way around! Save this email, link or posting. It has all the links you'll ever need to find, access and log into all of the download stores, websites, newsletters and blog entries. 
(All of the Light Blue Titles are Live links!)

♥  Helping you connect to your Higher Self. Making conscious choices you wield the power within to become your Best Self and transform every aspect of your life.  ♥
 Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com
Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com

Should answer any and all of the questions you have about the website, downloads and services offered. It's cute, simple and clean. 

The newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that... to remind us to live in a Light state of mind; to enjoy our lives and take things lightly.  Let us brighten your day and prompt those enlightened moments. You'll get a new newsletter every 27 days and on some holidays. We want you to take your time and enjoy reading the articles and doing the exercises.
 The Archive/Blog: Living Lightly Newsletter Specials is all of the Broadcasts sent out for Holidays and Special Occasions. The individual newsletters are not listed in the archive. You have to be signed up to receive those. 

The link above takes you to Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com and lists all of the stores, their descriptions and has the links to each of them.
Here's the Simple Links to all of them: 

Once you purchase a download, class or eBook, you have access to that download from any device, anywhere you have internet access. You also have the option of downloading it to as many devices as you'd like. Please keep your email and password you have set up to retrieve your products. We do not keep a record of that, nor do we have any access or ability to retrieve it for you. If you're concerned about forgetting it, download your product to your tablet, phone and/or computer.
If you're having trouble checking out, make sure your name and zip code matches your billing statement and that all of the numbers you entered are correct. If it's still not working, try using the PayPal option.
If you'd like to LogIn to your account, Click Here.
Happy Listening!

Love Completely, Make a Difference, Choose Peace and Kindness Matters

 It's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun! We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. 

Why? Because your body and your physical matter. A lot. Take care of your body. it's the only one you get and it hears you, counts on you and needs you to take care of it. 
Click below the first picture on the left hand side (of this link) and it will take you to the free test. It's great. You can do the test as often as you like. It's a great way to gauge the balance of your body systems and for you to be able to tell how the herbs, vitamins and your diet is working for you. It makes it simple and easy to adjust your choices, diet and lifestyle. And, the best part, it only takes a few minutes. Try it! You'll be really surprised with your results! 

Due to rising costs and educational cut backs, Changes Made Easy .com and Full of Love Pet Supplies .com has created a series of eBooks for parents and educators to help make their jobs a little bit easier, save you some time and add some fun.
The eBooks are set up so that you are able to print the whole book or just the pages you'd like to use that day.
Our eBooks contain exercises that focus on improving communication, vocabulary, spelling patters, keeping the innocent and imaginative part of childhood alive, story writing and enhancing creative and critical thinking skills.
 We hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoy making and giving them to you.

The company JenCraft makes jewelry, bookmarks and a variety of beaded items to give to children to brighten their worlds. We also make a variety of items to donate for auction for Charities and Fund Raisers.
All of our Jewelry is Handmade and Full of Love, Hope and Blessings. Nothing our company makes is for sale. All of our creations are for donation purposes only.  Please visit us here to browse through our selections.
Please let us know if you have a recommendation or if there is a special place you would like us to send out gifts or would like to become one of our gifting centers. Go to our Blog

As a Pet Psychic, I am particularly tuned into the challenges and hardships of animals. If you're going to shop online for any of your pet products, please shop on Full of Love Pet Supplies .comALL of the proceeds are donated to animal in need.

Has just a little bit of everything... Check it out. it's simple and easy and a great way to find what you're looking for. 

Awww... The Joys of Social Media! 

Curious About Social Media?
This is a great site that shows you posting from multiple social media platforms. It's a continuous feed and is always being updated. Check it out. It's super cute! 
Click here to Visit RebelMouse/ChangesMadeEasy
If you have a couple social media accounts, look into getting a RebelMouse site. It's free and easy to set up! 

Would you like to see a lot of the postings without the Hassle?

Sign up for the weekly paper ChangesMadeEasy. It's all of the major postings of the week. The paper also features downloads, products and articles. It's a clean conglomeration of social postings, pictures, website links
and a bunch of fun stuff. A new paper comes out every Wednesday. 

[free] Positive Affirmation Image eBooks

You can do whatever you put your mind to!

That's why we have created the [free] affirmation eBooks. ... Just a sweet, simple reminder that you are great!

We have well over 50 Affirmation Image eBooks that you can download and print. You can use then as screen-savers and/or in your social media postings. Feel free to share them with everyone! You know, the happier everyone is ~ the better!

And, keep checking back! We're always adding new eBooks. (Ha! We just stopped counting at 65! And, there's always more being uploaded regularly. So, depending on the date of this blog entry, you can just imagine how many you have to choose from now!)

Here's the quick links directly to the stores. Check the categories you like for the free eBooks. They're mixed in with everything. Peruse below... these are the various links and descriptions of the variety of shops that we have. You'll find the free positive affirmation image eBooks and the free affirmation and diary sets in all of them. (And, remember, they're all different... So, click around and get the ones you like from each place.)

 Mind, Body & Soul 
Yep, you guessed it. This shop covers everything that has to do with you, your personal growth, healing, relationships and connecting and tuning you into that Spirit[ual] part of you. There's a ton of affirmation image eBooks in all of the different categories. Enjoy! 

Classes, Seminars & Lectures
All of our Classes, Seminars and Lectures have a variety of individual downloads and eBooks associated with one or two main eCourses. You'll find many classes that use your Spiritual Light, Mind to Mind Communication, Chakra Balancing and a variety of classes that tune you into your Spirit and Spiritual Journey. 

eCourses & Training
The great thing about our eCourses and Training is that all of the sets are complete unto themselves. Look into each category to manifest and create just about anything or everything you can imagine. This shop is chalked full of affirmation eBooks and diary sets. Happy Downloading!  

Magick, Manifesting & Psychic Downloads  
This is for all of the lovers of the psychic arts and, of course,  everyone who wants to develop them! This is also where you'll find our more mystical and magickal downloads and eBooks. Have fun! 

Animal Everything! 
Oh! For the Love of Animals! We adore them so much, we had to put everything [about them] in one place. this shop has everything that has to do with your fur-babies. If you're an animal person, you'll want to stop in here! 

The greatest thing about these downloads are the lovely music they have in the background. Listen to the samples (You may stream them, no downloading necessary!) Plus, nearly every download (and all of the sections) have matching affirmation image eBooks. Yay!

for Adults Only (18+)
Don't let the name frighten you off. This is for all of the things that we experience as adults. It has a ton of stuff for helping you get and keep your life on track, all while making you happy, comfortable and confident doing it. You'll find addictions, substance management and abuse, intimacy issues and body healing and modification. We have some great affirmation eBooks and diary sets in here! 

Affirmations, Subliminal Downloads & Videos
This shop has audio affirmations and videos that match the free affirmation eBooks, or more accurately, our free positive affirmation eBooks match all of our audio and video downloads and eBook sets and classes. Don't let this name fool you, you'll find many more free positive affirmation image eBooks in the shops above. 

All of the Affirmation Image eBooks are spread throughout the various categories and stores. They average between 30-40 pages [images] with different backgrounds, fonts and colors. All the eBooks are themed to match the downloads in the sections. 

Browse and Enjoy!

You don't even need a coupon! They'll always be free!

Use them! Share them! And let them work for you!

The eBooks have between 30-40 images because they are created for you to use everyday. Pick one affirmation image per day and let that be your focus for the day or evening (some are for night or evening times). Try them for at least one month. you'll be shocked by the difference in your life! If you find one or two particularly challenging, do them a few days in a row until you can say and feel them comfortably.

Happy Affirming!

Another great thing about getting our eBooks from any of our shops [associated with Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com], you'll create an account (We don't care about your information; fill it out so that you remember how to get back in.) and everything that you've ever downloaded (checked-out) will be housed there. Pretty cool~everything in one spot. You may re-download them as many times, to as many places as you like. If you've gotten any of our audios or videos, you'll find them in there, too. Seriously. Convenient
So, have fun! check out a bunch of stuff today. If you're not fond of this or that, no problem, delete it! And, if you love it, wee then... Woo-Hoo! You've got a place to keep it forever! Click Here to Sign In to your account and/or 'see' our list of shops. Happy Clicking! 




Do you love pictures?

 I mean LOVE pictures and pictures with quotes, motivational and inspirational sayings and affirmations? If you love [those types of] pictures even a quarter as much as we ( I ) do... 
You must join us on Pinterest and Instagram!

Start your Day Right

How incredibly blessed we are that every day is a new day. 

You choose what each day means to you, what you're going to do with it and how you're going to handle it. Starting your day out right is about setting your intention. You decide how you feel everyday and what you are going to accomplish. If you do not make the conscious and physical effort to tell yourself what you want, then you are letting your subconscious mind decide and do what it has been programmed and trained to do. 

The fist few moments in the morning are so precious. You're in an altered state. Your subconscious mind is open to suggestion. And, if you are aware, you'll hear those subconscious thoughts as you start to wake up or as the sleepy fog begins to lift. 
If you have the wherewithal, say nice things to yourself in this state. 

Before you start your day, try to carve out (just) 10 or 15 minutes to write out what you'd like for the day.
Getting your head right before you start your day, sets your entire day up to be the way you want it. This is your day. You create it. You change it. You live it and you control your reactions to it.

Getting your mind where you want it to be every day will change your whole world. Yes, you need to do it everyday. Yes, it gets easier. And, yes, you can find the time. If it's important to you, you'll find away. There are more ways to get things done than there excuses to why we can't. 

Taking control of your day is one of the kindest, most empowering things you can do for yourself and it only takes a few minutes each day.

We all don't have time first thing in the morning to relax and think or even have time for ourselves. If you're rushed  in the morning or if your home is full of life early, do the exercises before bed or the day before (whenever you have a few minutes alone). You can reread what you've written before you start your day.

Set your intention for today.

You may find that you like to write a paragraph, a list of goals or create your own affirmation. You may find that each day is different or that you snuggle into a habit that fits you perfectly and is exactly the same everyday. Whatever you do, it's great. You're doing it and that's the point. You're telling yourself that you are serious and this is what you want for the day. It sets it up in your mind as a high priority, even if you never think about it until tomorrow morning when you're writing out your intention.
When you make this a regular part of your life, you'll find that you get more done, accomplish your goals easier and are calmer and more relaxed inside. You naturally become more in-tune with yourself because you are paying attention to yourself, you are attending to your needs and you are being very clear about what you're expecting from yourself.
When you're first starting, you want to try this different ways; you want to find what works best for you. If this seems overwhelming, use just one or two sentences and follow these simple rules:
  • be clear and concise
  • be specific (with what you want to accomplish)
  • use the present tense
  • be realistic
~ I live a spiritual life.
~ I make healthy choices for myself and my family today.
~ Today I act on the messages I receive.
~ I handle everything at work today with patience and grace.
~ I get everything done on my to do list easily
~ I choose to be fully engaged in all of my tasks today.
~ I focus on appreciating ___________ today.

As you continue this exercise (every day) you'll be surprised how much more you are enjoying your life, staying present and improving your relationships.

As simple as this may seem, the impact is huge. You'll reap the rewards of doing this regularly. You'll begin to look forward to it and trust that it works and be able to observe the impact it has had on your life.

Download/Meditation Recommendation:

Make today the best day you have ever had! This hypnosis download sets you up to have a great day. You are able to choose what you want your day to be like and where you want your focus to be. Would you like to have a super fantastic day? Well, this download makes it simple and easy. All you have to do - is listen to your download. (click here) To get the maximum benefit, it is recommend that you get the Hypnosis Workbook (click here) and the Making Today the Best Day you Have Ever Had Journal (click here) to go with your download. Click here or go to Changes Made Easy .com and you'll find them in the I Love Hypnosis Downloads .com Section.

Healthinomics | Beautiful Ready-Made Social Media Images for Health & Wellness Business Owners

Healthinomics | Beautiful Ready-Made Social Media Images for Health & Wellness Business Owners