Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Holiday Crafty Time

Welcome Winter Holidays! 

This is a great time of year to carve out some very special friend and/or family time. (This is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quality, quiet time with you, too!) It gets so busy this time of year, all the visiting, meals, cooking, shopping, wrapping, decorating...so many holidays in such a short amount of time! Why not use this time to get things done and bond with your loved ones? 

Last month we covered gratitude journaling. This month we're focusing on bonding and relationship time. One great way to do this is with some type of crafting or cooking. The idea is to be an intimate, comfortable environment where you can bond with those around you or simply, be able to hear yourself think, without any interruptions. 

Remember, this is a fun exercise! You can write about who came over, what you did, and any details that you want to include in your journal. Jot down ideas for next year, too! This is a wonderful opportunity to scrapbook-up your journal pages! All you have to do to spruce it up is to add some pictures, wrapping paper and/or doodlings and drawings in your journal. Fun, simple and easy!  

If you don't already have one... 
Get a Journal!
 At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun! We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum

Need more Ideas?!! Living Lightly Newsletter posts regularly to Facebook and has a line of Holiday DIY Idea Videos on YouTube. If you haven't signed up for the monthly newsletter, you can do that here.

You can do something! Crafty or not... there is something that you are good at, can do or would like to learn. And, you can always start with something small. Remember... Have Fun! 

Here's a fun board on Pinterest (Yes! You should be on it! Really, you'll find the best ideas, pictures and recipes for anything and everything you can think of!) for those of you out there that do not cook. Best. Idea. Ever. Make some type of mix for your holiday parties, your counter  and/or gifts. You can tailor it with the thoughts you want to be thinking (and giving!) and it's so easy to make it 'special' for everyone in your life! From the raw-foodist to the vegan/vegetarian to the I love chocolate person... you've got this covered; everyone loves munches! 

Follow Jennifer McVey's board Chex Mix Recipes ❤️ on Pinterest.

OK, so, you're already crafty and fabulous in the kitchen, try branching out and doing something different this year. If you're usually surrounded by people, do something alone and if you lead more of a solitary celebration life, try doing a little something with someone else. And, crafts and cooking make this really easy! (Oh, hint... all craft stores have craft kits for everything from candle and soap making to painting a frame-able picture in a couple of hours! Yay!)

You can do anything that you like! You can make gifts for yourself, your friends, your family, everyone's  pets or you could even make things to give away. For example, all year round, the company JenCraft makes jewelry and beaded items to donate. (If you know any places that would like a gift box sent, please contact JenCraft here.) 

 JenCraft ❥ We use the gifting of our jewelry to add hope, love and inspiration to each hand it passes through.  Our goal is to have each child that uses and wears our beaded items to be reminded of how incredibly special and needed they are ~ every moment of every day.    
The company JenCraft makes jewelry, bookmarks and a variety of beaded items to give to children to brighten their worlds. We also make a variety of items to donate for auction for Charities and Fund Raisers.All of our Jewelry is Handmade and Full of Love, Hope and Blessings. Nothing our company makes is for sale. All of our creations are for donation purposes only.  Please visit us here to browse through our selections.Please let us know if you have a recommendation or if there is a special place you would like us to send out gifts or would like to become one of our gifting centers. Go to our BlogClick below to view our slideshow: JenCraft ♥ Gifts of Jewelry

Here's few more ideas for the kids in your life. You can print them or do them online. Enjoy!

[Free] Holiday Activity Books for Kids! 

~ Why the eBooks are free and how We got Started ~

Due to rising costs and educational cut backs, Changes Made Easy .com and Full of Love Pet Supplies .com has created a series of eBooks for parents and educators to help make their jobs a little bit easier, save you some time and add some fun.
The eBooks re set up so that you are able to print the whole book or just the pages you'd like to use that day.
Our eBooks contain exercises that focus on improving communication, vocabulary, spelling patters, keeping the innocent and imaginative part of childhood alive, story writing and enhancing creative and critical thinking skills.
We hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoy making and giving them to you. Click here to go to Free Educational Activity eBooks for Kids. 

Psychic Development: Foundation

This course is designed to help you create a solid, safe environment for you to develop your psychic abilities. You may find a lot of the information and exercises are things that you are familiar with, you may find that many things 'just make sense' or feel like you already 'knew' that or you may find yourself in the middle of a completely new experience. Whatever phase, stage or life circumstances this class finds you in, these techniques will work for you. Feel free to modify them in order to fit your lifestyle and goals.

Each week you'll be given a series of questions and/or homework assignments and a required download to listen to. Why a required download? It's through your subconscious mind that you get your psychic information, it houses your imagination center and it is the part of mind that you must access to change any habits and/or patterns that you want to create or change. By cleaning up (and cleaning out) your subconscious mind, you are better able to tune into the subtle, finer vibrations of consciousness that dwell within you.

In the 5 sections of this course we'll cover the everything you need to embark on the wondrous journey that only you can experience deep within your colorful inner world.

Last Week's Homework: If you haven't done your assigned reading yet, here's the link to the class overview. Click here to be redirected to the Psychic Development eCourse. Downloads: You should already be listening to A Gentle Conscience. If you haven't, no worries. Start Now.

Downloads: Find a way to incorporate Developing your Psychic Abilities into your weekly routine. Your download goals should be to listen to something 3-5x a week. Once you get into the swing of things, you'll be amazed how easy it is to fit programming your subconscious mind into your life everyday. For now, we want to ease you into it and create a lasting positive habit.
This week Listen to these two downloads a total 3-5x this week.~This is anytime you can close your eyes and go inside [your mind] using either of these downloads. You only need to do (one each) one meditation and one hypnosis workbook assignment/sheets this week. 
A Gentle Conscience (meditation) and Developing your Psychic Abilities (hypnosis) should be done with your workbook at least one time each this week. 
(This will be covered again in the workbook section.)

Journals: Yes, you need a journal. You know, one of those old fashioned things with paper in them. Eek. You need a pen, pencil and/or cute colored markers or colored pencils.
You need to write for this class. You need a separate journal for manifesting and developing your psychic abilities.
You subconscious mind remembers everything. You want your subconscious mind to have a completely different association with this class than anywhere else in your life. In other words: In order for this to be categorized correctly in your mind~Get a journal. Do not use it for anything else~Ever. It should be just for this.
For example, if you want to do this homework on your phone, computer or tablet, your subconscious mind already has associations and thoughts about these things. You have all the regular everyday uses for those devices and your mind know exactly what those are, when everything needs to be done or what 's coming and 'thinks' of those things every time you look at, think of, use or even just glance or touch those devices. It's quite amazing, really. What an awesome power you have access to. And you're training yourself to use this power to your benefit automatically, all of the time. At least 80% of your life is run by your subconscious mind. Imagine what difference you could create in you life... In the world if you just use 1% more. Just 1%. And, yes. This is what you'll be learning and doing over the next 8 weeks.
Every habit that you create during this course, should be a habit that you want to maintain in your life. They should be small and simple changes that blend beautifully with your life now. Each habit should seamlessly slip into your normal routines and honestly, just be a wonderful addition to your life.
We have a variety of journals (really, there's a ton) that are inexpensive that come with four different paper choices. (Yes, this is one of my very favorite things about them!) The outside is just as important as the inside. Pick a cover that uplifts you, a quote that motivates you or anything that reminds you of your goals and inspires you. Click here to Browse our Selections. There are many journals that match the downloads: Every time you look at those journals, the download replays automatically in your mind. How cool is that? Listen to your download and every time you see, think of, pick up or use your journal, your subconscious mind replays the entire download in your mind. (Mini Subconscious-Programming Tip.) Yeah! Amazing and so efficient! :)

[Life] Goals: Write out, make a list or jot down your current goals. You can write them out the way you usually do. For this exercise, be sure you put the date that you're writing them out [use the date that you are completing the questions].
This goal list can be as detailed, massive or as simple as you'd like it. It can be anything you are striving for in your life. You can use goals that you are working on now or something that you'd like to be doing in 5 years from now.
Be clear enough that you (and your subconscious mind know) what you are talking about. You'll refer back to this list throughout this eCourse. You'll be checking to make sure that all of your goals are supporting each other and that all the decisions you are making are leading you to your goals. Click Here for Goal Writing Instructions.

Psychic Goals: Oooo... fun! What is it that you'd like to heighten or sharpen? Is there a particular sense you already use or are you craving a new divination style? Whether you're a novice or an expert, this will work for you. All you have to do is decide what you'd like to focus on and listen to the Developing your Psychic Abilities download and watch your abilities flourish. Hmmm... not sure? No problem! The download also gives you the suggestion that you will 'find' what you're made for.
Here's some examples:

  • Getting Clear Guidance from your Higher Self
  • Always knowing what is to your Highest Good
  • Deeper understanding of Self and the Universe and all of its workings 
  • Increase your Trust in Life and Spirit
  • Getting answers or future information through your dreams
  • Having a feeling and taking a different route to work, thereby avoiding an accident
  • Calling someone at the exact moment they are thinking about you or when they need you
  • Intuitively knowing when to leave because you always beat the traffic and get great parking
  • Have a hunch you need to study and realizing it's because you had a pop quiz the next day
  • Getting specific dates, names, places to things
  • 'See' things before they happen
  • Medium Abilities: people and/or animals
  • 'Know' what your boss, partner or friend is 'really' saying, what they want or what they expect of you
  • magically have energy to get things done, make phone calls or do paperwork before any of it is due and have it done by the deadlines (that you consciously were unaware of having) 
  • Communicate Mind to Mind 
Here's just a couple ideas for you. Do your own research and figure out what you like. Find something that you're drawn to and that you want to learn all about. You'll be incorporating your psychic ability training into every aspect of your life, so pick a sense that you'll be able to utilize anytime...all the time.
And of course, there's all the different types of metaphysical senses that you can fine tune:
Touch things and get a sense or a vision
Sense feelings and emotions
See the future
Hearing things before they happen
Prophetic Dreams
You can add taste and smell in here, too!

And fun psychic tools that you can use:
Affirmation Cards, Crystals, Pendulums, Tarot Cards, Runes, Palmistry, Scrying, I Ching
You do not need to pick something physical to use unless you like it. This all about you and what fits you. You know what you need and what will work best for you. You may, however, have to try a few different things or ways to really get to know you and how you work but it will be worth it and all of the experimenting should be fun and exciting! And, yes, you'll have completely different psychic hits and impressions with each different technique and tool you try. So, part of the fun is discovering which way you like 'getting' those messages and answers. If you're already proficient, try something new during these next few weeks.
Explore. Breathe. Live. 

eCourse Goals:
What do you want?
Why are you taking this class?
What are you hoping to get out of it?
Write something here. Think about what you want. This is your time and energy you are spending... and it is precious. Remember, be clear and concise now so that you can revel in the rewards of the detailed efforts you put in later. (I'm talking about manifesting. And, yes, details and the big pictures in your mind matter.)
It's up to you how much effort you want to put into this section, you will be referring back to this question later in the course.

Schedule: This is completely up to you. Be honest with yourself and take your time. This part is very important.
 The objective is to find:
1-2 hours for downloads and workbook entries a week
1+ hours to journal a week
1-2 times a day for a download
5-30 minutes a day to clear your mind
However you decide to do this, remember, this is about improving the quality of your life. This is your life, your time, your choice. Figure out what fits you. You may be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to fit all of these things into your life. The downloads are simple, before bed or to put you to sleep at night (super easy to fit in) or before you get out of bed in the morning or anytime you want to take a break or wind down. (The majority of the downloads are between 20-40 minutes.)
Take your time with this. You'll want to experiment with your new habits and routine, change it up and test it... Figure out when you do your best work in each aspect of your life and fit in your new fun stuff where it will naturally support your life, thoughts and energy.

Hypnosis & Meditation Workbook: You need it. It is long, so take your time getting through the first few chapters. You will be using the Meditation and Hypnosis worksheets [within the manual] for the different downloads throughout this course. You can print out just the pages you need for each download or type up those pages and save them digitally. It's completely up to you how you want to do this. Just be sure that you do. Which leads us to the next point...Do you have to do this? Yes. You're training yourself to listen for guidance and to act on it, to ask yourself questions and get the answers, value your time and effort and you're proving to yourself that your inner world is important and that you're making you a priority.
If you have one workbook and not the other, buy the one you're missing. The Hypnosis & Meditation Workbook is the Hypnosis Workbook and the Meditation Workbook put together. If you do not have anything, yet, get the Hypnosis & Meditation Workbook. You'll be using both sections.

At Least One Time this Week: 
  1. Listen to A Gentle Conscience and do the Meditation Workbook pages for it 
  2. Listen to Developing your Psychic Abilities and do the Hypnosis Workbook pages for it 

Do you have questions or need feedback or instructor contact? Click Here to find out all the contact information and how to 'use' it. 
Help! It's Not working! If you find you're having a hard time with any of this, or find that you are frustrated, mad or overwhelmed or if you simply do not want to put in the effort, Click Here, this may explain why and what you can do about it. remember, if you can think it, you can create it. Don't quit (on anything you want). You're worth it. 

New Affirmation eBook Videos

Affirmations are so very helpful. They can make everything in your life better. They help you accomplish what you need to quicker and easier than you have before. Affirmations affirm what you want in your life. They help you keep your mind on track and focused on your goals. 

The affirmation videos are made for you to play on your phone, tablet and/or computer. You can play them in the background, watch them religiously, use them to 'pick you up' and/or set as a background or wallpaper. 

Each video is unique: the format, the music and, of course, all of the affirmations. 
The videos are the complete Affirmation eBooks found in the various stores hosted by Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com Not quite sure where to go? (The main [teaching] site is well over 100 pages.) Try this page. Changes Made Easy Blog has a great explanation and good directions for finding your way around! 

Here's the PlayList that has all of the Affirmation Videos
Keep checking back! We're always releasing new videos and eBooks! 

Each of the eBooks have a link [in their descriptions] to our YouTube Channel (Changes Made Easy). If there's an eBook~there's a video to match it! 
Our PlayList has all of the videos [in one place], the affirmation eBooks vary according to store. If you find a video that you like and want to get the free eBook, the store and link are included in the Affirmation Video description. 

If you're unsure of which ones you need, it's alright. Take your time. There isn't any rush. The affirmation videos are another avenue for you to tap into the power of your mind. 

You may find that watching and listening to the sleep and dreams works great for you right before bed or you may discover that having it play in the background while you're typing (and can occasionally look up and think about an affirmation) does wonders for you when you finally get to bed at night. Every person is completely different. What works for you is what works for you (and maybe only you). It's about what's in your mind: what you want to keep, what you want to get rid of, what you want to change and/or what you want to enhance and reinforce. The most personal thing in the world is a thought. Use your thoughts wisely. You are the only one who really knows what's going on in your mind. 

Here is your opportunity to use it to your advantage. In the next few weeks, this blog will do a short series of classes (5-6 total) over a period of about 3-4 months. You'll get homework and assignments to complete. You'll be journaling, meditating, thinking and contemplating. The videos are important because you can use them to keep yourself on track (to what/which ever goal/subject that you pick).

So... get some eBooks! They're free and you can download them from and to anywhere! Shop for your eBooks Now! Here's a link to all of the various stores. Happy perusing

Be sure to keep your log in information. (This page/link here.)  It's your account so that you can re-download them anytime you'd like to. This is the same site you'll log into for your downloads, too. (Living Lightly Newsletter always sends out codes for free downloads and products.) 

Goals. Goals. Goals.

You Can Do It! 
You can do anything you set your mind to. If you can think it, you can create it. 
~ a new place to live, the perfect vacation, friends, ideal job, happiness, inner peace, healthy body, 
The questions is... Are you willing to do what it takes to get what you want?

Pick Your Goals Wisely
When you're setting your goals, be sure that they are something you can 'see' yourself accomplishing. You want to be sure they are believable to all parts of you. 
They should be something that you desire greatly but are not motivated by fear or terror. If you have negative emotions associated with where you are now, work on those emotions. Clear them out [of the way] so that you can focus on the joy that achieving your goals will bring you.

Visit the Emotion Section
Emotions Section
This section has a variety of downloads that will help with specific feeling and emotions that you have. Read through each one to see what fits you the best. You can use these anytime you need them. There also a few that help you change the mood you are in and program you to stay calm and focused.

Visit the Emotion Section 

Be Aware of Your Thoughts
While you're writing out your goals, pay attention to your thoughts. If you catch some negative

thoughts coming up or if you have any doubts, listen to a black board to get rid of those thoughts. You want to be sure that you eliminate any and all negative stuff that's in your head.
All your self talk needs to be encouraging and positive. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, fill your life with positive actions and fill your social circles with positive people. 

Visit the Black Board
Black Boards
~ Erase the Negative or Old thought 
~ Imprint the Positive or New thought ~
The black board downloads erase and replace the old programming in your mind. They are called black boards because you are taking out the negative thoughts and replacing them with positive thoughts.They [these downloads]  won't leave you vulnerable, they will clear the way for you to make clear and concise decisions without any old thinking or negative attitudes to hold you back or influence you.It's just like that old saying... 'Out with the Old and In with the New'.

New Daily Habits
When you're creating new habits, you want them to be simple and easy. (You can add and build

on them later.) 
Start small and get into a routine...a habit. Do it everyday (or that specific day of the week) until you don't think about it anymore. It should be as normal as brushing your teeth at night. 
You can do anything you set your mind to. 
By setting smaller habits and goals that lead you to your larger ones, you are working with you body and your mind. You are also better able to find and catch any blocks you may have. 

Mind, Body & Soul Store
Mind, Body & Soul Store
In this personalized download section you will discover there are hypnosis downloads, meditations and classes that are created with one goal in mind...to be specific.
These downloads are recorded to focus on various topics, that may not fit the general population. Scroll through these and you may find some fit you or someone you know perfectly and may be exactly what you are looking for!

Hypnosis and Meditation Download Store
Hypnosis & Meditation Downloads

What makes these downloads different from other downloads everywhere else? They focus on your Light, making life is fun and easy. You have the ability to manifest anything that you can think of. These downloads give you the tools you need to bring your desires into fruition. What's the catch? All of these downloads make you happy, make your life simpler and more enjoyable... the underlying message in every download you will buy here... You are a Creator Spirit and you have the power and ability to create what you want... in every aspect of your life.
Visit the Hypnosis & Meditation Store

Have a Good Support Network
When you're starting your goals be sure that who you share it with is supportive of you and what

you are trying to create. 
You also want to be sure that your lifestyle supports the changes that you're making. 
You may want to set up something so that you remind yourself to congratulate yourself every week (everyday would be be better) to keep yourself motivated and excited. 
You're dedicated. 
You're going to achieve what you want!

Magick Download Store 

Miracles happen with the mind all of the time and
Making Magick Happen is all about the mind.

Start your Day Right

How incredibly blessed we are that every day is a new day. 

You choose what each day means to you, what you're going to do with it and how you're going to handle it. Starting your day out right is about setting your intention. You decide how you feel everyday and what you are going to accomplish. If you do not make the conscious and physical effort to tell yourself what you want, then you are letting your subconscious mind decide and do what it has been programmed and trained to do. 

The fist few moments in the morning are so precious. You're in an altered state. Your subconscious mind is open to suggestion. And, if you are aware, you'll hear those subconscious thoughts as you start to wake up or as the sleepy fog begins to lift. 
If you have the wherewithal, say nice things to yourself in this state. 

Before you start your day, try to carve out (just) 10 or 15 minutes to write out what you'd like for the day.
Getting your head right before you start your day, sets your entire day up to be the way you want it. This is your day. You create it. You change it. You live it and you control your reactions to it.

Getting your mind where you want it to be every day will change your whole world. Yes, you need to do it everyday. Yes, it gets easier. And, yes, you can find the time. If it's important to you, you'll find away. There are more ways to get things done than there excuses to why we can't. 

Taking control of your day is one of the kindest, most empowering things you can do for yourself and it only takes a few minutes each day.

We all don't have time first thing in the morning to relax and think or even have time for ourselves. If you're rushed  in the morning or if your home is full of life early, do the exercises before bed or the day before (whenever you have a few minutes alone). You can reread what you've written before you start your day.

Set your intention for today.

You may find that you like to write a paragraph, a list of goals or create your own affirmation. You may find that each day is different or that you snuggle into a habit that fits you perfectly and is exactly the same everyday. Whatever you do, it's great. You're doing it and that's the point. You're telling yourself that you are serious and this is what you want for the day. It sets it up in your mind as a high priority, even if you never think about it until tomorrow morning when you're writing out your intention.
When you make this a regular part of your life, you'll find that you get more done, accomplish your goals easier and are calmer and more relaxed inside. You naturally become more in-tune with yourself because you are paying attention to yourself, you are attending to your needs and you are being very clear about what you're expecting from yourself.
When you're first starting, you want to try this different ways; you want to find what works best for you. If this seems overwhelming, use just one or two sentences and follow these simple rules:
  • be clear and concise
  • be specific (with what you want to accomplish)
  • use the present tense
  • be realistic
~ I live a spiritual life.
~ I make healthy choices for myself and my family today.
~ Today I act on the messages I receive.
~ I handle everything at work today with patience and grace.
~ I get everything done on my to do list easily
~ I choose to be fully engaged in all of my tasks today.
~ I focus on appreciating ___________ today.

As you continue this exercise (every day) you'll be surprised how much more you are enjoying your life, staying present and improving your relationships.

As simple as this may seem, the impact is huge. You'll reap the rewards of doing this regularly. You'll begin to look forward to it and trust that it works and be able to observe the impact it has had on your life.

Download/Meditation Recommendation:

Make today the best day you have ever had! This hypnosis download sets you up to have a great day. You are able to choose what you want your day to be like and where you want your focus to be. Would you like to have a super fantastic day? Well, this download makes it simple and easy. All you have to do - is listen to your download. (click here) To get the maximum benefit, it is recommend that you get the Hypnosis Workbook (click here) and the Making Today the Best Day you Have Ever Had Journal (click here) to go with your download. Click here or go to Changes Made Easy .com and you'll find them in the I Love Hypnosis Downloads .com Section.

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Healthinomics | Beautiful Ready-Made Social Media Images for Health & Wellness Business Owners