Welcome to a day in the mind of a psychic.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychic? What their inner most feelings, thoughts or visions are? Do you wonder how they interpret the information that comes to them or how they view the person sitting in front of them? Have you ever been curious of what a day in the mind of a psychic would be like? Well, sit back, relax and get comfortable. Welcome to a ‘real’ psychic’s diary entries.
~ I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I’ve enjoyed the journey. ~

When you think the word 'psychic' let it transfer to 'awareness'. These entries have everything that you need to develop your sensitivities, manifest what you desire and 'see' how a psychic channels's mind works. As interesting as all of this may be, it's not created for entertainment, it's written to help you shift your consciousness and learn how to control your mind. Bookmark this blog, grab your journal and expect magick to enter every aspect of your life.
Showing posts with label channeling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label channeling. Show all posts

Mind to Mind Communication: Sensing Energy

  7 Week Mind to Mind Communication Course 
Sensing Energy (3rd Week) 

Welcome to our free summer psychic course! How fun! 
If you're just finding us, the introduction and the very first post is about how I am going to teach this course and all of the guidelines. Read through this thoroughly. You want to make sure this course (and my teaching and style) is a good fit for you, and for your belief system. If you've been working with us, scroll down a couple paragraphs to begin your third class at the second heart ().

 Set up: Every week you'll have homework to do for the next class. (If you're starting today, no worries! It's super easy to catch up, Click here to go to the introduction, first day. You can start now!) You'll have to read (just a few) articles, listen to some downloads (they'll all be explained and provided for you), use affirmations (these will also be provided) and journaling exercises. If you don't have a journal...Get One. There's a few links at the bottom that will help you. Can you use your phone or computer to do your journaling? Yes, but it's not recommended. Once we get into the channeling section of this class, you'll want to be able to go over your entries and make notes. Plus, you'll be able to catch the tiny nuances of the various inner parts of you by your writing style. 

 Today you start your energy sensitivity training. Yay! Do your homework. No excuses for this week. If you're not ready to make the commitment, no problem. Put this away and start again when you're ready. This isn't one of those classes with that you can take it or leave it information or attitude. If you're not going to do it right or put in the effort, don't do it at all. Anyway/Plus, you have a great download that you can use whenever you want. The Stress Less Set doesn't need any training or prerequisites for it to work wonders in your life. If you're continuing this course, start now by adding your download into your daily routine. Yes, every single day. Next week we'll be adding a new download to your routine. You want to be sure that you've programmed yourself sufficiently so that adding a new download complements what you're doing. 

❥ Next week you'll be adding different affirmations into your routine that will gear you up for fine-tuning your abilities to decipher energy, psychic and Spiritual messages. In order to do that, you've got to know how the world affects you, specifically. Everyone's sensitivity level is different. This week you're focusing on the [your] outside world. 
How often have you been around someone and noticed after you've left that you feel weird or just off? Have you ever been somewhere and felt like you didn't fit in, don't belong there, or just plainly, not yourself? Or a phone conversation that has left you feeling unsettled even though there's no reason that you should have any of those feelings? And, this is also where anxiety comes into play. Where does your anxiety or nervousness come from? Have you considered it may be from energies outside of you that are affecting the inside of you? Well, this week you'll figure it all out. You'll want to be very clear about what and how the outside world affects your inner thoughts and all of your feelings. This includes everywhere you go, who you're around and even what you're reading or watching. 
How you document and figure everything out is up to you. It's a very personal thing. And, can be a lot of fun! It's up to you if you want to share your findings with anyone. Caution: This exercise is about self-discovery not about confrontation. If there's someone or something that is upsetting you, re-evaluate if it/this has anything to do with this course or if it is a challenge that you need to attend to (now or later). For this assignment, you're pin-pointing situations, places and types of people/personality types and how it/they affect you. The observing is about all of your sensitivities: good, bad and indifferent. 

 (This is/was part of your homework.) Over the last week, you should have been getting yourself into the habit of journaling. Now, you get to use that to your advantage. Yay! Do your best with this. If you're not used to journaling, it's okay. The more you do it, the better you'll get. If there's one thing you take away from this class, let it be the habit of introspective journaling. It will help you in every aspect of your life, for the rest of your life. 
❥ Write in your Positive Affirmation Diary daily. All of
our Positive Affirmation Image eBooks and Positive Affirmations and Diary Sets are always free. Again, write in your Positive Affirmation Diary daily. If you don't already have it: You'll need to get these from us. If you'd prefer, you may use your own journal. Click here and scroll down to the picture of the Positive Affirmations and Diary Set Instructions
for directions and the best way to do it.
~ Use the Insight Section to document all of your energy findings [there]. If it's not enough room, or if you like the way you have been doing your diary entries, use the (master copy) blank page to journal all of your observances. Title it Insights or make a note at the top so that you know what you were doing. (You'll want to be able to pick it up in a year and remember exactly what was going on.)

❥ Before the end of this course, we'll put up some Mind to Mind Communication Positive Affirmations and Diary Sets (the links will be included) so, pick things that you personally want to work on, now. If you have affirmation eBooks from us that do not have the diary pages with them, download the Positive Affirmations and Diary Set Instructions (here). There are blank pages in them that you can use for your own affirmations. Do you have to use our affirmations? YES. Are there other affirmations out there that are as good as ours or better? Of course there are. But, I know what is in the eBooks from the shops associated with Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com and this class has everything to do with following directions, not taking short cuts and/or promoting laziness and teaching you how important thinking and wording is. Keep using whatever it is that you like~just not for this class. 
The link above is to our Body, Mind and Soul Shop. It has a plethora of affirmation image eBooks that aren't found in the other places [mentioned in this class/blog entry]. An easy way to find the eBooks: in the search section, pick Lowest Price and all of the affirmation eBooks will be listed. Or if you need to get an affirmation diary and want to get 'the whole set', see the post, Positivity Review, and go over the affirmation and diary recommendations. And/or peruse the Manifesting Sections of the eCourses and Training Shop. You may use the same technique as described above or in the search section, choose Newest First. We're always adding new content. 

❥ ❥ ❥  Homework  ❥ ❥ ❥  
~Listen to the Stress Less download at least once a day. You'll get a new download to add into your routine next Monday, so be sure you have created a good schedule for yourself.  
~Write in your Journal every single day. 
~Do an affirmation diary page each day. Adding in the 'special' stuff to the Insights Section. 
~If you have found someone to take this course with or to practice with, check in with the people that are doing it with you and get their opinions and feed back about the daily use of the download,  affirmations and exercises. Record all of it. 
~If you didn't read the terms and conditions  (about the downloads) from last week, do it now. 

  Course Questions  
 Click here for contact information and questions about the downloads, homework and the classes. All class questions will be answered on Twitter at @PsychicTidbits(Plus, the feed is in the right hand column of this blog. You can ask your questions without ever leaving this page. :) Yep, we're trying to make it as easy as possible! lol)

  How to make the best of this class:
The very best way to do this course is to review all of your homework on Mondays and start your new assignment sometime on Tuesday. If you need help remembering, sign up [here] on this blog for email notifications. They will let you know when there's a new blog post. 
~ This is a great class to start or to do with another person. It doesn't matter if they're in the same room with you or across the world. Plus, having someone to bounce ideas off of, compare homework assignments and practice with is invaluable. The more the merrier! 

If you've had or have challenges with any of this, please visit:
It may explain what's going on and/or why things aren't working. The post is apply-able to anything that's going on in any aspect of your life that has to do with The Mind. :) And, it's a great read to get any of those, "Why _____ happening?!!" questions answered and explained. Happy Reading! 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Get a Journal!   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 
At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun.
We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world...our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ When you're setting your mind for the day, pick affirmations that are easy for you to remember. It's best to pick just one or two for the day. It'll be easier for you to evaluate later if you're clear about what you were focusing on.The affirmation videos are an easy way to pick out your affirmations for the day. You can use the positivity affirmation examples anytime you feel like being a bit more positive. Here's an eBook announcement link to help you find your way around. 

Happy Affirming! 

Contacting the Instructor & Course Questions: 
 Click here for contact information and questions about the downloads, homework and the classes. All class questions will be answered on Twitter at @PsychicTidbits 

Mind to Mind Communication: Stress Less!

  7 Week Mind to Mind Communication Course 
Stress Less (2nd Week) 

Welcome to our free summer psychic course! How fun! 
If you're just finding us, the introduction and the very first post is about how I am going to teach this course and all of the guidelines. Read through this thoroughly. You want to make sure this course (and my teaching and style) is a good fit for you, and for your belief system. If you've been working with us, scroll down a couple paragraphs to begin your second class and get your homework and download. 

 Set up: Every week you'll have homework to do for the next class. (If you're starting today, no worries! It's super easy to catch up, Click here to go to the introduction, first day. You can start now!) You'll have to read (just a few) articles, listen to some downloads (they'll all be explained and provided for you), use affirmations (these will also be provided) and journaling exercises. If you don't have a journal...Get One. There's a few links at the bottom that will help you. Can you use your phone or computer to do your journaling? Yes, but it's not recommended. Once we get into the channeling section of this class, you'll want to be able to go over your entries and make notes. Plus, you'll be able to catch the tiny nuances of the various inner parts of you by your writing style. 

 There's not much to this blog post, because we don't want you overwhelmed and you have a lot of homework this week! Today is pretty simple, the less you have going on in your mind, the clearer of a channel you have the ability to become. Obviously, the healthier and happier you are, the easier all of this will be. You can't heighten your psychic powers and expect clear, solid results if various parts of you are screaming to get your attention. So, relax and stress less! You'll notice it's categorized as a prerequisite for psychic training. There are many schools of thought and people that do not believe you can get psychic information for yourself. I do not teach or subscribe to that. What a scary world if you cannot tune into that Higher part of you that knows what's best for you and, seriously, what a disservice to Spirit and what a terrible waste of your time and abilities if you cannot use them for yourself and in your life! 
 ❥ So, what you'll be learning here is all about you, your Higher Self and psychic 'stuff' that improves every aspect of your life. But, first, let's clear out some of the stress in your life! Happy listening!

  Download time! Yay! Do this download 3-4 times this week. Starting next Monday, you'll need to do it once a day.  Start thinking of, or making a plan, of how you can fit it into your daily routine.  What makes these downloads different from other downloads everywhere else? They focus on your Light, making life is fun and easy. You have the ability to manifest anything that you can think of. These downloads give you the tools you need to bring your desires into fruition. What’s the catch? All of these downloads make you happy, make your life simpler and more enjoyable… the underlying message in every download you will buy here… You are a Creator Spirit and you have the power and ability to create what you want… in every aspect of your life. Read Questions & Answers about Hypnosis. Don't let the word scare you off. All that hypnosis is is an altered state of consciousness where you're focused on your inner mind. And, no worries, you'll be fully aware the entire time (if you choose to). It's a state you enter in-to all of the time. Your job, is to learn how to direct and 'control' it. 

Use the affirmations! Just pick one a day. And do it. 
If you're in a space to do your journaling more than once a day, great! If not, start doing your affirmation journaling and set your goal for once a day. You're training yourself and getting yourself into a habit of attending to yourself regularly. You'll need to 'know' how you fair in all circumstances and days. We all know that some days are easier that others. :) This gets you into the habit of counting on yourself whenever and with whatever is happening around you. 

If you're signed up for the Living Lightly Monthly
Newsletter, then you already have this set in your email. If not, please visit the Living Lightly Newsletter archive page and click on (August 8th, Customer Appreciation Day) You are Appreciated. If you need to sign up for the newsletter, please click hereIf you're having trouble downloading the image, enter the code istressless at check out. Now, ❥ Go and get your set! It's found in our eCourses and Training Shop, under Psychic Tidbits: Great Prereqs! 

❥  Okay, positive affirmations and diary sets. Get one. Do them. There's a few to choose from that match the Stress Less Set. Pick the one that's most appealing to you. Write in it everyday. Your goal: To do it once in the morning and once in the evening. This is about stressing less, so don't take on too much too soon. By next week, you'll need to be journaling once in the morning, once in the evening and listening to the download everyday. This week is getting yourself used to it and figuring out the best routine for you. 

Click Here to Download it today!
❥  You may use your own journal. Write out (the outline) of the diary pages in your own journal. Make it different than your other journal entries, you want to be able to recognize it immediately. And, have each Positive Affirmation Diary Entry on a separate page. These entries are different than manifesting or writing about your thoughts or feelings. (They are specific to the affirmation that you are working on that/this day.) These entries are different and separate than your various homework [writing] assignments. 
Download the Positive Affirmations and Diary Set Instructions if you'd like a bit more clarity or specifics. 
If you've had or have challenges with this, please visit:

  Whew! You've made it through one week! Yay to you for sticking with it. Now, it's routine time. One of the best things that you can ever do for yourself is to carve out 'Me Time'. That's time just for you to do whatever it is that you want to do. The key? Making it regular. You want you to be able to count on you. Your job for this week (along with all of your other homework lol) is figure out what your 'Me Time' is and when you can have it. Really think about this and experiment with it. you have some leeway with your homework this week (Yay!) but by next Monday, you'll need to have 45 minutes to an hour set aside every single day to do your homework. And, have fun with this! It's about you and your time! 

Happy Relaxing! 

❥ ❥ ❥  Homework  ❥ ❥ ❥  
Listen to the Stress Less download 3-4 times this week. You'll work up to everyday. 
~ Write in your Journal. 
~  Start using the affirmations that accompany the download in the Stress less Set
~If you have found someone to take this course with or to practice with, check in with the people that are doing it with you and get their opinions and feed back about the download,  affirmations and exercises. Record all of it. 
~ Read the terms and conditions.  This is about the downloads and the picture is very soothing! lol 
~ (from last week) Start using some type of affirmation [exercise] everyday. See the  post, Positivity Review, and go over the affirmation and diary recommendations. Plus, we just added a few more to the Manifesting Sections of the eCourses and Training Shop. If you get them through us, they'll always be free. 

  How to make the best of this class:
The very best way to do this course is to review all of your homework on Mondays and start your new assignment sometime on Tuesday. If you need help remembering, sign up [here] on this blog for email notifications. They will let you know when there's a new blog post. 
~ This is a great class to start or to do with another person. It doesn't matter if they're in the same room with you or across the world. Plus, having someone to bounce ideas off of, compare homework assignments and practice with is invaluable. The more the merrier! 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Get a Journal!   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 
At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun.
We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world...our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum.  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ When you're setting your mind for the day, pick affirmations that are easy for you to remember. It's best to pick just one or two for the day. It'll be easier for you to evaluate later if you're clear about what you were focusing on.The affirmation videos are an easy way to pick out your affirmations for the day. You can use the positivity affirmation examples anytime you feel like being a bit more positive. Here's an eBook announcement link to help you find your way around. 

Happy Affirming!   

Contacting the Instructor & Course Questions 
 Click here for contact information and questions about the downloads, homework and the classes. All class questions will all be answered on Twitter at @PsychicTidbits

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Simple Candle Manifesting II Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ    Simple. Simple. Simple.   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 
Think: Fun. Easy. Natural. Remember~if you can think it, you can create it. If you can create it, you can change it. This is your life and it is malleable. This in't about being good or bad or doing it right or wrong, this is about you taking control of your life. Personal growth and transformation is a continually evolving process. So... Enjoy it! 

Ok. Here we go. Lets get you creating. Go get all of your stuff! If you haven't read and done the first part of this exercise, please do that first. Click here to get started. If you're a regular journal person or have taken a thousand classes and have read hundreds of books or if you have no idea what's going on: Follow the instructions. I mean literally. Save the picture below and/or mark this page.

You can do anything that you want. Be sure to incorporate all of the research you've already done (charts and meanings of things from your homework).
For the first time: Pick something small and tangible. 
Go through all the lists that you have made and find a couple things that seem 'easy' or even something that could be chalked up to coincidence. If you do not have something physical that you want, if you do emotional or spiritual: do not do something like: Be happy! Its absolutely impossible to gauge and record that. You'll want to be able to to say that your manifestation did or did not work (and to what extent). If you can get a yes or no answer then you can focus on all of the details.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Testing your Manifesting Topics  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   
You'll need to ask yourself if this (whatever you are manifesting or writing about) can be evaluated with a simple Yes (I got it),  No (I didn't), or Kind-of (because you can prove, see and record it). Anything that is not exactly what you wanted or envisioned but part of it has come into fruition would fall into the Kind-of category.  

You can do this exercise as many times as you like, with as many subjects and items as you like. The Catch: Each manifestation needs to be separate. If you have ten things in one entry and you have a block about two of them... what happens? Who knows?!! And how are you going to figure out which part is doing what? sound confusing? Good. Because it is. So, ONE thing at a time. And, really, it's only a few more minutes and a new candle and journal entry. Is getting what you want worth that effort? Well, if it's not, you probably should not be getting it anyway. 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ    Magick Book Writing Example  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  
This is a great entry to help you write everything out. The instructions accompany a download (it's fabulous,btw) and will also help you here. Click Here for the Instructions. 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ    Gathering your own data   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 
Yep. You're going to keep journaling and recording everything until you quit manifesting. One of the most important things that you can ever do for yourself is be aware of what's going on in your subconscious mind. So, unless you're a GREAT (no, seriously, you have to be trained and good at it) channel AND have a very skilled person to 'guide' you while you are in that state, you're going to have to find other ways to get into your head. Writing and documenting what happens in your life in relation to what you're trying to create is a quick, fairly simple way of getting to know what's going on in you on all those levels. 
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Here's what you'll discover   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 
*How long it takes you to manifest: Be very specific as you record things. You may discover that you bring people into your life within a few days but animals or pets may take a different amount of time or that money is super easy for you to generate but finding the right stuff to buy is more challenging or just not exactly what you wanted. This really is fun and exciting. Once you figure this out... You're set. You'll be able to track if you have a block or not simply by the date of your expected manifestation. 
*What wording works for you: Practice. Practice. Practice. 
You'll change up your wording if you do not get what you want. Most of the time, something will happen and you'll be able to fine-tune it immediately. 
*Any blocks you may have: and, yes, you can change them :)

Note: Everything you record will be specific to you [only].  Everyone creates things in different ways and at different speeds. Everyone has challenges and blocks. It's called life. Your job is to figure you out; how your mind works for or against you. Knowledge is power. All the power you could ever imagine having in any aspect of your life, starts in your mind. If you don't know how to use your mind, how can you expect to change things in your life or feel powerful? So, again, Knowledge is Power. And, when it comes to the mind, ignorance is not bliss. You're manifesting and creating things every moment of everyday (Umm, simply because you're alive lol) So, if you do not have everything that you want (honestly) then somewhere, somehow all of that power that resides in you is 'blocking' you. And, it's doing it for a reason. So, the truth: Knowledge of Self is all the Power you'll ever need. Why? Because everything in your world comes from you. Know you and you can do anything. Being 'solipsistic' is not overrated. :) 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Homework   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 
Do this exercise. :)  

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  Upcoming Manifesting  Exercises  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
The majority of this blog is [going to be] on the pictures (yay) included on/in each entry. Keep them as little notes or cute reminders. Most of the future Manifesting exercises will be put on .jpegs and posted on Google+ and Twitter. Some of the exercises will show up on Psychic Diary Entries and Living Lightly Newsletter (Facebook). Use or go where ever it is easiest to download these pictures (right click and download should work) depending on your device. 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   This is invaluable information.    Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Warning: If you're a negative thinker, try to avoid all the 'proof' that nothing works until you build up your own thoughts and feelings in a direction that you want to go. (Avoid reading and studying when you are in a passive negative state or if you are feeling particularly pessimistic.) If you are a pessimistic person, fix that first. Who you are and how you think IS what manifests in your life. 

  • If you find you're having a hard time with any of this, or find that you are frustrated, mad or overwhelmed or if you simply do not want to put in the effort, Click Here, this may explain why and what you can do about it. remember, if you can think it, you can create it. Don't quit (on anything you want). You're worth it.
  • Do you have questions or need feedback or instructor contact? Click Here to find out all the contact information and how to 'use' it.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Simple Candle Manifesting Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  Upcoming Manifesting  Exercises  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
The majority of this blog is on the pictures (yay). Keep them as little notes or cute reminders. Most of the future Manifesting exercises will be put on .jpegs and posted on Google+ and Twitter. Some of the exercises will show up on Psychic Diary Entries and Living Lightly Newsletter (Facebook). Use or go where ever it is easiest to download these pictures (right click and download should work) depending on your device. 

Candle Manifesting:
Why candles? Just simply because they are fun, easy, affordable and you probably have some lying around the house that you can use. And, if you don't, they are easy to find and fun to shop for. You'll want to use one that you can burn safely. You have full creative rights for all of your exercises so pick what you like and huck what you don't. The only catch: Follow the Manifesting Rules and Guidelines that I set out for you. Follow those and your stuff will work. The more effort you put in, the greater the result. And: The more you tailor it to yourself and your needs (and what you like) the better, faster and cleaner your manifestations will be. This is your life that you are creating. make sure that you like it. 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  Words you need to Know for Today  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Note: these are MY definitions and how they will be used [loosely] here on this blog with the classes, downloads and exercises you'll be doing. 

Intention: Your Focus or What You Want to Create 

Manifesting: The Act of Creating what you want using certain techniques 

Variety of Mediums: anything that you want to use to decorate and create your lovely stuff 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  Ideas, Idea, Ideas   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Think about what you long for. Go back and look at the last assignment you had, what you wrote and what you discovered about yourself. 
Use that! 

If you're unsure of what you'd like to create, start with something small. 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  Use the Internet!!!  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ                   That's what it's for. Search for everything that you can think of. Look up and save color charts, symbols, dates... whatever you can refer to is good. Eventually you'll be making your own little books, charts and references; until you're in a place to pull out colors and symbols from your head for each exercise, use inforgraphics and books to 'see' what you like.                                                               Remember... the main point of all of the research is for you to figure out what all parts of you are comfortable with.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Homework   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 

  1. Figure out what you want to create. 
  2. Get a Journal specifically for Manifesting. 
  3. Date and Title every page
  4. Make a few HUGE lists of everything that you want. Break them down into specific categories. You'll be using these lists for as long as you're manifesting. Do them right. 

Here's some examples: 
Healing (all types)
Emotional States
Material Possessions
Physical & Body Stuff
Actions (things to happen)
You can (and will be) adding, subtracting and fine-tuning all of your lists and manifestations. 

Get a Journal! At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about
consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!
We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   Homework   II  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 

Research and Self-Discovery: Get out and discover what you like. Seriously. This seems so easy and mundane~ honestly, these simple associations can make or break whatever you are creating. If you abhor the color pink and that's the color that's filtered into everything you're doing, part of you is going to be unhappy. that unhappiness sends out a frequency that IS going to muck up your manifestation. Simple: mismatched vibrations are going to create something different than what you are thinking. 
Perfect Manifestation Happens when ALL parts of you are in alignment. Period. That's it. Get rid of your blocks and everything that you want will flow into your life. Why manifest? Because the part of you that decides things is 10%, or so, of you... the manifesting part, or the part of you that draws everything to you~ is the rest. And, it's the quickest way to 'see' what's going on in you. 
If you get what you manifested: No blocks 
If you don't: time to fine-tune

  1. Get everything that you need for the next session
  2. Put everything in one place (a basket, box, file)
  3. Make a list of ... anything that will aide in you manifesting next blog entry.
  4. Get (at least 3 different) charts, infographics, information for your associations of: 

  • colors
  • symbols
  • dates, animals, flowers, etc

This is invaluable information. Warning: If you're a negative thinker, try to avoid all the 'proof' that nothing works until you build up your own thoughts and feelings in a direction that you want to go. (Avoid reading and studying when you are in a passive negative state or if you are feeling particularly pessimistic.) If you are a pessimistic person, fix that first. Who you are and how you think IS what manifests in your life. 

  • If you find you're having a hard time with any of this, or find that you are frustrated, mad or overwhelmed or if you simply do not want to put in the effort, Click Here, this may explain why and what you can do about it. remember, if you can think it, you can create it. Don't quit (on anything you want). You're worth it.
  • Do you have questions or need feedback or instructor contact? Click Here to find out all the contact information and how to 'use' it.

[Free] Holiday Activity Books for Kids! 
~ Why the eBooks are free and how We got Started ~
Due to rising costs and educational cut backs, Changes Made Easy .com and Full of Love Pet Supplies .com has created a series of eBooks for parents and educators to help make their jobs a little bit easier, save you some time and add some fun.
The eBooks re set up so that you are able to print the whole book or just the pages you'd like to use that day.
Our eBooks contain exercises that focus on improving communication, vocabulary, spelling patters, keeping the innocent and imaginative part of childhood alive, story writing and enhancing creative and critical thinking skills.
We hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoy making and giving them to you.
 Click here to go to Free Educational Activity eBooks for Kids. 

Psychic Development: Self Awareness

Completion. Ahhh... The sweet vibration of the number 9. You made it! 

The last section of this eCourse is Self Awareness because you've been doing it now for 8 weeks! When your focus is on bettering/improving yourself, thoughts and feelings you cannot help or stop yourself from learning and growing. It is (simply) the result of your actions. The more effort you put in, the greater the result. Period. If you take one thing from this class, take this: There are no short cuts or easy way outs when it comes to your Spiritual Lessons, your Destiny or your Higher Path. It takes dedication, discipline and commitment.
It's up to you to choose Right Action and Truth everyday, in every circumstance. Hmmm... Sound hard? If you're unsure (ask your Higher Self!!!) choose kindness and patience. If it's not nice, don't do it. Seriously. What kind of person does something that they know will cause harm to another being? And, the question is, do you want to be that person?

This week is about who you want to be. It's time for you to create 'you'. Well, it's about increasing and enhancing what you like, decreasing or eliminating what you don't and trying something new! You only have one more week of this class. Make it count. If you have questions or need help with wording, manifesting or even picking a download, now would be the time to contact someone. (All the information is at the bottom of this page.) 

This week's homework is exactly the same as last week (all the homework instructions are the same) because we're still setting your habits in place. You should have developed some very impressive self-time habits by now. And, one to two more weeks of journaling everyday should set that into your schedule, too. This week is about your thinking. (You need to keep doing the physical exercises in your journal and workbook to keep up that [physical] energy.) 

Your thoughts are creative. Everything starts in the mind. If you can think it, you can create it. You can create things as easily as you can destroy or loose them. If you find any negative patterns, take advantage of the Blackboard section of the Body, Mind & Soul download store. That's what all of those do~help you to change your patterns, erase and replace negative or self defeating thoughts and behaviors with positive, life affirming ones. Any subjects that are intimate in nature, illegal, have legal age limits and addictions are found in the Adult Only store. Take control of yourself and your life. This life is made by you, for you. So... if you don't have control of it, who does? And, I'll remind you [all parts of you] if you feel like anyone or anything has control of you or over you ~it is a false control. And, anything false will eventually fall, or more appropriately, come into the light. True [real] power shines from within. It just IS. There's no arguing or proving, no questioning... It is knowing you. And, obviously, liking/having a good relationship with you. 
Throughout this course you have heard me talk only about Higher Self when asking Spirit for help. And, that will be the only thing you will ever hear from me. If you're interested in Angels, Guides, Animal Totems, aliens, whatever~ Ask your Higher Self to go get them for you. Make sure everything goes through your Higher Self. There is NO Spirit more powerful for you than your Higher Self. DO NOT give that power up to any being: living, dead or otherwise. You are the know that knows why you're here, what you're here to learn and do and the clearest, cleanest way to get you there. I'll say it one more time: NO 'thing' should EVER be allowed in your body or energy field ~ EVER. All of the psychic downloads and magick stuff has it in the recordings. See the Making Magick Happen store here. You do not need anything outside of you helping or saving you. EVER. You'll read and hear in many places that it's OK or that others have done it. It is not OK and you should not do it. EVER. (Channeling does NOT require anything to enter you. Just as you wouldn't open your home to just anyone, do not open your body, your mind or your soul.  You need help? Ask your Higher Self. 

OK. Onto power and what it means to you. To be who you're meant to be, let's get in there and bring out your Light. 

Think powerful... what does it mean to you? How often do feel that you have power in or over your life? Really think about this. Meditate on it if you're not sure. 
(Ha! How great was it that you just understood what I said and can do it?!!) The profundity. You never have to go anywhere but to yourself ever again! Now, this does not mean to discount what you're taught, what you've learned or advice you've been given, it means: ask yourself first and then weigh everything else. (You start with you because you are your foundation.) 
Create your own definition for powerful and write it in your journal. Be very careful and clear with your writing. You should be comfortable with manifesting your day now and list making. Use all the tools you've learned (positive wording, clear, concise, simple statements) to do this exercise. This is your definition of power. Make it a good one that fits you! 
*If any of your definition contains ANYthing that is outside of yourself, it is a false power. Rewrite your definition. (This may be more challenging than you realize. It's quite common to associate physical or material things with power. Your homework is NOT to do that :) and to change your thinking while you're at it!)

What's your Challenge?
This week observe your thoughts, words and actions. How powerful are you in every situation?  Notice how you stand in different environments and how your voice carries depending on who you're talking to. Be aware of your comfort levels this week. Do you find yourself in situations or with people where you feel inadequate or small? How often do you feel anxious? Write about it in your journal.

Journal Assignments:

Journal Everyday in your Daily Journal

Clean up and answer any left over questions from your lists from last week. And, keep making them!

What's Your Challenge Exercise

What does powerful mean to you?

Define Power. 

Meditation Assignment:
All of your Meditation Assignments are for you to get to know you. It's your responsibility to keep up with what you asked yourself last week. You can continue to ask the same types of questions, build on the last session or start something completely new. It's up to you. If you're still working on ______, then keep at it! 

~*~Tune into your Higher Self:
Try this technique 3 times this week and document it in your meditation journal. (If you're comfortable, you can start to increase your meditation time. The easiest way is to increase it in 5 minute increments. Whatever you increase it to, sit for that amount of time, every time. (Once you get into the hours, you can tailor your sessions with a variety of chunks of time. Until then, work up to 60 minutes by adding just 5-10 minutes a week.)

~*~The Ask Yourself/Meditate on That Technique:
Do this technique 3x this week and write about your experiences in your Meditation Journal. 

Writing Assignments: 
This is different than your daily entries. This is something you should be doing weekly. You could be spending 3 minutes to an hour on this. It's up to you. This section is to be sure that you stay on track and that you get the most out of this class. So, keep reviewing, rewriting, scratching goals off the list and create new ones and, of course, keep congratulating yourself! 
  1. Review your Goals.
  2. Review your Psychic Goals.
  3. Review your eCourse Goals. 
  4. Add in daily journal time to your schedule.
  5. At the end of the week: Review your schedule and if it needs it: Write out your (new) Schedule. 
  6. Make notes next to each Goal: Now it's important to keep checking and to be sure everything is still supporting and complimenting each other. 
Workbook Entries: 
Now, you've gotten into the hang of doing this every week. Good Job! This week you can do any two downloads [in your workbook] that you like. Pick one hypnosis download and one meditation download. 
1. One Hypnosis Entry
2. One Meditation Entry 

Meditation & Hypnosis Downloads: 
Downloads to Listen to 7x this week
These are separate than the ones you're doing for the workbook entries. 
Seven. Seven downloads. Everyday listen to one download. These are separate than the ones you're doing for the workbook entries. You pick the downloads that you want and listen to them. You can continue to work on your body, relationships and people or start on some type of take a break, relax yourself or whatever else you are working on in your life. (Check your goals... Is there a download that fits what you're struggling with now or one that reinforces what you're creating? Is there anything that you're craving or that you 'want' to hear? If you haven't tried any new ones, now is a good time. This week you'll be doing 2 downloads for your workbook homework and 7 downloads for your daily homework assignment. That's 9 total. You can keep using the ones that you have or start some new ones.) 
If you need some new ones: 
Body, Mind & Soul Download Store: Has the Healthy Body Section in it. 
You can never have enough Black Boards. Seriously. These are the best things ever. Try one, you'll be glad you did. It's amazing. Please read the very short description of these. Out with the old and In with the New. Woo-Hoo! Search downloads now Here Remember to look for anything that you're indecisive about or have conflicting thought. Happy Erasing! (If you want to change patterns, this is a great place to start!) Suggestion & Visualization: These are very specific, in other words, read through the descriptions to be sure it fits you. This store has the Emotion Section in it. If there's an emotion that's keeping you from being still, get a download that fixes it. You'll also find downloads to help you calm your mind, like Stop the Continuous Thoughts. If you're still working on relationships, here's some great ones: Relationship Closure (it's long but it works!), Changing your Relationship Patterns (Be sure you get the correct set: Pick the gender that you date. In other words, choose the gender that you want to change your relationship patterns with.) And, if you already have some of the downloads in the set, no problem. There's no price difference or download specials, all of the downloads in the set can be found in the Body, Mind and Soul Store. 
Main Hypnosis & Meditation Store: This download store has a variety of downloads that help you sleep, start and end your day [the way you want to feel] and downloads to take a time-out or just to get away. A great download for your body: If you have dogs, get the Walk Your Dog! download. It gets you outside, tunes you into your pet and your body and keeps you present. Another recommended download is Healing Waters. You can use this guided meditation anytime you want (or need) and healing, soothing energy in/for your mind, body and emotions. You can pick which 'thing' you want to work on that day. Every time you listen to the download, you can get in touch with the part of you that needs the attention.

Homework! You have it every week! Yay! Here's a quick link to your homework for this week. Come back to this page if you have any questions. It's a list of your assignments without all of the explanation and directions. Assignment 9 Homework Outlined. Enjoy!

Journal for your daily entries: You should already have one. If not, start now, and pick anything that you like. It can be large or small, lined or unlined. You may find that a calendar itself suits you or a journal that has spots for you to review and write about your day. You daily journal needs to be completely separate from everything else. You need a new, separate journal for next week. If you can't figure it out, get something that you like looking at everyday. And, while you're shopping and brainstorming about what type fits you the best, think of what colors, images and/or wording that is going to reinforce your goals and line of thinking every single time you look at it. 
If you've caught the constant reminding you to get a journal that 'fits' you and the links to Changes Made Easy .com, it is because many of the journals [housed there] compliment a variety of the downloads and classes. They are created to trigger you subconsciously and 'speed up' the natural manifesting time by simply clicking replay in your mind. Was that confusing? Read about The Mind here and about blocks and programming here.  
At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about
consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun!
We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum

If you're having any challenges:
  • Get a hold of someone for help if you have questions. Contacting the Instructor & Course Questions  Click here for contact information and questions about the downloads, homework and the classes. All class questions will all be answered on Twitter at @PsychicTidbits
  • And Check with yourself to figure out what's going on, or more appropriately, what the message is.
  • Do you think you have a block? And, blocks are not bad, at all. It's your mind helping you by bringing you whats thwarting you. "Yay! Thank You, Wonderful, Powerful Subconscious Mind!" Click here to read about and check if you have a block. Remember: A block is not something that is meant to stop you, necessarily, it's a message. Ask yourself all about it! And, of course, the best way to 'fix' it.
  • Trouble with the Meditating Techniques?  Try listening to Learn How to Relax (this teaches you how to relax your body) and/or Relax Your Mind. If what you've been doing is not working, try If the meditation instructions [you have] aren't doing the trick, you can always try All-In-One 5-10-15-20 (there's 5 different downloads, ranging from 5-20 minutes) or any of the downloads that relax you, help you have a time out (Hypnosis Escape) or give you a break. The section I Love Hypnosis Downloads will have all of the mini-breaks and get-a-ways that you can ever imagine needing! And, there's a variety of times for each (you'll always be able to fit a session in your day). If you're not sure what you want but are ready to integrate another download into this class, try Increase Hypnosis Effectiveness. It's on sale and it will give you the mental break you're craving while it makes all of your other download work better. 
 Self Awareness is invaluable. Pay attention to what you think and what you say. You are always listening to you. Take note of your thinking: Do your thoughts match your goals or how you want to live? Is what you are saying in alignment with what you are feeling and thinking? Do you believe (or want to believe) what you are saying or thinking? Are your actions consistent with who and what you want to be? Your life is a work in progress... Make sure you are heading in a direction that you want to be going. Read the Whole Article Here.
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