Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label Higher Self. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Higher Self. Show all posts

Mind to Mind Communication: Man, Nature & Spiritual Laws

  7 Week Mind to Mind Communication Course 
Man, Nature & Spiritual Laws (7th Week) 

Welcome to our free summer psychic course! How fun! 
If you're just finding us, the introduction and the very first post is about how I am going to teach this course and all of the guidelines. Read through this thoroughly. You want to make sure this course (and my teaching and style) is a good fit for you, and for your belief system. If you've been working with us, scroll down a couple paragraphs to begin your seventh class at the second heart ().

 Set up: Every week you'll have homework to do for the next class. (If you're starting today, no worries! It's super easy to catch up, Click here to go to the introduction, first day. You can start now!) You'll have to read (just a few) articles, listen to some downloads (they'll all be explained and provided for you), use affirmations (these will also be provided) and journaling exercises. If you don't have a journal...Get One. There's a few links at the bottom that will help you. Can you use your phone or computer to do your journaling? Yes, but it's not recommended. Once we get into the channeling section of this class, you'll want to be able to go over your entries and make notes. Plus, you'll be able to catch the tiny nuances of the various inner parts of you by your writing style. 

Oh, I should prepare you, there's at least two more classes about Mind to Mind communication. They're not considered part of the course because you don't have any homework starting next week. You will, however, have more journaling to do this upcoming week. :)

 Okay, this is week five of energy work. You should have
a clear picture of what comes from where. Yay! If you're still unsure, start the section that was difficult for you over and continue from there. And, keep starting over until you really feel like you have a handle on all of this. It's a way of life. Put in the effort. Do the work. It's worth it. And, you can always get answers and guidance, anytime from your Higher Self. 

Now, we get into laws. Let's go over the The Absolutes. 
No Entities, Spirits, or People from The Other Side. No discarnates. Ever.: Really...No entities, Spirits or people in or out of body in your energy field.. Pretty simple. Keep your energy clear. You've witnessed, experienced and documented how damaging (and crazy making) it can be. 
Respect people's boundaries: If they don't want you in their space (or their heads) get and stay out. Again, pretty easy. You wouldn't want random people picking through your mind, so do not do that to them. 
Respect Everyone's Privacy: It's true, there are no secrets in Spirit but that does not give anyone the go ahead to be
probing  without anyone's consent. No ugliness: don't be a jerk. That means nothing negative or mean, No wishing people ill or worse.
Nothing Yucky: No envisioning awful things happening to them. There's absolutely no justifiable reason to be awful. You cannot reason your way out of it; even if you think they deserve it. It's not your decision to make. Very Simply: Do not be mean. 
No Thwarting People's will: It's not up to you to decide what's best for anyone but yourself, and even then, check with your Higher Self first to see if it's to your Highest Good. 

 Now, onto Rules & Responsibilities:
ALL information must come through your Higher Self. There's no better filter. And an easy way to do this is to as, "My Higher Self and ________ Higher Self make the best use of today's time." (That's one of your affirmations in the Mind to Mind Communication affirmations. 
Here's a little tidbit (rule) you only get the information that is to your Highest Good at the time. If we got everything right away, we'd probably goof it up, miss valuable steps and lessons and skip a bunch of stuff we're not supposed to. 
And, finally, Abide the Laws of Nature, Spirit and Man. 
We'll start easy, Man's Laws. This one is easy. Follow the laws: meaning nothing illegal. And, I mean, nothing. If it's questionable, don't do it. Remember, Man's laws keep society running smoothly and orderly. Plus, you're bound to them because of the society you live in. These may vary depending on where you reside. Nature's Laws are pretty straight forward if you know what to look for. Think Balance. Anything to do with this world and the planet. Most people would call many of them common sense. So, think physics, think science, think choices and result in the physical world. For example, If you want to be healthy, you cannot eat a diet
of [only] fast food, sit on the couch all day and never sleep. You'll 'contract' physical ailments. That's Nature. Just think, if it goes against Nature... You're probably breaking one of her laws. Spiritual Laws and stuff can get a bit more convoluted. For this class, think simple, what goes around comes around. And the truth...We are bound to the promises we make [to ourselves], to other people is debatable. That includes our thought, judgement, and decisions. We will continually test ourselves and our beliefs. True or untrue we will try to prove them to our selves until we discover our truth. If you lie, you are bound to the lie and you'll have to answer to yourself for that now or later. So, when you're trying to decipher all of these things, think Man (your world and  society), think Nature (all things [here] in the physical), and Spirit think Right Action, Divine Guidance and the feeling (it's a message) Joy. And, not artificial elation, the vibration of clarity, truth and absolute knowing with the under tone of 'I get it'. 

  Subconscious Programming and Boundaries: (Remember, that's the 'only' way anything can 'get in'.) This is a much bigger deal than anyone ever addresses or talks about. Seriously. Be honest with yourself about this. If you have questionable boundaries (in your life or in your mind, you need to attend to them. Or if you're still having any challenges of keeping everything of you or clearing your mind (this is super important), get some downloads and change your programming (Click Here) so nothing sneaks in or influences you. This, too, is a much bigger 'problem' that the world wants to admit. (Again, do not be afraid. Just simply fix yourself and all the havoc and terror will just fall away.)
Read about changing your programming~ Click Here for the list of downloads and Click Here to read more about it [programming]. If you need to, Click Here to read The Mind article again. It'll help. 

 Now, it's time for you to keep everyone and everything out of your body and energy field. If you want to channel (anything or anyone (people, animals or beings from other dimensions or places remember) they can communicate mind to mind. No one needs to 'be in you' for any reason, no matter how convincing they sound. Again, 

Making Magick Happen Safely!
there's no need for them to be in you. Ever. Go get the free download (audio description) of the Making Magick Happen shop. (Click Here) It'll explain this in a bit more detail and help you understand how I work. Plus, your Psychic Set Up download is in the same shop. Yay! making it as easy as possible. :) Click Here for the Complimentary Section. If you're into channeling stuff, you'll find downloads in this shop and [in] the Mind to Mind Communication classes

❥ Yay! It's let's chat about download time! How are you doing with them? Are you using them regularly? How have they improved your life? And, now, start documenting how quickly they work for you; especially the psychic set up. If you really want to get daring, try the  Affirmation & Psychic Exercises Pack. Take the exercises lightly. They are made for you to work with yourself over time. Obviously, the more you practice, the better you'll get. This exercise(s) should be fun. If you get stressed out or feel too much pressure~Stop doing them. You can start over at another time. Build your confidence first, This is about enhancing your psychic abilities, not creating and feeding doubt.

  Ack. If you didn't get the download from last week, get it now. It's invaluable. You'll use it and what it has to teach you for the rest of your life. And, pass
around (nicely~don't pressure anyone. Some people have had entities with them their entire life. And, in those cases, the entities and the people have grown quite accustomed to each other. And, in many times quite dependent on one another.) Side Note: The Psychic Set Up is different than the Mind to Mind Communication Set Up download. You'll use the mind to mind one to set you up for all of your mind to mind communications. The Psychic Set Up,what you need to go get now, if you haven't already, and is for all of your psychic work. Keep listing to this download daily until you have it memorized and can say it instantly (and immediately) in your mind. Again, this is very important. Memorize it. Keep your energy clear. 

❥ This week's homework: Keep everything out of you! (Again. We'll keep practicing this until it becomes a habit... and automatic). Make sure you're clear about all of your energy sensitivities (to people, places, things and emotional states) so that when you sit down and focus your mind, you're clear. And, I mean, clear about who you're talking to, what you
want to say and the desired out come. Now, go get The Pre-Course:Mind to Mind Communication. It has basic instructions, worksheets (You'll need them for all of the downloads and classes) and a set of affirmations. And, no worries, it's complimentary. Go over all of the journal/workbook pages. you'll need them in the future. Plus, it helps you get a clear understanding of how focused you need to be. Plus, it's very pretty! :)

 Affirmations: Yay! It's time for your  Mind to Mind Communication Affirmations and Diary Sets! Pick/Use only the ones that resonate with you.And, now, you can use all of the affirmations! Go get a Mind to Mind Communication Affirmation and Diary Set. DO the entries everyday. You only have a week left of being told to do it... Use this week to your advantage and get your habit set in stone. If you didn't download it already, (as mentioned earlier) there's a super Cute Affirmation & Psychic Exercises Pack. If you're not ready for the exercises yet, you can still use the affirmations and there's a lot of color choices! Try it today. (This set does not come with diary pages. Get The Sun Kissed Set if you'd like the matching diary or try a different set for your homework.)
❥ Notes about your energy and findings: How you document and figure everything out is up to you. It's a very personal thing. And, can be a lot of fun! It's up to you if you want to share your findings with anyone. Caution: Do not get
too carried away. These are subtle energies and influences we are talking about. Be aware of yourself, your thoughts and feelings and how sensitive you are to everyone and everything around you. this class is not to make you crazy and over sensitive, it's created to get you [more] in touch with the inner workings of you, your emotions, your mind and Spirit. It's empowering. And it is meant to be used to bring more balance and clarity into your life. If you find that you are sketchy, paranoid or frightened all of the time, seek professional help and guidance. This is about feeling clear, calm and at peace with yourself using your Higher Self to guide you. 

❥ Write in your Positive Affirmation Diary daily. All of

our Positive Affirmation Image eBooks and Positive Affirmations and Diary Sets are always free. Again, write in your Positive Affirmation Diary daily. If you don't already have it: You'll need to get these from us. If you'd prefer, you may use your own journal. Click here and scroll down to the picture of the Positive Affirmations and Diary Set Instructions
for directions and the best way to do it.

~ Use the Insight Section to document all of your energy findings [there]. If it's not enough room, or if you like the way you have been doing your diary entries, use the (master copy) blank page to journal all of your observances. Title it Insights or make a note at the top so that you know what you were doing. (You'll want to be able to pick it up in a year and remember exactly what was going on.)

❥ ❥ ❥  Homework  ❥ ❥ ❥  
~Listen to Psychic Set Up Daily (Still!)
~Listen to A Delicate Conscience or Stress Less 3-4 times this week. If you've gotten into a good routine...Keep it up! 
~Write in your Journal every single day. 
~Do an affirmation diary page each day. Adding in the 'special' stuff to the Insights Section. 
~If you have found someone to take this course with or to practice with, check in with the people that are doing it with you and get their opinions and feed back about the daily use of the download,  affirmations and exercises. Record all of it. 

  Course Questions  
 Click here for contact information and questions about the downloads, homework and the classes. All class questions will be answered on Twitter at @PsychicTidbits(Plus, the feed is in the right hand column of this blog. You can ask your questions without ever leaving this page. :) Yep, we're trying to make it as easy as possible! lol)

  How to make the best of this class:
The very best way to do this course is to review all of your homework on Mondays and start your new assignment sometime on Tuesday. If you need help remembering, sign up [here] on this blog for email notifications. They will let you know when there's a new blog post. 
~ This is a great class to start or to do with another person. It doesn't matter if they're in the same room with you or across the world. Plus, having someone to bounce ideas off of, compare homework assignments and practice with is invaluable. The more the merrier! 

If you've had or have challenges with any of this, please visit:
It may explain what's going on and/or why things aren't working. The post is apply-able to anything that's going on in any aspect of your life that has to do with The Mind. :) And, it's a great read to get any of those, "Why is_____ happening?!!" questions answered and explained. Happy Reading! 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Get a Journal!   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 
At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun.
We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world...our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ When you're setting your mind for the day, pick affirmations that are easy for you to remember. It's best to pick just one or two for the day. It'll be easier for you to evaluate later if you're clear about what you were focusing on.The affirmation videos are an easy way to pick out your affirmations for the day. You can use the positivity affirmation examples anytime you feel like being a bit more positive. Here's an eBook announcement link to help you find your way around. 

Happy Affirming! 

Contacting the Instructor & Course Questions: 
 Click here for contact information and questions about the downloads, homework and the classes. All class questions will be answered on Twitter at @PsychicTidbits 

Mind to Mind Communication Introduction

  7 Week Mind to Mind Communication Course

Welcome to our free summer psychic course! How fun! 
Today's post is about how I am going to teach this course and all of the guidelines. Read through this thoroughly. You want to make sure this course (and my teaching and style) is a good fit for you, and for your belief system. 

 Set up: Every week you'll have homework to do for the next class. You'll have to read (just a few) articles, listen to some downloads (they'll all be explained and provided for you), use affirmations (these will also be provided) and journaling exercises. If you don't have a journal...Get One. There's a few links at the bottom that will help you. Can you use your phone or computer to do your journaling? Yes, but it's not recommended. Once we get into the channeling section of this class, you'll want to be able to go over your entries and make notes. Plus, you'll be able to catch the tiny nuances of the various inner parts of you by your writing style. 

 Now, let's go over the way I work. There are a variety of schools of thought about psychic abilities, channeling, Spirits and Spirit Guides and how to do/work with all of it/them. I do not teach how to use any other energies to help you do anything. Ever. In this course you will focus on your Higher Self, using your Spiritual Light and subconscious mind and keeping your energy clear. You'll learn about the variations of vibrations, frequencies and thoughts and how to differentiate them. We'll also sprinkle in some other psychic abilities and how to understand the plethora of messages you receive (from Self and Spirit). You'll definitely be able to communicate with whom ever you want by the end of this course. And, follow all the rules and instructions, and all of your interactions and communications will be clean. 

  Okay... Let's go over the rest of the Rules and the Responsibilities. (FYI: Many of the .jpegs used in this blog will be compiled into the Mind to Mind Pre-Course that you'll be able to download towards the end of the 7 weeks.) 

 Let's chat laws. Well, you should pretty much have Man's Laws down. It's pretty simple, nothing illegal. And, I mean, nothing. As far as Nature and Spirit goes, we'll toss them in as we go and you'll get more detailed information. Pretty much, just follow the Absolutes [below] and you should be good. 

Remember: You bind yourself to what you say, think and do. So, walk this world softly. 

Okay, these are pretty clear. Keep this around so that you have it handy when you're doing your homework and exercises. The Absolutes, meaning there isn't ever a reason to break any of the rules. Now, you'll learn how to talk to people on The Other Side, you're just not allowed to let them in your mind or body. This goes for all entities. All of them. Yes, even your Spirit Guides and/or Angels. No-thing should be drifting in or out of you. Ever. 
Here's the definitions of the wording that is used [below]:
Everyone & Anyone: This refers to anyone in or out of body, on this plane or The Other Side. And, seriously, who wants to mess with a bunch of beings from 'other' places? This also includes animals and pets. Think: anything with a consciousness. Anything. Even if you don't believe in it. ;)
Ugliness: This is any bad behavior. And, I mean, any. If it has anything mean or negative to it, don't do it. If there is a possibility, at all, that someone could be harmed from your actions, don't do it.  Manipulative and Selfish behavior falls into this category. 
Yucky: These would be ugly thoughts and feelings. No, you're not allowed to be screaming at someone in your mind with what you learn from this class. Why? Because they will be able to hear you, and, it's wrong. It's like bringing a very dull knife to a gun fight held a hundred yards between. There's absolutely no contest and cruelty and torture have no place here.  ❥  There is an exception to this rule: You always have the right (and duty) to defend yourself and to keep yourself safe. If this is happening to you, no worries, you'll learn how to make it [them] stop. 

  Whew! That wasn't so bad :) Don't let any of these things deter you or frighten you off. You need to know how to protect yourself and what the repercussions of your behaviors can bring. Plus, after this course, you'll feel an immense amount of comfort in your own thoughts and vibrations and have no trouble keeping everyone and everything out. Yay!

  How to make the best of this class:
The very best way to do this course is to review all of your homework on Mondays and start your new assignment sometime on Tuesday. If you need help remembering, sign up [here] on this blog for email notifications. They will let you know when there's a new blog post. 
~ This is a great class to start or to do with another person. It doesn't matter if they're in the same room with you or across the world. Plus, having someone to bounce ideas off of, compare homework assignments and practice with is invaluable. The more the merrier! 

❥ ❥ ❥  Homework  ❥ ❥ ❥  

~ Read Communicating Mind to Mind. You may print it, if you like. If you're ready, try that exercise. If not, no worries, you'll get much more detailed steps in the next 7 weeks. 
~ Get a Journal. Seriously.
Try to find someone to practice with or on. Obviously, get their permission and see if they will help you. This is going to be so fun! If you're not a fan of people, no problem, you can use your pets or even your plants! Or even any critters invited or not hanging out in your garden. :)
~ Make a list of who you're going to practice on (try to find at least 5 different people or animals)
~ Make a list of what you'd like to be able to accomplish with each one of those people/animals
~ Start using some type of affirmation [exercise] everyday. See the last post, Positivity Review, and go over the affirmation and diary recommendations. Plus, we just added a few more to the Manifesting Sections of the eCourses and Training Shop. If you get them through us, they'll always be free. 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Get a Journal!   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 
At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun.
We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world...our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ When you're setting your mind for the day, pick affirmations that are easy for you to remember. It's best to pick just one or two for the day. It'll be easier for you to evaluate later if you're clear about what you were focusing on.The affirmation videos are an easy way to pick out your affirmations for the day. You can use the positivity affirmation examples anytime you feel like being a bit more positive. Here's an eBook announcement link to help you find your way around. 

Happy Affirming!   

Contacting the Instructor & Course Questions 
 Click here for contact information and questions about the downloads, homework and the classes. All class questions will all be answered on Twitter at @PsychicTidbits

Psychic Development: Daily Journal

Congratulations! You've done a great job and have done a ton of work on yourself. Woo-Hoo!!! Now, we're moving into making everything that you've learned so far second nature. You've been creating a solid routine (getting into the habit) of working with/paying attention to yourself and this week you're going to concrete it into your mind. 

This week is all about you and how you want to live your life. It's about what makes you happy. Listen to downloads that make you feel good. If you 'know' the ones you've been listening to, it's time to add something new to the mix. Again, pick something you like, you could even listen to something fun! 

The most important thing for you to focus on this week is keeping all the things up that you have started while adding in a daily journal session. Your journal entries (this is what your daily journal is for ~click here if you need more information) can

be as long or as short as you wish. The key this week is to write everyday. If the exercise Journaling to Create What You Want worked well for you, you can do that again or try something different. The point is getting into the habit (and enjoying it!) and making it part of your regular routine. This should fit into your life easily. If it's not, keep working at it. You'll find your perfect schedule. 

Here's some ideas for you. You can do the same type of session everyday or you can change it with your mood. The key? Do it everyday. If you already have a technique that works for you, do that. This is a great time to experiment with a variety of journaling practices. 
journaling ideas
meditation ideas
Higher Self ideas
psychic hits
channeling ideas
automatic writingquestions for yourself
review your day
create your day
write about your day
list what you did that day

lists (anything)what you're grateful for 
goals (any & all types)
epiphanies & synchronicities 
any messages
how you're feeling
what you learned
special occurrences & conversations

cycles in your life
patters & habitsbooks to read
books that you have read

wishes, dreams & desires
health & healing (everything)your opinion on...anything!

Because you don't have any new (regular) journal entry homework this week, you may want

to clean up your journal (from all of the homework so far) and organize it. Now, you know
how to get answers from yourself and how you like to do it. This week is a great time to go through what you've done so far and get any unanswered questions, answered. 

If you're still unsure of how or what to write, here's a link to some simple journaling instructions and last week's Journaling to Create What You Want assignment. 

Meditation Assignment:
All of your Meditation Assignments are for you to get to know you. It's your responsibility to keep up with what you asked yourself last week. You can continue to ask the same types of questions, build on the last session or start something completely new. It's up to you. If you're still working on ______, then keep at it! 

~*~Tune into your Higher Self:
Try this technique 3 times this week and document it in your meditation journal. (If you're comfortable, you can start to increase your meditation time. The easiest way is to increase it in 5 minute increments. Whatever you increase it to, sit for that amount of time, every time. (Once you get into the hours, you can tailor your sessions with a variety of chunks of time. Until then, work up to 60 minutes by adding just 5-10 minutes a week.)

~*~The Ask Yourself/Meditate on That Technique:
Do this technique 3x this week and write about your experiences in your Meditation Journal. 

Writing Assignments: 
This is different than your daily entries. This is something you should be doing weekly. You could be spending 3 minutes to an hour on this. It's up to you. This section is to be sure that you stay on track and that you get the most out of this class. So, keep reviewing, rewriting, scratching goals off the list and create new ones and, of course, keep congratulating yourself! 
  1. Review your Goals.
  2. Review your Psychic Goals.
  3. Review your eCourse Goals. 
  4. Add in daily journal time to your schedule.
  5. At the end of the week: Review your schedule and if it needs it: Write out your (new) Schedule. 
  6. Make notes next to each Goal: Now it's important to keep checking and to be sure everything is still supporting and complimenting each other. 
Workbook Entries: 
Now, you've gotten into the hang of doing this every week. Good Job! This week you can do any two downloads [in your workbook] that you like. Pick one hypnosis download and one meditation download. 
1. One Hypnosis Entry
2. One Meditation Entry 

Meditation & Hypnosis Downloads: 
Downloads to Listen to 7x this week
These are separate than the ones you're doing for the workbook entries. 
Seven. Seven downloads. Everyday listen to one download. These are separate than the ones you're doing for the workbook entries. You pick the downloads that you want and listen to them. You can continue to work on your body, relationships and people or start on some type of take a break, relax yourself or whatever else you are working on in your life. (Check your goals... Is there a download that fits what you're struggling with now or one that reinforces what you're creating? Is there anything that you're craving or that you 'want' to hear? If you haven't tried any new ones, now is a good time. This week you'll be doing 2 downloads for your workbook homework and 7 downloads for your daily homework assignment. That's 9 total. You can keep using the ones that you have or start some new ones.) 
If you need some new ones: 
Body, Mind & Soul Download Store: Has the Healthy Body Section in it. 
You can never have enough Black Boards. Seriously. These are the best things ever. Try one, you'll be glad you did. It's amazing. Please read the very short description of these. Out with the old and In with the New. Woo-Hoo! Search downloads now Here Remember to look for anything that you're indecisive about or have conflicting thought. Happy Erasing! (If you want to change patterns, this is a great place to start!) Suggestion & Visualization: These are very specific, in other words, read through the descriptions to be sure it fits you. This store has the Emotion Section in it. If there's an emotion that's keeping you from being still, get a download that fixes it. You'll also find downloads to help you calm your mind, like Stop the Continuous Thoughts. If you're still working on relationships, here's some great ones: Relationship Closure (it's long but it works!), Changing your Relationship Patterns (Be sure you get the correct set: Pick the gender that you date. In other words, choose the gender that you want to change your relationship patterns with.) And, if you already have some of the downloads in the set, no problem. There's no price difference or download specials, all of the downloads in the set can be found in the Body, Mind and Soul Store. 
Main Hypnosis & Meditation Store: This download store has a variety of downloads that help you sleep, start and end your day [the way you want to feel] and downloads to take a time-out or just to get away. A great download for your body: If you have dogs, get the Walk Your Dog! download. It gets you outside, tunes you into your pet and your body and keeps you present. Another recommended download is Healing Waters. You can use this guided meditation anytime you want (or need) and healing, soothing energy in/for your mind, body and emotions. You can pick which 'thing' you want to work on that day. Every time you listen to the download, you can get in touch with the part of you that needs the attention.
Homework! You have it every week! Yay! Here's a quick link to your homework for this week. Come back to this page if you have any questions. It's a list of your assignments without all of the explanation and directions. Assignment 8 Homework Outlined. Enjoy!

Journal for your daily entries: You should already have one. If not, start now, and pick anything that you like. It can be large or small, lined or unlined. You may find that a calendar itself suits you or a journal that has spots for you to review and write about your day. You daily journal needs to be completely separate from everything else. You need a new, separate journal for next week. If you can't figure it out, get something that you like looking at everyday. And, while you're shopping and brainstorming about what type fits you the best, think of what colors, images and/or wording that is going to reinforce your goals and line of thinking every single time you look at it. 
If you've caught the constant reminding you to get a journal that 'fits' you and the links to Changes Made Easy .com, it is because many of the journals [housed there] compliment a variety of the downloads and classes. They are created to trigger you subconsciously and 'speed up' the natural manifesting time by simply clicking replay in your mind. Was that confusing? Read about The Mind here and about blocks and programming here.  
At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about
consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!
We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum

If you're having any challenges:
  • Get a hold of someone for help if you have questions. Contacting the Instructor & Course Questions  Click here for contact information and questions about the downloads, homework and the classes. All class questions will all be answered on Twitter at @PsychicTidbits
  • And Check with yourself to figure out what's going on, or more appropriately, what the message is.
  • Do you think you have a block? And, blocks are not bad, at all. It's your mind helping you by bringing you whats thwarting you. "Yay! Thank You, Wonderful, Powerful Subconscious Mind!" Click here to read about and check if you have a block. Remember: A block is not something that is meant to stop you, necessarily, it's a message. Ask yourself all about it! And, of course, the best way to 'fix' it.
  • Trouble with the Meditating Techniques?  Try listening to Learn How to Relax (this teaches you how to relax your body) and/or Relax Your Mind. If what you've been doing is not working, try If the meditation instructions [you have] aren't doing the trick, you can always try All-In-One 5-10-15-20 (there's 5 different downloads, ranging from 5-20 minutes) or any of the downloads that relax you, help you have a time out (Hypnosis Escape) or give you a break. The section I Love Hypnosis Downloads will have all of the mini-breaks and get-a-ways that you can ever imagine needing! And, there's a variety of times for each (you'll always be able to fit a session in your day). If you're not sure what you want but are ready to integrate another download into this class, try Increase Hypnosis Effectiveness. It's on sale and it will give you the mental break you're craving while it makes all of your other download work better. 
 Journal! Keeping a record of your experiences and thoughts is priceless. Sometimes we forget why we made the choices we did or how we came to the conclusions. Those amazing Ah-ha moments may slip from our minds or our dreams may fade throughout the day~ journaling keeps them alive and accessible [to our conscious minds/selves]. You can start simple, once a week is great. You can write only when you get the inspiration or when you wake up from a vivid dream. Journaling is a very simple commitment you make to yourself saying, "I want to know what the inner levels of me are saying, thinking, feeling..." A journal can be anything from a spiral bound notebook to an application you have on your phone. You want to use whatever you feel comfortable with. Make it something convenient, personal and special. If you worry about other people reading it, get a small one that you keep on you at all times or have a lock on your phone or on that file in your computer. Check out our Journals at Changes Made Easy .com. You can read the rest of the article here. 
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